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※ 引述《dearnatacha (荒野千寻 )》之铭言: [中文版] Remarks by President Bush and Senator Kerry in First 2004 Presidential Debate 2004年布希总统与参议员凯瑞的首场总统大选辩论 Convocation Center University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida 9:02 P.M. EDT MODERATOR: Good evening, from the University of Miami Convocation Center in Coral Gables, Florida. I'm Jim Lehrer, of the News Hour, on PBS. And I welcome you to the first of the 2004 Presidential Debates between President George W. Bush, the Republican nominee, and Senator John Kerry, the Democratic nominee. 主持人: 晚安,这里是佛罗里达州迈阿密大学柯拉盖柏会议中心。我是公共电视网的 吉姆立尔。欢迎你收看2004年首场总统辩论会,共和党提名人乔治.W.布希 总统,民主党提名人约翰凯瑞参议员。 These debates are sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Tonight's will last 90 minutes, following detailed rules of engagement worked out by representatives of the candidates. I have agreed to enforce their rules on them. The umbrella topic is foreign policy and homeland security. But the specific subjects were chosen by me; the questions were composed by me. The candidates have not been told what they are, nor has anyone else. 辩论会皆由总统选举委员会主办,今晚将会持续进行90分钟,以下详细的辩论规则是 由候选人的代表制定出来的,我赞成强硬执行规则。辩论主题是外交政策与国家安全 ,但明确具体的题目则由我选择,我会决定提问的问题。候选人事前完全不知情,其 他人亦同。 For each question, there can only be a two-minute response, a 90-second rebuttal, and at my discretion, a discussion extension of one minute. A green light will come on when 30 seconds remain in any given answer; yellow at 15; red at 5 seconds; and then flashing red means time is up. There is also a backup buzzer system if needed. Candidates may not direct a question to each other. There will be two-minute closing statements, but no opening statements. 候选人对每一个问题只有两分钟回应,90秒抗辩,并且我可以决定该题目讨论时间是 否延长一分钟。当回答时间剩下30秒钟时,会出现绿灯;时间剩下15秒时,你将会见 到黄灯;剩下5秒则是红灯;闪红灯表示时间到了。我们也准备了会议铃已备需要。 候选人不能直接向对方提问,两位都有两分钟结辩陈述,但不需要开场陈述。 There is an audience here in the hall, but they will remain absolutely silent for the next 90 minutes -- except for now, when they join me in welcoming President Bush and Senator Kerry. (Applause.) 现场有观众朋友,而接下来的90分钟他们将会保持绝对的安静,除了现在他们要跟我 一起欢迎布希总统与参议员凯瑞。(鼓掌声) Good evening, Mr. President; Senator Kerry. 晚安,总统先生(以下简称布希);参议员凯瑞(以下简称凯瑞) As determined by a coin toss, the first question goes to you, Senator Kerry. You have two minutes. 如掷铜板决定的,第一个问题将由你回答,凯瑞,你有两分钟。 Do you believe you could do a better job than President Bush in preventing another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States? 你相信你在防止像911这样对美国的恐怖攻击上会做的比布希更好吗? SENATOR KERRY: Yes, I do. But before I answer further, let me thank you for moderating. I want to thank the University of Miami for hosting us. And I know the President will join me in welcoming all of Florida to this debate. You've been through the roughest weeks anybody could imagine. Our hearts go out to you, and we admire your pluck and perseverance. 凯瑞:是的。但在我回答之前,让我谢谢你的主持。我想谢谢迈阿密大学对我们的接 待。我也知道布希会和我一起欢迎所有来参加这次辩论的佛罗里达人民。你们 经过了比任何想像更艰难的一周。我们的心与你们同在,而且我们也赞许你们 的决心和毅力。 I can make America safer than President Bush has made us. And I believe President Bush and I both love our country equally, but we just have a different set of convictions about how you make America safe. I believe America is safest and strongest when we are leading the world and when we are leading strong alliances. 凯瑞:我可以让美国变的比布希给我们的更好。我也相信布希和我都一样爱我们的国 家,但我们有不一样的一套说法关於如何让美国安全。我相信在我们领导这个 世界及我们的盟友时,美国是最安全也最强的国家。 I'll never give a veto to any country over our security, but I also know how to lead those alliances. This President has left them in shatters across the globe. And we're now 90 percent of the casualties in Iraq, and 90 percent of the costs. I think that's wrong, and I think we can do better. 凯瑞: 我决不会因为国家安全的考量而杯葛任何国家的意见,但我同样地知道如何领 导这些盟邦。我们的总统让原本属於美国的盟邦分崩离析。美国现在面对的情 是,驻伊拉克的多国部队中,百分之九十的伤兵是美国人,美国负担了百分之 九十的军事费用。我认为那是不对的,并且,我认为我们可以做得更好。 I have a better plan for homeland security. I have a better plan to be able to fight the war on terror: by strengthening our military, strengthening our intelligence; by going after the financing more authoritatively; by doing what we need to do to rebuild the alliances; by reaching out to the Muslim world, which the President has almost not done; and beginning to isolate the radical Islamic Muslims, not have them isolate the United States of America. 凯瑞: 我对国家安全有更好的规划。我对恐怖主义这场战争有更适当的方案: 强化我괊 的军队和情报工作;更可靠地筹措资金;尽力重建盟邦关系;对回教世界伸出 援手,以上这些都是我们的布希总统几乎不去做的;我们要开始孤立激进派伊 斯兰教徒,而不是让他们孤立美国。 I know I can do a better job in Iraq, where I have a plan to have a summit with all of the allies, something this President has not yet achieved, not yet been able to do to bring people to the table. We can do a better job of training the Iraqi forces to defend themselves. And I know that we can do a better job of preparing for elections. All of these, and especially homeland security, which we'll talk about a little bit later. 凯瑞: 我知道我可以在伊拉克这个议题上做的更好,我打算与我们所有的盟邦进行高 峰会议,这些事情都是我们的布希总统还没达到的,他无法带人民上谈判桌。 我们可以将伊拉克军队训练得更好,使他们有能力保卫自己。同时我知道,我 们可以为当选作准备。以上这些,尤其是国家安全,我们稍後再谈。 MODERATOR: Mr. President, you have a 90-second rebut. 主持人:布希,你有90秒反驳。 PRESIDENT BUSH: I, too, thank the University of Miami and say our prayers are with the good people of this state who've suffered a lot. 布希:是的,我也谢谢迈阿密州大,同时我也将我们的祈祷给这些人很好,但也经历过 很多折磨的州民。 September the 11th changed how America must look at the world. And since that day our nation has been on a multi-pronged strategy to keep our country safer. We've pursued Al Qaeda wherever Al Qaeda tries to hide; 75 percent of known Al Qaeda leaders have been brought to justice. The rest of them know we're after them. 911改变了美国看世界的角度。而且自从那天之後,我们的国家就采取多方面的策略让 我们的国家更安全。我们追捕躲在任何地方的盖达组织;75%的盖达组织领导者都已被 带往正义的审判。其他的也知道我们正在追捕他们。 We've upheld the doctrine that said, if you harbor a terrorist, you're equally as guilty as the terrorist. And the Taliban, no longer in power; 10 million people have registered to vote in Afghanistan in the upcoming presidential election. 我们信奉的教条说道,如果你包庇恐怖份子,你就跟他一样有罪。而且塔里班也不再像 以前一样有力量;1亿人登记要对阿富汗将要来到的总统选举进行投票。 In Iraq, we saw a threat and we realized that after September the 11th, we must take threats seriously before they fully materialize. Saddam Hussein now sits in a prison cell; America and the world are safer for it. 在伊拉克,我们看到了威胁,而且我们了解在911之後,我们必需在他们成功执行之前, 就认真的看待它。海珊现在坐在一个小牢屋里,美国和这个世界都因此变的安全。 We continue to pursue our policy of disrupting those who proliferate weapons of mass destruction. Libya has disarmed. The A.Q. Khan network has been brought to justice. And, as well, we're pursuing a strategy of -- of freedom around the world, because I understand free nations will reject terror; free nations will answer the hopes and aspirations of their people; free nations will help us achieve the peace we all want. 我们继续执行「粉碎那些拥有大量毁灭性武器的团体」这个政策。利比亚已经解除了武 装。盖达组织的网络也交给了正义的审判。同时,我们也追求一个让世界自由的政策, 因为我了解自由的国家会抗拒恐怖主义;自由的国家会回应他们人民的希望和期待;自 由国家会帮助我们去达成我们想要的和平。 (英文不好,请直接修改) 翻译: dearnatacha strwind dearnatacha strwind -- d大 我们来接力吧!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 dearnatacha:好 我再来一段...虽然要念书 :~ 10/05
2F:推 dearnatacha:不要叫我d大,我是小咖 10/05
3F:→ AshwinMadia:干你娘 11/12 19:29
4F:→ JulioLugo:以上闹版者为本人分身,本人在此道歉 并不再出现 12/05 23:06

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