Immigration 板


※本篇新闻来自Associated Press 2006/03/2007 Aircraft carrier making final voyage Jesse Harlan Alderman Associated Press March 3, 2007 BOSTON – Three hundred immigrants from 79 countries took the U.S. oath of citizenship Friday in an aircraft hangar during the USS John F. Kennedy's final call in the port of Boston, including seven of its crew members. The event was the highlight of the second day of the warship's return to the 35th president's home state for a five-day farewell visit. It goes out of service later this month. "This is just a great opportunity we had as the ship was decommissioning. Not everybody gets to do it like this," said Electrician's Mate Pamela Leach, who came to the United States from Arima on the island of Trinidad and has served 12 years in the Navy. "We feel special to do this on her last journey and to serve as her last crew." Later in March, the ship is scheduled to reach its final port of call in Mayport, Fla., for decommissioning. It will be maintained in Philadelphia. The "Big John," with a crew of about 4,600, is more than 1,050 feet long, and can carry 70 combat aircraft. It was christened in May 1967 by the president's then-9-year-old daughter, Caroline, and entered Navy service in September 1968. One of two remaining fossil fuel-powered aircraft carriers in the Navy – the rest are nuclear powered – the ship supported Operation Desert Shield in 1990, and was deployed in February 2002 to the North Arabian Sea in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Kennedy also traveled to New York harbor after the attacks of Sept. 11. Many said they were honored their legal ceremony also held historic importance. "This is like the movies when they say to be American, it's freedom and justice, and I think this is so cool," said Elva Chen, a computer programmer originally from Taipei, Taiwan. "When I read the (oath of) allegiance on this ship, I especially think about the part that says to take and bear arms for your country. It's really special." 来自79个国家的300名外国移民,在美国航空母舰「甘乃迪号」上,参加入籍宣誓仪式。 宣誓仪式中提到的外国移民包括舰上7名水兵,以及1名来自台湾的程式设计师陈小姐。 此行为甘乃迪号最後一次航行回波士顿後本月即将退役,所以航空母舰上举行外国移民 入籍宣誓仪式,别具历史意义。 来自台湾的程式设计师(Elva Chen)说:「就像常在电影看见的场面一样,众人宣誓 成为美国公民,这是代表自由和正义。我认为酷极了!当我在舰上宣读誓词,我尤其想 到要对你们国家肩负责任这段,真的蛮特别的。」 --

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1F:推 marathons:近年移民局常做公关挑特别意义地点宣誓. 03/05 09:35

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