HelloVenus 板


@chHELLOVENUS ※Mention Party 推文中加上@chHELLOVENUS #HelloVenus(韩文) #WiggleWiggle(韩文) 就有机会获得该成员的回答,举办日期是随机的 活动时间1hr/30mins,目前HV成员已经轮过一轮 (文末有补今日Mention Party翻译) (翻译待补) http://goo.gl/3pPZy8 CR http://goo.gl/SHaNnP ┬ └ Fan : what are you doing while you're getting ready for broadcast? Nara: Eating this and tweeting 英翻:NARAnger_ http://goo.gl/LxJCFb CR http://goo.gl/K2jRvw ┬ └ Fan : Did you eat a delicious lunch?? Nara: This sandwich nyam nyam 英翻:NARAnger_ http://goo.gl/yVvi0S CR http://goo.gl/iLbU7Y Lime eonnie *> <* I'm a fan!!!! Please accept my love!!! I'll surely watch Inkigayo♡ #HelloVenus #WiggleWiggle #Inkigayo #Dontmissit 英翻:HelloVenusTrans - LIME姐姐*> <* 我是你的粉丝!!! 你收一下我的爱情哈哈!!! 我必须看人气歌曲 #HELLOVENUS #WiggleWiggle #人气歌曲 #一定要收看直播 http://goo.gl/sSm58X CR http://goo.gl/LHjWzc 之後Weibo有中翻的话...我会原汁原味的转过来 Thanks for today. #HelloVenus #WiggleWiggle #Seeyoutomorrow 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/BP0vqc CR http://goo.gl/IMu5K2 ---------- [email protected] (翻译待补) http://goo.gl/OTGZTs CR http://goo.gl/XUKTZq ---------- ※Nara Mention Party英翻 by NARAnger_ Fan : Your black hair is coming out again? Nara: Um.. my hair will transform one day, i suppose? Fan : Nara noona i'm too cold Nara: If you're cold you should put warm clothes? Fan : i'm at sea. is it pretty?? Nara: heol it's pretty!!!!! i want to go too! Fan : Nara nuna, please take care, it's cold again these days Nara: Take care of yourself with the cold too @.@ Fan : Nara nuna, i'm eating hotteok right now, where are you? Nara: heol~ i ate hotteok a few days ago T_T T_T why!!!!! Fan : Are you still eating the choco marshmallow pie? Nara: Yes. I like Choco Pie and the Choco Bread. Fan : Nara unni what are you thinking? i'm thinking of unni right now Nara: Ohayo Erika~~ EVERYDAY Fan : Unni, what song do you like right now? Nara: Swings- I'm Listening? https://t.co/HPlBRrT9RV I'll be there https://t.co/kSiNbMWcQ3 Fan : right now, Who are with in the waiting room? Nara: Secret~~~~ Fan : DO YOU LIKE SPONGEBOB? Nara: LOVE IT ♡ Fan : tiramisu cake vs cheese cake, nuna please choose? Nara: Tiramisu ♡ Fan : would you like to give me some of your sandwiches?? Nara: Come here~~♡ Fan : Daisuki ♡ (I like you) Nara: Aishiteru ♡ (I love you) Fan : what role do you want to do/play in a movie? Nara: I'd like to play a role in a romance comedy --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/HelloVenus/M.1421556150.A.22D.html
1F:推 EnosKP : 小剧场XD 01/18 13:05
2F:→ eyebrow0928 : 上次'夏天的逆袭'我觉得最赞XD 01/18 13:09
3F:推 tatis : 瑜瑛太可爱了>< 01/18 17:53
※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 01/19/2015 03:41:12 ※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 01/19/2015 03:41:46

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