HelloVenus 板


Ig-@_yoonjo #MerryChristmasinadvance#ItsalreadyDecember#Chill#Snowalot #Ithinkitswinter #Now23.9#In a month24 http://goo.gl/9nQjdo CR http://goo.gl/Sk7yT3 和131224同一套,到今年才发 ---------- @chHELLOVENUS HELLOVENUS StickySticky Choreography (School Girl Look ver.) #Hellovenus #StickyStikcy #SchoolGirlLook #Choreography 英翻:HV Official FB http://goo.gl/Ww6f9y CR http://goo.gl/9VX3ha check it out now~ "i'm dying for you~" #Hellovenus #StickySticky #Cherography 英翻:HV Official FB - Hello Venus 'Sticky Sticky' school look choreography video, do you have fun watching it? No way! Not yet?! If you haven't check it, go check it right now~ "You are so good I'm going to die!" #Icannotkeepmyeyesoff #HelloVenus #StickySticky #SchoolLook #ChoreographyVideo 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/PSDuHs CR http://goo.gl/rFayOo Does school-look fit to us? we've got sooo excited~ 'cause it was long time to us to wear school uniforms again~! leave us a words after you watch school-look version of StikcySticky~! We'll be always try our best and work hard to show you the better of Hellovenus~ #Hellovenus #StickySticky #School_Look #Choreagrhy_video #Alice_Nara #Back_to_18years_old_again School Look version of StickySticky!! URL : http://youtu.be/9_kEcivwNxI
英翻:HV Official FB http://goo.gl/ldYv56 CR http://goo.gl/mgUlW6 http://goo.gl/9MALBX 昨天说会放就真的放了,这效率比Pledis高太多 这是校服Ver. 不知道会不会有其他的 还有人在评论写 "Dear God, those skirts are way too short. Pledis would have never pushed it that far" 但是配上 https://twitter.com/derpIime/status/539198248938782720 完全神打脸... I've came for photo magazine shoot! I'm working alone today~^^ I'll do my best include share of members~!! It's really cold today be armed with your clothes!!! #Hellovenus #StickySticky #Armylife_Magazine #Thanks_for_title_of_president_in_army 英翻:HV Official FB - I came here for pictorial shooting. Today I'm shooting alone~^^ My members share the "power" and strength for me so fighting!! I'll do it. the weather is really really cold.>.< Everyone please be fully equipped #HelloVenus #Stickysticky #Militaryforcemagazine #ThankyouGroupPresident 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/9SAsQ0 CR http://goo.gl/9FcIcf --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/HelloVenus/M.1417379810.A.0C9.html
1F:推 tatis : 一对比脸就肿了 12/01 09:32
※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 12/02/2014 08:09:47 ※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 12/02/2014 08:12:08

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