Hip-Hop 板


前几篇文章问到战争相关的嘻哈歌曲 立刻想到了这首费城名团Jedi Mind Tricks和R.A The Rugged Man合作的歌曲 Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsygzlmPEB0
这首是Jedi Mind Tricks经典之一 歌词主题是越战,R.A The Rugged Man唱的是他父亲的亲身经历 以下是歌词翻译: Intro: Richard Nixon (US Government PSA) "I have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shaped the history of this nation." "I have always tried to do what was best for the nation." 我在我的办公室和你讲话,这里的决定都是为了形塑国家的历史,我始终在思考怎麽做对 这个国家最好(取样自尼克森总统的辞职演说) Duck…and cover! 躲避与掩护(注:美国政府教导人民躲避核子攻击的口号) Verse 1: Vinnie Paz I don't know why I'm over here, this job is evil 我不知道我为什麽在这里,这份工作太过邪恶 They sent me here to Vietnam to kill innocent people 他们送我到越南杀无辜之人 My mother wrote me, said: "The President, he doesn't care." 妈妈给我的信写到:总统他一点都不在乎你们 He tryin' to leave the footprints of America here 他只想要在这里留下足迹 They say we tryin' to stop Chinese expansion 他们要我们停止中国的扩张 But I ain't seen no Chinese since we landed 但是从登陆以来我没看过中国人 Sent my whole entire unit, thinkin' we could win Against the Vietcong guerrillas there in Gia Ding 他们把我们丢到在这里,认为我们能在嘉定打赢越共 I didn't sign up to kill women or any children 我不同意杀妇女或是小孩 For every enemy soldier, we killin' six civilians 但是我们杀的平民远比军人还多 Yeah, and it ain't right to me 这是不对的 I ain't got enough of motherfuckin' fight in me 我不能容许更多的战斗 It frightens me, and I just wanna see my son and moms 我吓死了,我只想看看我的儿子和妈妈 But over here they droppin' seven million tons of bombs 他们在这里投下了七百万吨炸弹 I spent my days dodgin' all these booby-traps and mines 我忙着闪躲地雷和诡雷 And at night prayin' to God that I get back alive 晚上我向上帝祷告,希望我能活着回家 And I'm forced to sit back and wonder Why I was a part of Operation Rolling Thunder 我坐下来思考,为什麽我是滚雷行动的一份子(注:从1965年3月2日起,美军长达三年的 大规模轰炸行动 ) In a foxhole with nine months left here 我还要在这里待九个月 Jungle like the fuckin' harbinger of death here 我彷佛在丛林里预见我的死亡 Interlude: Vinnie Paz + R.A. The Rugged Man I don't wanna be here, I'm scared, I just wanna go home 我不想在这里,我很害怕,我想要回家 You fucking kidding me?! Don't be a pussy! 你在跟我开玩笑吗?别像个娘娘腔 Don't you love your country?! 你爱你的国家吗? I like being here (True story), I'm ready 我喜欢这里,我准备好了 Verse 2: R.A. the Rugged Man Call me Thorburn, John A., staff sergeant 叫我John Andrew Thorburn 中士(R.A The Rugged Man的爸爸) Marksman, skilled in killin', illin', I'm able and willin' 我是擅长杀人的神射手 Kill a village elephant, rapin' and pillage a village 杀死村庄里的大象,,强奸妇女,掠夺村庄 Illegitimate killers, U.S. Military guerrillas 我们是视法律为无物的美国游击队 This ain't no real war, Vietnam shit 这不是真正的战争 World War II, that's a war, this is just a military conflict 二战才是战争,这只是一场军事冲突 Soothin' drug abusin', Vietnamese women screwin' 就爽快地用药吧!和越南妇女做爱吧! Sex, gamblin' and boozin' — all this shit is amusin' 性爱、赌博、酗酒,多麽有趣啊! Bitches and guns, this is every man's dream 一手抱着女人一手握着手枪,这是所有男人的梦想 I don't wanna go home where I'm just an ordinary human being 我不想要回家,回家後我就会变得平凡 Special Op, Huey chopper gun ship, run shit Gook run when the minigun spit, won't miss Kill shit, spit four-thousand bullets a minute 休伊直升机来了,越共你们逃不了的,我们的机枪一分钟可以发射四千多发子弹(注: Gook是美军称越共的歧视语言) Victor Charlie , hairtrigger, hit it, I'm in it to win it(注:越共Viet Cong, 两个大写字VC在无线电通信规定中要念作Victor Charlie ) 我们会用猛烈的炮火打倒你们,拿下胜利 Get it, the lieutenant hinted, the villain, I been it 是的!中尉!我就是那恶棍 The killin', I did it, cripple, did it 烧杀掳掠,让人残废 Pictures I painted is vivid, live it 眼前的景象生动地像一幅画 A wizard with weapons: the secret mission, we 'bout to begin it 我是带着武器的巫师,准备执行秘密任务 Government funded, behind enemy lines 政府投注大量的金钱在我们身上 Bullets is sprayin', it's heatin' up a hundred degrees 枪林弹雨中,战争的局势正在升温 The enemy's the North Vietnamese, bitch please! 北越的敌人们,你们都是婊子! Ain't no sweat, I'm totally at ease 我可以轻易地击败你们 Until I see the pilot got hit, and we 'bout to hit some trees 直到我看见战斗机被击落,撞进了树林中 Tail rotor broke, crash land 毁坏的尾桨掉在地面 American man in Cambodia, right in the enemy hand 美国大兵们追进柬埔寨,落入敌人的手中 Take a swig of the whiskey to calm us 先喝口威士忌冷静下来 Them yellow men wearin' black pajamas 穿着睡衣的黄种人来势汹汹 They wanna harm us, they all up on us Bang bang, bullet hit my chest, feel no pain 砰!砰!子弹击中我的胸膛,我失去知觉 To my left, the Captain caught a bullet right in his brain 在我左边的上尉,子弹穿过他的脑 Body parts flyin', loss of limbs, explosions 士兵的躯壳被炸得四分五裂 Bad intentions, I see my best friend's intestines 我看见我最好的朋友肠子掉了出来 Pray to the one above, it's rainin', I'm covered in mud 下雨了,我满身泥泞,只能向上帝祈祷 I think I'm dyin', I feel dizzy, I'm losin' blood 我头晕目眩,血流不止,感觉快要死了 I see my childhood, I'm back in the arms of my mother 童年往事历历在目,我看见我窝在妈妈的臂弯中 I see my whole life, I see Christ, I see bright lights 我看见了人生跑马灯,看见上帝,看见亮光 I see Israelites, Muslims and Christians at peace, no fights 我看见以色列人、穆斯林和基督徒和平共处 Black, Whites, Asians, people of all types 黑人、白人、亚洲人和其他人种也一样 I must've died, then I woke up, surprised I'm alive 我以为自己要死了,没想到我醒了过来。 I'm in a hospital bed, they rescued me, I survived 我躺在医院的病床上,他们救了我一命 I escaped the war, came back 我总算逃出战场,回家了 But ain't escape Agent Orange: two of my kids born handicapped 但是没有逃过落叶剂的影响,我的两个小孩都天生残疾(R.A 的妹妹和一个兄弟) Spastic, quadriplegia, micro cephalic 四肢瘫痪、小头畸形 Cerebral palsy, cortical blindness — name it, they had it 脑性麻痹、皮质盲 My son died, he ain't live 我的儿子终究还是死了(R.A的兄弟10岁去世,姊姊26岁去世) But I still try to think positive, ‘cause in life, God take, God give 但我还是试图保持正向,既然上帝赐予了一切,当然也可以夺走一切 -- 失踪者之城,庞克小志 音乐、访谈、散文、诗 https://cityofmissingpeople.com/ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Hip-Hop/M.1646399049.A.F6E.html ※ 编辑: nbaworf ( 台湾), 03/04/2022 21:11:17
1F:推 nekogenie: 推 03/04 22:36
2F:推 wallflowers: 推 03/05 11:58
3F:推 Mezerized: 推 03/05 16:45

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