作者bookbug ( N )
时间Sat Jul 8 00:27:42 2006
作者 rock94866 (希望可以看到雪....) 看板 HSNU_948
标题 tokyo lengend <1>
时间 Fri Feb 7 23:14:15 2003
Today...several things happened
but, we survived.......
we see many things that cant not be seen in taiwan
like many La-May....very very hot La-may....
Rocky Tsai
M94843 Wei
Lamusa Lin
and rockys roommate,Easter Chang
the adventure will keep going on...
and the legend is just begining
at last....according to m94843
dont miss us too much....
we will be back!!!
╭─ Origin ─╗ 洗屁屁小站 cpp.twbbs.org ~ ─────┼
├ Author ╡ fw.tctv.ne.jp
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