IU 板


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{INTERVIEW.} Inkigayo Magazine April Issue 110401 Your feelings now are probably different from when you appeared on Inkigayo as singers. 你现在的心情和你以歌手身份出现在人气歌谣的心情完全不一样。 IU: Yes, when I was standing on the stage as a singer, I only had to prepare for a 3 minute performance, but for this, I have to deal with my nerves throughout the entire hour. Even right now, I feel quite tense. IU:是,当我以歌手身份站在台上,我只需要为3分钟的表演准备,但这一次,在整整一 个小时里我要好好地处理我的神经。即使到现在,我还是觉得紧张。 Kikwang: I get nervous too, but it’s fun. I’ll enjoy my job by being entertaining. What was your reaction upon receiving the offer to become the new Inkigayo MCs? 当你接到人气歌谣主持的机会时,你有什麽反应? IU: I’ve wanted to be an MC on a music program since a long time ago. When I'm promoting my songs, you don’t get to see me much, but if I’m the MC for Inkigayo, I get to meet everyone every week. So I told them that I definitely wanted to do this. IU:从以前我就想在音乐节目当主持。当我宣传我的歌时,你不会看见我太多次,但我现 在是人气歌谣的主持,我可以和大家每个星期都见面。所以我和他们说我一定要做。 Kikwang: The position as an Inkigayo MC is really major, so initially I felt quite burdened, but just being able to stand in this position makes me feel glad. I’m keeping to my promise to work hard and bring better performances for everyone. Last summer, on MBC Music Core, both of you met one another as special MCs, but the impression you’re giving us now as regular SBS Inkigayo MCs seems quite different. 去年夏天,在MBC音乐中心,你们合作当主持嘉宾,但那时候你们给我们的印象和现在人 气歌谣真正主持的印象有点不同。 IU: Compared to that time, both of us are not as nervous now. That time, we were really at a loss about what to do, yet we couldn’t just stand there and not do anything. With Sulli and Kwonnie-oppa next to us now, we seem much calmer today in comparison. (Laughter) IU:和那时相比,我们现在没有那麽紧张了。那时候,我们真的不是道该怎样做,我们也 不能只是站在那里什麽也不做。Suli和赵全oppa都在我们身边,所以我们现在看起来 比较稳定。(笑) We’re curious about everyone’s reactions to both of you becoming Inkigayo MCs. 我们很好奇其他人对你们当人气歌谣主持的反应。 IU: My unnies on ‘Heroes’ [NOTE: A variety show for which IU is part of the cast.] read the news article and sent me many texts… Bongsun-unni,Kahi-unni, Inna-unni and Jiyeon-unni. I told them that they’ll be able to watch me on today’s live broadcast, but they wanted me to confirm that it was true first. (Laughter) IU:我在英雄豪杰的姐姐们 看到新闻时都传很多简讯给我。。。凤善unnie,嘉熙unnie,仁 娜unnie,和智妍。我和他们说今天可以看到我的现场直播,可是他们要我现确定是不 是真的。(笑) Kikwang: All that my members said was, ‘Congratulations, good luck.’ Short and sweet. Hehe. How is it like working with existing MCs Kwon and Sulli? 和本来的主持Sulli还有赵权一起当主持是怎样的? IU: Certainly, as our seniors, they seem to be different from us. During rehearsal, my microphone didn’t work for a moment and straight away, from both sides, they brought their microphones to me… They’re really reliable. IU:当然,作为我们的前辈,他们和我们是不一样的。彩排时,我的麦克风一时失灵了, 他们直接同一时间拿他们的麦克风给我。他们真的很可靠。 Kikwang: Kwon and I have always been friends and Sulli and I are gradually getting to know each other better. (Laughter) Having the seniors around, I think I feel more at ease. Please say a few words to readers of the Inkigayo magazine. 请和我们人气歌谣杂志的读者们说几句话。 IU: Filling the position as an Inkigayo MC that so many before me have done well in, there is great pressure on me but I will definitely work hard in order to not give others any trouble! IU:能够继任之前这麽好的人气歌谣主持们主持,是我的荣欣,但是我肯定会努力的去做 ,不要给其他人带来麻烦! Kikwang: I will also do my best to maintain SBS Inkigayo’s reputation for a long long time. Please watch out for us. Translation: squishyblob @ WeHeartIU Source: leeduksoo.net *起光部分没有翻译喔* 忘了附图了@@~ http://ppt.cc/8N6P http://ppt.cc/sArZ 出处:WeHeartIu --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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