作者frank38 (███████████)
标题[外挂] Messenger Plus! Live: this saturday
时间Wed Jun 21 04:08:44 2006
They did it! Microsoft finally released Windows Live Messenger publicly today.
After the longest period of public testing for a MSN Messenger client, Windows
Live Messenger (MSN Messenger 8) is going to be a pleasant surprise for old tim
e Messenger users. The interface of this new version has been completely redesi
gned, it's more simple, cleaner, and yet more powerful than anything else MSN h
as released so far. You'll have to get used to talk about Windows Live though a
nd not MSN (although I suspect most of us will keep on calling the client "MSN"
for a long time).
Because of the new direction taken by Microsoft, Messenger Plus! was also compl
etely redesigned. It took 8 months of full time work but your favorite add-on i
s now ready to go public as well. The new version of Messenger Plus! (4.00), di
stributed under the name "Messenger Plus! Live", will be officially
released th
is Saturday, June 24th, at 23:40 GMT. The new web site will also be put online
at the same time, and a last post on this site will be made to start the transi
tion period. These are exciting days for anybody interested in Microsoft's Mess
enger clients and its surrounding communities, make sure you don't miss any ass
ociated event!
See you soon at msgpluslive.net :)
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 DanDanD:XD 这是台湾时间吗?? 06/21 16:20
2F:推 frank38:台湾是GTM+8,所以文中的时间还要再加上8小时, 06/21 20:25
3F:→ frank38:才是正确的发行时间(台湾)...囧rz 06/21 20:26
4F:推 biox:还有九个小时XDDDD 出来吧! 06/24 22:03