IU 板


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+Song Joong Ki 宋钟基 This is your second time on a photoshoot with IU, what's it like working together? She's a very bubbly and cute friend of mine. If that was all that there was to her, it would be good enough, but she's humble and kind as well. I hope she continues to be that way. 这是你第二次和IU一起拍摄,在一起合作是怎样的? 她对我来说是一位非常可爱和活泼的朋友。如果这是她的所有,这已经够了,但她也很谦 虚和善良。我希望她一直维持这样。 (宋钟基其他的访问就省略了) +IU (这段英文省略) IU站在照相机之前。在照相机快门按下的每一个不同姿势,她是真实的。只是看过她唱歌 和弹吉他,现在我看见的IU是像一位模特儿在摆姿势,如果连我都发现她是如此的绮丽, 那肯定她的叔叔饭也为此疯狂。在摄影棚里的叔叔饭工作人员有着喜悦的目光。甚至有一 位叔叔饭的工作人员不知觉的模仿IU的表情。不久之後,他很激动的用手盖住自己的嘴巴 。当她没在拍摄时,IU看起来微微的出神。前几个月有着繁忙的行程,就算是强壮的男人 都很难应对。盖着毛毯的腿,她自己静静的坐着,但很快的,好像她设定好的步骤似的, 她做劈腿,甚至在空中跳跃。由於她在练习如何溜冰,她好像要展示她今天所学到的一切 Did you have a good night's sleep? 你有好的睡眠吗? These days, I'm getting plenty of rest. 这些天,我都有充足的休息 From what I saw earlier, Song Joong Ki seems to really take care of you. 从我早前看到的,宋钟基好像真的很关心你。 He's very attentive and has good manners. Even during the photoshoot, because he was leading me well, I feel comfortable around him. 他非常细心和绅士。就算是在拍摄期间,因为他带领的我很好,让我觉得在他身边很舒服 How have you been recently? 目前你在做什麽? I've been doing a lot of photoshoots and CFs. Recently, I resumed lessons on harmony and guitar, and I'm studying English and Japanese as well. 我现在做着最多的是拍摄和广告。最近,我恢复平常的练习和吉他练习,还有我也学习着 英文和日文。 I've always thought that you look very pretty when you're playing the guitar. 我常常觉得你在弹吉他时都很漂亮。 I started taking lessons during my 3rd year of middle school and even now, I'm still learning. I like Corinne Bailey Rae, and watching her play the guitar made me want to work even harder. 我从初三开始学习弹吉他一直到现在,现在我还在学习。我喜欢Corinne Bailey Rae,当 我看他弹奏吉他时,让我觉得我要更加努力。 Not too long ago, didn't the two of you perform on stage together? 不久之前,你们不是一起表演? Words cannot express how wonderful that experience was for me. I had the opportunity to stand on stage together with the very person who got me into music. 文字不能形容那次的经验对我来说有多麽的美好。我有机会和一位元带我到音乐领域的非 凡的人一起站在台上。 What kind of advice did she give you? 她给你什麽建议? She said that it's important to find my own true colors. I could feel that she was looking out for me and treating me sincerely. 她说找到自己的颜色是很重要的。我感受到她留意着我和真诚的对待我。 It seems that you have many worries and ambitions for your next album. 你好像对你的下一张专辑有很多的担心和期望。 It'll be boring if I do something similar to the last album. I want to show an image of myself developing and maturing. It won't be a 180 degree transformation, but there will definitely be changes. 如果我做和上一张专辑一样的东西的话会很沉闷。我要展示我自己和成熟的形象。那不会 是180度转变,但那肯定会有一些的不同。 How was your experience as an actor in 'Dream High'? 在Dream High,你身为演员是一个怎样的经验? The atmosphere on the set was nice and I enjoyed it. Though my body was tired, it was fun, so I kept wanting to go back there again. 那气氛很好和我很享受。即使我的身体很累,但很好玩,所以我一直想要再次回去那时候 What was it that made it so fun? 什麽让你觉得好玩? Singing can be a bit abstract, but in contrast, acting requires me to express emotions directly through my lines, and I have to go all out with my actions. Also, I had to portray someone who wasn't me, as if it were me. 唱歌可以有点抽象,但相反的,演技需要我直接通过我的思想表达我的情绪,我还要用肢 体语言表达全部。甚至,我要诠释一些不是我自己当做是我自己。 During your promotional activites, your personality seems to have changed a lot. 当你宣传活动时,你的性格好像转变很多。 I've become brighter and perkier. As I encountered more people, I naturally changed, but it also occurred to me that I needed to change somewhat on my own. 我变得明亮和开朗。当我遇到很多的人,我自然地就变了,但那也是我认为自己需要改变 一些。 I hear that you're learning to figure skate. It seems like you'll really suit the ice rink. 我听说你学习着溜冰。你看起来真的适合溜冰场。 I'm learning figure skating for a variety show I'm about to participate in. Due to my schedule, it's difficult for me to practice everyday, but whenever I have the time, I try to go. 我练习溜冰是为了一个我有份参加的综艺节目。因为我的行程,很难让我每天练习,但当 我有时间时,我就会去练习。 What will IU be doing 10 years from now? 10年後IU会做什麽? I'll probably be preparing for marriage. At that time, I hope to have by my side, a family guy who is thoughtful and reliable. 我大概准备着结婚。那时候,我希望有一位思想周到和可靠的家庭成员在我身边。 翻译:李知恩中国後援会. WeHeartIU ----- 期待着IU的新专辑~~ 还有渐渐变好的英文(误) 以及十年後也许待嫁中的IU披上自己的婚纱 XDD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: fionac8133 来自: (04/25 03:00)
1F:推 newsno1 :笑颜+溜冰场真的是犯规了阿 04/25 03:40

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