HK-movie 板

LINE 杜琪峯:想为雨伞革命拍电影 但忧「有後果」 香港名导杜琪峯接受英国文化艺术杂志《The Skinny》专访,形容参与雨伞革命的年轻人 尊重香港、尊重香港未来,又指自己心底里很希望为这次事件拍摄一部电影,但忧虑这会 为他的公司带来负面後果。 杜琪峯日前出席爱丁堡国际电影节,接受《The Skinny》专访。在专访中,杜琪峯表示自 己心底里很想为雨伞革命(他使用 "Revolution" 一词来形容这次运动)拍摄一部电影, 亦很想开拍《黑社会》第三集,但是如果现在这样做,他相信会为他的制作公司带来後果 。 "I do feel that what those students and young people did was show a huge respect for Hong Kong and its future. Whether or not I want to make a film about this happening – if I answer from my heart then yes, I would say I would definitely want to, in the same way that I would really love to make the third part of the Election trilogy. However, if we had to do this right now, right in this moment, I think it would have some sort of consequences for my company.” (我认为学生与年轻人所做的,展现出对香港及香港未来的尊重。至於我想不想为此拍一 部电影,我心里很想,我非常想,我也想开拍《黑社会》第三部。不过,如果我当下这麽 做,我想会为我的公司带来一些後果。) 不过,杜琪峯指雨伞革命将长存於他的脑海中,并在他将来的电影中出现。 "This story and this moral element of what happened during the Umbrella Revolution and what it means for Hong Kong will always be in my head, will always be in my memory and my imagination, and it will definitely appear in my films in the future." (雨伞革命与当中的道德情操,以及它对香港的意义,将长存於我的脑海、我的记忆、我 的想像之中,它一定会在我将来的作品中出现。) 另外,专访文章亦有颇多篇幅谈到中国对香港电影的影响。被记者问到近年香港电影,尤 其是杜琪峯的作品,跟中国愈走愈近的情况时,杜不讳言这是全球趋势,「不单香港,整 个世界都正受中国影响。」他以自己首部内地票房破亿作品、2012 年的《毒战》为例: 「以前的电影,从内地来的演员通常是扮演罪犯;现在却是相反,许多香港演员反而当上 犯罪角色。」 在内地颇受欢迎的《毒战》,却在香港大受批评,被视为迎合大陆市场之作。杜琪峯坦言 ,如果忽视内地市场,只为香港人而拍的话,就只能拍出成本低的作品。「在中国拍电影 ,投资者愿意付一亿港元给作成本;但在香港呢,连一个肯给你一千万拍电影的投资者, 也没有。」 “If you just make them for the Hong Kong audience you have to make a small film. To the extent that if you want to make a film in China there are investors who are willing to pay…” The interpreter stalls him, confirms the figure, utters a pronounced“wow”and continues. “…100,000,000 HKD (well over eight million Sterling) to make one film, whereas in Hong Kong you can't even get an investor for 10 million HKD.” 杜琪峯并不否认,这种中港互动,会为香港带来很坏的影响。他指出最大问题在於,以後 将会愈来愈少香港电影,而且在中国拍电影不是完全自由。反之,当下在香港,拍电影的 仍然有言论自由。 但他同时认为情况经已渐渐恶化,因为在他眼中,香港的新闻已有相当大部份是「错的」 ,言论自由已经荡然无存,「完全是他们想讲什麽就是什麽」。 "In terms of cinema, how is China influencing Hong Kong?”he continues, flowing more freely on the political than the personal earlier on in our interview. “I think the biggest problem is that you are seeing less and less free Hong Kong cinema. You cannot make a film in China and be completely free. You can still do it in Hong Kong but you can't in China. At the minute Hong Kong cinema is still completely free and you have artistic license to do what you want. But the news already, a lot of it is false and no longer [contains] freedom of speech, it is completely whatever they want to tell you. ” --

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1F:推 pilifonbao: 香港已死... 07/21 05:13
2F:推 mangifera43: 王晶都删他电话了 07/21 09:21
3F:推 paradoxmani: Push 07/21 12:37
paradoxmani:转录至看板 Gossiping 07/21 12:38
4F:→ paradoxmani: 借转八卦 07/21 12:39
5F:推 Julian9x9x9: 文化悲歌… 看到陆资合拍片真的大部分和谐过分了 07/22 13:21
6F:推 KingKingCold: 借转电影版 07/23 00:37
KingKingCold:转录至看板 movie 07/23 00:37
7F:推 Workshy: 王晶删电话的是杜汶泽啦 XD 07/24 12:51
8F:推 omi0210: 王晶还有删大飞哥电话啊XD 07/24 13:01
9F:推 tabo355125: 文雀算不算雨伞电影? 07/24 18:33
10F:推 spooky221: 唉…… 07/31 15:31

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