HelloVenus 板


CR:Naver http://goo.gl/T4oF1 英:国际论坛 http://goo.gl/CSeVw 新闻图 http://goo.gl/zWtCO Hello Venus has melted many hearts with a meaningful charity event. Hello Venu以有意义的慈善活动融化了许多人的心 On May 17th, the beloved girl group held a daily café titled “Would You Like Some Tea With Hello Venus?” at Café Fantagio, located at Yeoksam-Dong, Seoul. 05/17,在首尔轹三洞地Café Fantagio,这个受到喜爱的女团举办了"想和Hello Venus 一起喝茶吗"的一日咖啡活动。 This event was set up to fund Green Umbrella’s “Dream Orchestra,” showing their angelic personalities by stepping forward to hold a charity event despite the chaotic schedule. 这是为了资助绿色雨伞的"梦想乐队"而举办的活动。尽管行程满档,却仍然抽空举办了 这项慈善活动,展现出她们天使般的人格。 The daily café was quite successful, reaching 200 fans and customers in just over 90 minutes. Hello Venus spent this precious moment by having a good time with their fans. 一日咖啡的活动很成功,一个半小时内将近有两百位粉丝和顾客捧场。Hello Venus和粉 丝一起分享这宝贵的时间。 They excited many by turning into baristas of the day, selling drinks and pastries themselves. Moreover, all the profits from the sales were to be donated to the Green Umbrella Foundation. 不仅是成为咖啡师还亲自贩卖了饮料和糕点,这让她们感到兴奋。另外所有的盈余将捐赠 给绿色雨伞基金会。 Netizens have commented, “Not only are they pretty on the outside, they all have kind hearts,” “confirmed as a caring idol group,” “I’m so jealous of everyone who got the chance to have tea with Hello Venus,” showing various responses. 网民评论到"她们不只外在美丽,内心也是","有关怀心的偶像认证","我好忌妒那些有机 会和Hello Venus一起喝茶的人",展示出不同的评论。 Meanwhile, Hello Venus, who’s holding an eventful promotion with “Would You Like Some Tea,” will hold its first ever solo concert on June 22nd at Seoul Suhkang University Merry Hall. 同时,Hello Venus正以"喝杯茶吗"活动中,并在6/22举办首场演唱会。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 恩...因为没有音银所以释出时间可以做额外的活动 打歌虽然少了,但另外一方面也有收获~还不错~ -- ┌────╖ ┌─╖ ┌╖ ┌────╖ ┌────╖ ┌─╖ ┌─╖啊~~~~~~ ╔══╝ ╔═╕║ ╔═╕║╕╙╖ ┌┘╔╝ 啊~~~~~ ──╖ │╕╙─┘╔╝ 啊~~~~~~~ ══╕ ║╕ ╔╝ 啊~~~~~~~~~ ┌──┘ ─┘ 啊~~~~~~~~~~~ ════╝════╝═╝═╝═╝ 啊~~~~~~ψCap --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 aoe7250350 :我也好想跟她们喝茶阿 > < 羡慕韩饭 05/18 12:02
※ 编辑: eyebrow0928 来自: (05/18 12:05)
2F:推 sonety :喝杯咖啡吧! 05/18 18:40
3F:推 jceefailurer:人美心又好~~女神万岁 05/18 23:40

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