HelloVenus 板


[email protected]_alice #Today #rehearsal #dawn #work #denim #Instagram is it how it done? 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/6HFxtk CR http://goo.gl/IGL5fM #Rehearsal #hellovenus #alice Yeah... yeah, you're right... it's me... you guys are a little too fast ...? 英翻:@shinyychan http://goo.gl/BxJ9Pq CR http://goo.gl/fF8998 #20140927 #daily #nara how to use hastag 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/quMLbF CR http://goo.gl/3Clbj3 #mylegs 英翻:HelloVenusTrans http://goo.gl/iCXyjm CR http://goo.gl/qR3D1d [email protected] While I read Yoonjo's letter, I'm touched. Sorry, I couldn't keep from crying. My tears kept to flow..... #ShinYoonjo #iloveyou #imtroublemakersorry #allhardtimes #dontgiveup #tears #myfriend #okaystopcrying #ilostweight because of #Yoonjo's letter #wellwritten #imverytouched #happywoman 英翻:HVTurkey http://goo.gl/QbykTw CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/EbXDJc 备份 (翻译待补) http://goo.gl/54hfUD CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/Pjw5mt 备份 I love the lyrics #DonttouchmebecauseImgettinggoosebumps #clapclapclap_hey! I wanted jump on stage to cheer her, we saw eye to eye more than 30 times #Ailee #buymorethings #fromher #toopretty #hey guys, before the concert you should definitely buy #Ailee unnie's album Buy and listen right now 英翻:HelloVenusTRANS http://goo.gl/WDyvkI CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/p7RLWf 备份 What are you doing guys in weekend? #watchoutforcold 英翻:@helloyurara http://goo.gl/ELWBcI CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/OjRekG 备份 #DriedFishLady My fan's gift teddy bear *Dried Fish Lady comes from the Japanese comic book The Light of Hotaroo. This term means a young girl who was successful, fashionable and clever at work but at home was wearing the same comfortable clothes, removing makeup. 英翻:HelloVenusTRANS http://goo.gl/BCS16Z CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/72fVGy 备份 #I like weekend #Dwinggureureureureureu #cough 英翻:HelloVenusTRANS http://goo.gl/aa9k3w CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/P6cJ2B 备份 #Yesterday I only received some gifts, yesterday I only replied someones but I promise I'll reply everybody on the next week! Lets meet. 英翻:HelloVenusTRANS http://goo.gl/P0uFwE CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/DWuEUf 备份 Japanese fan gave me these emoticons as a gift Which country has cotton candy? I wanna eat with my fans, hehe. Good night guys #fans #gifts #sweet #pretty 英翻:HVTurkey http://goo.gl/dCF3Cf CR 原文已删 http://goo.gl/ycLOFB 备份 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/HelloVenus/M.1411782501.A.A75.html
1F:推 SongJooHee : 大魔王连发啊 09/27 16:04
2F:→ SongJooHee : 大姊也连发<3 09/27 16:04
3F:推 j19930307 : 还好大姐不会删文 09/27 16:15
4F:推 SongJooHee : 刚去看又一堆消失了...XD 09/27 20:23
5F:→ eyebrow0928 : 两只的ig一天就破10则... 09/27 20:42
※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 (, 09/29/2014 02:22:59

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