Ind-travel 板


taken from my own blog: direct link to this article: I am now still at NYC, and will keep recording everything I see and feel these days. A lot of people love traveling. But it seems that not a lot of Taiwanese girls love traveling alone. This time a treasure opportunity is given again to visit a city, for one whole week. Now, I am in New York City. Getting out of the plane, seeing some guards with guns, advertisements in English, I started to feel a thrilling excitement from the depth of my body. Passing through the immigration office was a little bit painful today as the officer asked too many questions. I could not figure it out why he wanted to ask me so many questions, which was the first time happening to me. Do I look like an illegal immigrant? From JFK Airport to Manhattan, I was taken by a shuttle bus service arranged by the organization holding the activity I will attend. Weirdly I had a travel sick in that shuttle and it was so strong that I felt as if I was got shattered. New York City, a city as a memory in my childhood, which I visit again after 18 years, has wonderful weather, blue sky, and smooth breeze. I took a short nap in the hotel and then headed to the “Aston Place Theater” for the show “Blue Men Group.” Checking the map and find the road on my own is an adventure. I came to know that my confidence arises mostly not from my performance at school or work, but from the independence I have cultivated gradually through traveling experience again and again. Taking NY subway is not that difficult, but it is very easy to get lost. Unlike MRT in Taipei which has two directions with the same entrance, here, you got to find out which way to go before buying the ticket. It happened to me today once merely after I inserted the card did I find that I reached the wrong platform. The cost for this mistake is not high, 2 US dollars. From my hotel (96th St.) to Aston Place needs two transits and takes about 40 minutes. And, it is exhausting to pretend a New Yorker, but I cannot but do it for my own safety. For instance, never watch the map, walk steadily and quickly, and never look others randomly. In the beginning I did not know how to insert the card to enter to the platform, and I just followed a guy to pass through (the way using the Metro Card was like paying the credit card) and learned it rather then asking the information. After arriving at Aston Place station, I had about one hour to walk around. Got to solve my hunger problem, I thought. There are restaurants of every kind, and I picked one Japanese restaurant to have my first meal in NYC. I was soooo hungry. The combination meal was with sasimi and roasted chicken slices. I sat right before the cooks, three, two Japanese, and one unknown. They communicate in Japanese, interestingly. I felt as if I am not in New York but in certain corner of Japan. The cooks are pretty nice to me, and smiled and laughed through my dinner. And it was my first time to tip over 2 dollars (overall it was about 15 US dollars). The Blue men show, honestly, is not that striking as my imagination. The most interesting thing was the audience. Americans are Americans. They love shouting, yelling, laughing and interacting. That was the main point of the show. Some ideas of the show are great, for instance, combining 3D technology, computer technology, and human body languages. Three blue men made performance of a variety of methods, special skills like getting the thing thrown by another from a long distance by mouth, playing drums with different materials (the same with what I saw in Nanta show in Korea). But what made the performance so joyful, actually, was audience. To watch a good show needs good audience watching together. The show itself was about 75 points, but excellent audience made it to 90 points. Generally speaking, it is a good show, but not a remarkably excellent show. The show finished at about 10:00, so it was a little bit terrifying to get back to hotel with a majority of blacks in the trains and platforms. I remembered that two black guys sat beside me, with me between them and one keeping looking at me, made me very very uneasy. When I saw a train approaching, regardless of not knowing if that was a correct train, I just jumped into it to refrain from ongoing uneasiness. Fortunately, that was a right train. --

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◆ From: ※ 编辑: schnappi 来自: (08/15 05:48)

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