从IELTS Blog看到的 大陆考题 好像差不多 Listening test Section 1. A survey, a man wanted to study Japanese and consults with an agency. (这个有点不一样 台湾的是地区人口问卷调查 刚好受访者也学日语@@?) Section 2. British seafood. Section 3. Don’t remember. (台湾是说Wreck Diving: Part I: 第一个危险是看不清楚,其他我不记得了... Part II: 还有Sharks不会出现在英国海域....) Section 4. A doctor introduces her study about ocean species, she spoke about her personal experience. Reading test Passage 1. The essence of happiness and few factors which influence it. Passage 2. Fingerprints investigation applied to two different fields: art works and crime scenes. Passage 3: A study of relationship between a chronic syndrome and foot pressure points conducted by scientists. There was an introduction of a range of special boots which could be beneficial. Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) Bar graph type, there were two graphs comparing the percentages of students in terms of different genders between the middle school level education and higher level in 4 different regions. Writing task 2 (an essay) With the help of science and technology, machines are becoming more popular in workplace. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss both ideas and give your own opinion. Speaking test In the interview I was asked questions about the place where I live. Cue card Describe a famous foreign person (not from your own country) who you want to meet. You should say: - who that person is, - what personality he/she has, - what is the reason he/she is famous, - why you want to meet him/her. Discussion - Discuss the positive and negative points of being famous. - Do you think you could become famous? - What are the reasons for becoming famous? - What do you think of the role celebrities play, such as raise the money for charity groups or in promoting the world peace. 谁还记得的请补充~~ ※ 引述《frchoco (choco)》之铭言: : 3/20 成大idp考题 : [阅读] : 现代人的快乐程度(FLOW) : 指纹技术 : 脚底按摩和健康(误) : [听力] : 只记得第一部份是一个问卷调查 : 然後後面有一部份讲Diving : 最後是关於某个教授的研究 : [写作] : TASK 1 BAR CHART*2 : -比较4个地区的教育程度 : TASK 2 MECHINE应用的好与坏 : [口说] : (我的考官是A区的STEVEN) : Part1 : 学生/工作? : 在学甚麽? : 那里念书? : 为甚麽选择学这个? : Have you ever collected something when you were young? : Do you like reading? : What kind of books do you like reading? why? : (和1208篇很像) : Part2 : A place where you can learn histroy : Part3 : 学习历史对小孩重要吗 : 为甚麽小孩常常忘记历史 : 历史博物馆重要吗 : 谁有比较大的责任去教下一代历史 : 了解本地历史和国际历史重要吗 : ---------------------------------------- : 大概是这样。记得不是很清楚。 : 我自己考的时候,W时间不够,TASK1还好, : 到TASK2没时间算字数和重看 : 也没时间想一些好一点的句子 = = : (千辛万苦背的好多句子都没用上Q^Q : 还在准备的大家,W真的有必要计时多练几次) : 阅读和听力倒是比做剑桥系列的时候顺得多了 : 不过可能只是我自己感觉良好= = : 至於口说,建议大家有时间可以多练考古题 : 我除了part3因为时间不够没有准备以外,part1和part2遇到的题目都有练习到 : 虽然不可能真的背出一个答案, : 但时先想好idea现场再组织句子会比较轻松 : 毕竟考试是考表达能力不是考创意的 : 把时间花在思考要回答甚麽有点浪费 : 不知道成绩会怎样?> < : 祝大家都一次PASS! --

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1F:→ hpat:同一天考试 全世界都一样 03/23 16:38

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