作者akainorei (赤いの灵)
标题Re: [情报] 最後一集巨雷
时间Wed Apr 2 11:00:51 2014
我昨天晚上看完了, (暴雷後)
(可是还是希望多铺陈一下, 10min 就给我那麽多讯息实在是...)
我早上看了一下Josh (Ted演员) 的访问
他一开始就知道了, 他甚至还去问编剧
编剧: "yeah"
anywayz, 我现在期待DVD, 如我所说, 电视版铺陈太少
Josh 在访问时说
They cut a scene that Cobie [Smulders] and I shot between Ted and Robin. I
thought it was a really important scene and I talked to Carter and Craig
[Bays and Thomas, HIMYM's co-creators and co-showrunners] about it. I
understand why they cut it, but I thought it laid in that Robin had been
thinking about Ted all these years more than Ted had been thinking about
Robin. But who knows?
It’s weird to speculate on something that isn’t actually real. [Laughs.] It
’s an imagined story, but you also have to wonder what happened in the six
years after she died and what was that like for Ted. Obviously, he’s been
mulling over his past and sifting through things. And there was that comment
about Robin always coming over for dinner, so they’ve clearly reestablished
a contact and a deep friendship.
It was a scene after they ran into each other on the street. They had lunch
the next day. I don’t want to go too much into it because they obviously cut
it for a reason, but I thought it was a really sweet and sad and funny scene.
It also talked about Robin having a run-in with a bull in Spain. They’re so
densely packed, these episodes, and they’re always long. We shot more than
could be in the episode, which we always do, so some stuff has to go.
因为这样比较完整, 我也比较能接受
因为是R这10几年一直在想着T, T在伤痛的时候是R一直过来T家吃晚餐
所以R基本上就是家人拉, 也难怪小孩子那麽赞成
也可以理解T在丧妻後重新喜欢R, 因为基本上是R倒追他阿
连Josh (T) 都说densely packed, 给我DVD!
edit: 同场加映网路愤怒的GIF
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/HIMYM/M.1396407655.A.B31.html
※ 编辑: akainorei (, 04/02/2014 11:09:33
1F:推 asdsasd:这场景听起来就比M当法官或B当爸爸还重要阿 竟然被砍掉!!! 04/02 13:22
2F:推 voguehan:想看删掉的+1 意图引人买dvd有点诈XD 好想问producers他 04/02 13:36
3F:→ voguehan:们为何这样剪和铺噢QQ 连演员都好奇了 04/02 13:36
4F:推 superkid72:天啊这段明明超重要啊!!!! 合理弥补妈妈过世後的这六年 04/02 14:39
5F:→ superkid72:Ted和Robin的心境转折,怎麽可以说删就删,就不能延长 04/02 14:39
6F:→ superkid72:个十分钟吗? 唉唉唉~~~ 04/02 14:40
7F:推 pattda:那我可以理解以前三不五时提到ROBIN会出现在孩子面前 04/02 16:54
8F:→ pattda:是指妈妈过世这几年 所以过去九季真的重点在ROBIN身上呢 04/02 16:56
9F:→ pattda:当法官还讲两次 这种过场就不要播啦 也不要爸妈小雨伞後 04/02 16:57
10F:→ pattda:直接接TED跑去找第二位妈妈 04/02 16:58
11F:→ pattda:到底想逼死谁啊 04/02 16:58
12F:推 asdsasd:真的...就算Marshall最後回去GNB我也不care阿!!!!! 04/02 17:53
13F:推 physis:这麽重要这麽关键的场景怎麽可以删掉!!! 04/02 18:35
14F:推 Aldousphyx:不然dvd要怎麽卖 04/02 18:36
15F:推 voguehan:超诈很讨厌耶:( tumblr上说R在婚礼上有唱let's go to the 04/03 02:38
16F:→ voguehan:mall 但请见DVD... 04/03 02:39
17F:→ pattda:...... 剪太多啦!! ~═╩════╩═~ ╰(‵皿′*)╯ 04/03 02:52
18F:→ StarShadow:欸......这个应该是说街上遇到後去吃午餐的场景才对 04/21 02:17
19F:→ StarShadow:一是多余,更主要的是这场出现很可能大家就猜到结局了 04/21 02:17
20F:→ StarShadow:在最後的最後由女儿说出来之前,当然不能预示XD 04/21 02:18