Immigration 板


本文请勿转录 几周前顺利拿到绿卡了 我想分享一下过程 以便日後也有需要的人们 先谢谢之前板友的回应 尤其是meanwhile的耐心回答帮助 --------------------------------------------------- 因为许多版上的网友和yahoo家族与facebook的人们 抽到後几乎都回台去办 选择在美国办的资讯相较少很多 先自问自答一下 1.抽签 今年开始都是网路登记了 (年底申请) 所以可能会有变动 不过网路上这资源很多 大概五月会公布结果 2.号码 抽到後 kentucky consular center (KCC)会给你串号码 例如AS2011 0000 3XXX 代表你是亚洲区(AS) 2011中签 号码是三千多号 2011中签的人 只有在2010.10~2011.09要申请通过才可以 (全球五万名额) 然後可以上网查visa bulletin他会公布每个月可以申请的号码 例如10月到9000号 然後号码要小於公布的号码才能申请 3. 中签後有两种选择 1.在美面试 就是Adjustment of status(AOS), 会回台湾面试Consular Processing (CP) AOS缺点是需要比较长时间 我总共从十月开始到拿到绿卡 花了三个月左右 所以如果上述号码太大可能就不适合 CP是要去AIT面试 面试完到美国就可以收到绿卡 很快速 缺点是在美国像我是学生 就不太方便回去 回去也要多花一些机票钱 然後台湾AIT不接受美国体检结果 所以变成要回去的话可能要花两周(一周等体检结果)左右时间 (虽然CP要交的钱少一点 不过机票考虑进去就比较贵) 4.收到中签结果後 (不确定以後会不会比较网路作业) 这边就step by step一下 (参考一位论坛网友的资讯) First step: Call USCIS to see whether you are eligibile to apply for AOS. Since you have a valid H1 status it should not be a problem. I've called USCIS several times , sometimes it takes a few tries to get someone who is knowledgable on the subject. After you call the 1-800 number for USICS choose the option *1. That would connect you directly to a person. Then explian you're a DV winner trying to find out if you are eligible to apply for AOS 先确认自己能不能申请 例如要高中以上学历之类的 可以打电话给uscis 如同文中说明 有些客服不是很清楚 只会照着条文念 我打几次电话经验是 可以请他帮你转接-他会转接到比较厉害(清楚条文些)的人员 Second: Fill out the forms Department of State sent you DS230 and Ds122 with picture ID and mail back to KCC DOS ASAP. I've read several post that said you only need to mail in the DS 122 form. I was just following the instructions I got with my packet so I mailed both with the bar code. On the DS122 form section 4 indicate BCIS. This lets the department of state know that you would be filing AOS. 填好DS230 DS122寄给KCC 这边要告诉KCC你要aos 还是cp AOS的话 之後KCC就会寄信跟你说 你要跟USCIS联络 CP好像就会跟你说什麽时候要面试 Third: Fill out the AOS DV fee form included in the packet sent to you with DV fee $375 and mail to the adddress indicated along with a self addressed stamped envelope. This is the DV processing fee. (I have seen people do this step after they receive notice from KCCC that they have recieved their application indicating AOS, the timing is up to you). They would then send you back the form you sent for DV fee stamped paid. Keep this form, you will need it for your interview. 然後开始要交钱了 - 没错 抽签是不用钱 钱都是给抽到的人去分担 就要付回邮信封寄给KCC 我当时已经要交$440而不是$375了 KCC is now out of the picture USCIS is taking over your case. Fourth: Request AOS packet from USCIS with all forms or you could download them from online. Fees ($930 application fee + $80 biometrics fee) 然後就可以打电话跟USCIS要表格 不过这边真的蛮多种 因为AOS有许多类别 难民 结婚 等等 每个人身分不一样可能也会要不一样的东西 我这边是听板友建议去USCIS 预约infopass 去询问相关问题 也可以打电话 我是刚好要去附近就预约去问一下 其中有份文件是财力证明 我是因为有学校RA的薪水 所以比较简单 Fifth: Start getting your documents for the interview & AOS together. The medical exam is valid for one year. A list of accepted general surgeons is available on the USCIS website. The medical examiner would complete the I693 form, seal in in an evelope and give it to you. This is part of the AOS application. Med exam fee could range anywhere from $150-$200 or more, depends on where you go. 其中有份文件是I693要去做体检 在美国体检费用差异很大 我打电话可以问到$60~$500 还要去USCIS所列的诊所 有$60的原因是大部分疫苗在念书时学校就规定要打了 然後一些检验结果(TB, HIV...) 我也都在学校医院先做(几乎免费) 所以$60那间 是帮我填表格 还有做一些基本的体检 这边台湾做起来会比较便宜 不过美国的报告 台湾AIT不看 所以我最後选择做AOS 因为实在不方便学期中离开学校太久 Sixth: Once you complete the AOS applicaion. Mail to the respective USCIS office once your case number is current (several posts indicate that you could do this step 2 mths in advance, I called USCIS and they said that sending your app before your case is current could result in your application being sent back to you or denial, so it's a risk you may not want to take). You could check case status on the department of state website, click visa menu on the home page then ckick visa bulletin on the left navigation bar. If your case number is lower than the number posted on the bulletin for your region, then your case is current. Once your case is current, mail the AOS. FYI case numbers for DV 2010 only available starting October of this year. i.e. the bulletin info you see now is for DV 2009 winners. USCIS would then send you further instuctions for fingerprinting and date of interview. 再来填妥所有文件等到号码到current就可以寄到uscis 这边还要交一笔$1080左右的费用 (现在又涨了) 有人会提早一个月寄 看他们结果好像不会怎样 但是! 我因为号码是十月就开始可以了 我在九月底寄9/30到 结果就被退件了(因为年度不同) 这样让我晚了三周 收到原本东西後再寄回去 orz 之後会收到USCIS收据说收到你东西了 然後一段时间後会收到要biometric的通知 要去盖指纹 拍照 最後一关就就是要去面试 然後一切顺利的话 就会收到绿卡了.... 心得:相较於CP真的有点漫长,一开始我收到KCC的信 我根本不知道他是什麽 以为是诈骗集团 还好没丢掉! 我暑假回台湾一趟时也没把握机会去体检 不然我会比较想回台湾面试CP 因为真的简单许多 加上我学校是在比较乡下 体检等东西全部都要搭两三小时的车到大城市才有的办 Reference: 这个论坛是资源最多也可以找到最多跟你一样做AOS的人们 y&s=718dfecac241682443e803bb872f16b7 只是要耐心把很多很多页的内容看完 在上面问问题都可以得到详细回应 也可以看之前的资料 应该能问的都已经被之前人们讨论过了 然後整个流程跑完 其实真的不需要请律师 加上我也只是穷学生 最後祝大家顺利,幸运 也请像我一样幸运抽到的网友也不吝分享吧 施比受有福 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 nemooo:推 恭喜恭喜 02/13 00:54
2F:推 meanwhile:呵呵~恭喜你啊 我当初根本没GOOGLE到论坛 >< 02/13 08:02
3F:推 HuangYC:谢谢你的心得分享 02/13 21:03
4F:推 landattack:推! 11/04 17:44

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