HelloVenus 板


@chHELLOVENUS Guess how we look like in YaMan TV today~? if you don't watch it~!!!! Alice will be very upset! Please don't miss it~!! #Hellovenus #Yaman_TV #6PM #Alice_will_be_upset http://goo.gl/3ipDM5 CR http://goo.gl/pY6c38 Do you know what kind of experiment does Yeo Reum and the other members were participated in "Escaping Crises Number One"? if you wondering about it~! then don't miss the channel tonight! #Hellovenus #Escaping_Crises_Number_One #8_55PM http://goo.gl/3M1Jqs CR http://goo.gl/LMkxGF @ICE_Gang I went to have a meal with Hyerim and went to a Cafe and recall our memories from 2 years ago after a while..kkk Sticker photo 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/sD9kOE CR http://goo.gl/oyqDWE @urbanwenter http://goo.gl/XZxTkf CR http://goo.gl/ZL4Ivw http://goo.gl/ydwLjA CR http://goo.gl/92r1QM ---------- Fb-@GETUSEDjean http://goo.gl/2BG9DN CR http://goo.gl/xKHhvc http://goo.gl/nZ70cb http://goo.gl/gnXouL http://goo.gl/iDZGCB http://goo.gl/UeSjTq CR http://goo.gl/KZQOLT http://goo.gl/eYZi1A ---------- Ig-@911120com http://goo.gl/sbTNVz CR http://goo.gl/WuCr9o [email protected]_alice #Clouds #Rainbow 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/j1PxJ6 CR http://goo.gl/TxrM6y Ig-@_yoonjo It is raining, @lovely_yein bought me an umbrella first start(using it)! #It's pretty #but #not #automatic(umbrella) #haha #even so #thank you 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/U2Z28T CR http://goo.gl/uFCqBw [email protected] 17th #Comeback #K-MUCH!!!!!! Listened to the song once and it keeps playing in my head #December24th. I shooted #MusicVideo, #Awesome ♡♡♡♡ Please give a lot of love, and please watch the MV. I heard that the teaser has been released. I had so much fun♡♡♡♡ #K-MUCH #M/V #MusicVideo #YooAra #Chrome 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/igX1pu CR http://goo.gl/h4H85E #Hui Orabeoni(Oppa/Older Brother). Don't be sad♡ Anyway, Only Orabeoni looks good. Meanwhile, me............heuk. #MoonThatEmbracesTheSun #Hui #ParkByeongGeon #YooAra #Woon #Minhwa 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/uo38eW CR http://goo.gl/aOAggy #YangSeHyung Orabeoni(Oppa/Older Brother) #HongYoonhwa Unni #Spica Narae Unni #Tahiti Jisu #YooAra A new combination. Thanks for sending me the photo, Yoonhwa unni, Positive(Optimistic) Narae unni... the best Jisu's stamina is the best..... I'm just...Hi♡.... but we're drenched..... Hmm I shouldn't have upload this 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/mIdeDW CR http://goo.gl/T5c5eg #K-Much #December24th is released http://goo.gl/82zLoD 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/6TSI6K CR http://goo.gl/8sWnVt Ig-@west_th http://goo.gl/Bj74dX CR http://goo.gl/wOAw8C --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/HelloVenus/M.1424148894.A.408.html ※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 03/01/2015 04:13:08

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