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从「→」开始输入文字。并按ctrl+y将本行删除 截止日期重复按ctrl+v可切换预览模式 →12.03 影片性质大型电影、独立制作、毕业制作、学期作业、广告MV、或电视 →独立制作,短片 剧组/团队/公司介绍请附注所在县市、团队人数 →香港剧组,跨英、港、台三地制作团队。 拍摄地点与时间 →大台北 2016/1/12~1/16,实际时间依角色不同而定 演员需求所有外型条件能力需求都写在这里,角色描述也是 → 1. Peter (视觉年龄 35~45)需为外籍人士、蓄胡子 愤世忌俗、从不对自己的人生下决定的背包客, 靠着在泰国伪照的证书来到台湾,当起了短期的外语老师。(*全片角色吃重) Heavy beard, mildly intelligent, lazy, cynical and jaded. Never wanted to end up where he has, but never made a decision in his life that could lead anywhere else. Usually places the blame on everyone else but himself. Had a degree certificate forged in Thailand whilst backpacking in order to become a teacher short term, twenty years later he is still there. 2.Boy男孩 (视觉年龄12-16岁) 深色发,短发。 聪明、俊秀,喜欢独处,不常与其他同学往来、冷漠的外表下藏着善良的心。 Handsome intelligent loner with strong sense of self. Does not need to assimilate with groups in the class in order to feel validated. Doesn’t give a shit about anything in an enlightened way. Not obnoxious nor vindictive a kind heart buried under the surface of detached cool. 3.Girl女孩 (视觉年龄 13-18岁) 深色发,长发。 自信漂亮的女孩,非常清楚操作身边的人来达成目标, 是老师和家长头疼的小恶魔,但在同侪眼中是个好相处的朋友。 Confident and beautiful knows very well how to manipulate in order to get her way. Otherwise an easy going and pleasant friend to her peers. A nightmare for her parents and teacher. Complicated, slightly bright. 片名与剧情大纲 →片名「NET」,是Native English Teacher的缩写。 主角Peter已近中年,但仍过着探索文化差异的背包客生活。 他这趟来到台湾教英文,却不巧碰上了热浪, peter实在是受不了高温的天气,决定带着他的班级到海边玩水....... NET is an abbreviation forNative English Teacher. These individuals are spread throughout Asia Pacific region and tend to be young 20 somethings looking to experience different cultures whilst teaching English. Our short film NET follows one of these individuals, named Peter, who is no longer a twenty something finding himself but a forty year old veteran who has become embedded in a school in Taiwan. Our story begins here. Told from the unreliable narration of Peter himself. The country is suffering from a relentless heat wave. Peter can not handle the heat and so suggests that his small class hit the beach to cool off... 酬劳有无供伙食都需注明 →试镜後再议,但一定会有车马费、便当 交通到府接送、捷运/火车站接送、或需演员自行到达拍摄地点 →试镜请自行到达地点 是否计画参与国际或全国性影展 →是,预计参加Cannes Film Festival及其他Film Festival 应徵步骤和联络方式若是电话联络请加注接听人性别和方便接听时段 →应徵者请寄信到此信箱 email: [email protected] 阿荒 主旨「”NET”casting角色XX—OOO(您的名字)」 信件内容如下 1.真实姓名 2.年龄 3.身高体重 4.联络电话(手机、电子信箱) 5.两个月内全身、半身、生活照共3~5张(照片清晰、勿修图) 6.简单自我介绍,若有过去作品(动、静态)或简单个人履历佳 以上。 适合者我们将会主动联系,预计12/13或12/14试镜(导演、制片12/13从香港抵台) 确定演员名单後是否会通知落选者"落选者"哦! 网站公布or各自联络? →否 备注 →Peter角色外型需要外籍人士,外型限制大, 如果大家有在台湾的外国朋友想尝试演戏(且有蓄胡、或愿意为片蓄胡) 麻烦多多推荐! --

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