Holland 板


荷兰移民局2007年6月21日新闻: 摘要及说明: 申请高技术移民的案件将会加速在两星期内核准,包括高技术移民本身以 及家人。高技术移民主要是指具有高学历,独特技术的外来移民,2004年 开始实施,当时还只有具硕博士学历的人才可以申请,并且有薪资门槛。 也就是30岁以下的人年薪需达34130欧元,30岁以上的人年薪需达46541欧元。 但学校聘请的人没有薪水限制(因为我们就是这样= =)。 即将在荷兰读完硕博士毕业的人也可以快速转换为高技术移民身份,八月 开始实施,可能会有助於在荷兰找工作。 高技术移民的好处: 全家都具有合法工作权,不需经过语文考试就可以申请MVV,也不强迫参与 融入社会课程。然而一旦薪水未达到标准,就失去高技术移民的身份。 Families of highly skilled immigrants get permits within two weeks Family members of highly skilled immigrants who join the immigrants in the Netherlands at a later date can obtain a residence permit within two weeks, according to a letter submitted to the Dutch Lower House of Parliament by Justice State Secretary Nebahat Albayrak on 22 June 2007. The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will be aiming to process the applications of these family members within two weeks, as is currently already the case for family members accompanying the highly skilled immigrants. If all the forms are correctly completed by the immigrants and their family members, the IND’s special knowledge and labour migration desk will be able to process their permits in time. Talented young people Starting in August, the IND will also be aiming to process applications from foreign nationals who wish to change their (study-related) status to highly skilled immigrant status within two weeks. This should make it easier for talented young people to find employment. Arrangements Approximately 8,800 highly educated foreign nationals have made use of the rapid admittance procedure since the special arrangement was introduced in October 2004. The IND has also made arrangements with about 2,600 companies and institutes so they can make use of this procedure. The three most popular sectors for the employment of this type of immigrants are ICT, industry and scientific education/research. The top three countries of origin are: India, the United States of America and Japan. Special IND desk and webpage Employers who have enrolled in the IND’s Highly Skilled Immigrant Programme can employ foreign nationals more quickly. Highly skilled immigrants are immigrants who come to the Netherlands for employment and earn a gross salary of at least 46,541 euro, or 34,130 euro if they are younger than 30 years. They are no longer required to apply for work permits and their applications for residence permits are processed by the special IND desk in Rijswijk within two weeks. This desk quickly and carefully processes the applications from both the employers and the employees. Employers who are interested can find the declaration and application forms for highly skilled immigrants on a special page about highly skilled immigrants. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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