作者Eddward (Eric)
标题[情报] 5件必须知道Cristin Milioti是妈妈的事
时间Sat May 25 19:35:54 2013
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大家好~有喜欢新的妈妈嘛 我个人非常喜欢喔
(绝对不是因为他长得有点像Jennifer Love Hewitt的关系!!!)
"HIMYM 5件你必须要知道关於Cristin Milioti的事"
因为标题就是这麽雷 害我在外面标题烦说要怎麽防
不会逐字翻 就大概说一下 怕麻烦就丢给谷狗网页翻译一下就好~
How I Met Your Mother:5 Things You Must Know About Cristin Milioti
After eight seasons, we finally met Ted’s wife on May 13 season finale of ‘
How I Met Your Mother. Here is everything you must know about Cristin
Milioti — aka the mother!
Cristin Milioti is the mother! It took 183 episodes and countless near
encounters, but Ted’s (Josh Radnor) future wife was finally revealed on the
How I Met Your Mother season finale, to the delight of fans. Cristin is not
only a famous Broadway actress, there was also a very specific reason why she
was picked to be Ted’s wife! Read on to learn all about Cristin.
Cristin Milioti — 5 Things You Need To Know About Her
1) Cristin Is A Broadway Star – Cristen is a notable Broadway actress, and
she has starred in many plays including Crooked, That Face and Stunning.
2) She was in The Sopranos — Cristin, a New Jersey native, starred in three
episodes of The Sopranos as a mob bosses’ daughter.
3) She starred in Once — Cristin made her name playing “Girl” in the stage
adaption of the hit film Once, for which she received a Tony nomination!
4) She was chosen because she can play an instrument – Ted meets his wife
when she is playing in the band at Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and Robin’s
(Cobie Smulders) wedding, and so Cristin was picked because she can play the
“It was a pretty big umbrella to fill,” says producer Carter Bays to
TVLine. “And yet Cristin is, against all odds, exactly what we were looking
for. She made us laugh on 30 Rock, she made us swoon in Once, and her ukulele
skills are no joke.”
5) Neil Patrick Harris guessed she would play the mother — Carter also
revealed to EW that Neil guessed that Cristin would be playing the mother,
and he rooted for her to get the part!
Neil walked into the makeup trailer while I was just chatting with Cristin,
she was getting make-up to go do this screen test with Josh, and Neil walked
in and looked at her and his eyes widened and he sort of said, Oh my God,
are you the mother?!’ And he gave her this big hug and was like, You’re
the mother!’ And Cristin and I were like,No, its still just an
audition; it’s not done. I’m not cast yet.’
‘HIMYM’ Mother — Ted’s Wife Is Revealed
The unveiling took place in the last few seconds of the season eight finale
on May 13, when Cristin’s still unnamed character walked up to a Long Island
Rail Road ticket booth to purchase one ticket to Farhampton, on her way to
the wedding.
Only true fans would know that she is the mother, because she was carrying
the famous yellow umbrella!
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Do YOU think Cristin is right to play the
在历经了183集(!!!)无数的遭遇 TED未来的妻子终於在S8结尾登场
Cristin不仅是一名百老汇的演员 也有一些原因让她成为TED的妻子
(1)Cristin Milioti是一名百老汇明星 她主演过很多剧
(2)她是女高音 而且是纽泽西在地人
(3)她主演了Once的音乐剧(中译曾经.爱是唯一 电影不错看~)
(4)她会入选 也因为她会弹奏乐器 而且很厉害!!!
(5)Neil Patrick Harris 猜到她将扮演妈妈(巴尼 神预测阿XDD)
Neil走进休息车 而我(制片人)只是在与Cristin聊天 她要化妆去做一点试镜
Neil走近 看着她 他的眼睛瞪大了 他说 "噢!我的天啊 你是那个妈妈吗?"
他给她这个大大的拥抱 就像是说你就是那个妈妈!
但Cristin和我一样 它仍然只是一个试镜 并没决定人选
大概就是这样 至於其他11件事阿等等的文 就还好有兴趣可以去找来看
谷歌搜寻:How I Met Your Mother第八季季终集采访spoiler tv
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 qk234:这个好东西也太赞了吧XD 05/25 20:07
2F:推 flyboring:不喜欢,不过正,不像Jennifer 05/25 20:20
3F:推 devilqxect:完全能想像Barney讲'Oh my god...'那时的表情XDDDDD 05/25 20:32
4F:推 luie:Neil的反应好可爱XDDD 05/25 21:55
5F:推 lonivena:The Sopranos是影集黑道家族 05/25 22:04
6F:推 Aldousphyx:推楼上, 不过看过The soprano三次的竟然想不起来她演过 05/25 23:39
7F:→ Aldousphyx:她会弹的是乌克丽丽, 类似吉他应该是难不倒.. 05/25 23:47
9F:推 ANCEE:好好听 !!!!! 05/26 12:40
10F:推 lpbrother:不是Bass吗?根据泰德的说法 05/26 15:12
11F:推 likewindboy:Haters gonna hate, 我还是很爱她!很耐看的人 05/26 18:19
12F:推 flyboring:为先前推文道歉,刚知道太激动了 05/26 18:25
13F:→ flyboring:我打算等第九季出来再评论 05/26 18:25
14F:→ Novia0923:话说这样不会雷到还没看到最新集的版友吗? 05/27 12:26
15F:→ Novia0923:毕竟直接打出演员名就等於知道妈妈长相了? 05/27 12:28
呜呜 抱歉 所以我才在开头说烦恼很久阿 毕竟是转录文章 多少要尊重原出处
就算是这篇是国外文章也一样 所..所以只好请怕被雷的人不要去搜寻她瞜
※ 编辑: Eddward 来自: (05/29 04:29)
16F:推 recx:把标题打码如何 ->*********是妈妈的理由 05/29 12:18
17F:→ recx:是说Neil那段就是所谓演员的火花吗XDD 05/29 12:19
18F:推 asdsasd:推楼上第一行 还有标题要不要加个雷比较好?? 05/29 17:26
19F:→ Faoitohins:标题把名字拿掉比较好- -.... 05/29 22:18
20F:推 lawrence99:找了影片来看 感觉私底下好像 Barney 跟 Robin 没互动 05/30 00:08
21F:→ lawrence99:之前忘了看哪篇文章 Barney 好像是他们之中领最多钱 05/30 00:08
22F:→ lawrence99:的,片酬 05/30 00:09
23F:推 winner5566:巴尼好像是一集二十万美金 其他人是十二万美金 05/30 19:05
24F:推 giliegg: 我也觉得可以打五件关於xxxx是妈妈的事情 05/31 18:27
25F:→ Novia0923:不是说文章里不可以提 而是标题 因为写在标题的话一进版 06/04 10:54
26F:→ Novia0923:就看到了 根本没得选择 06/04 10:54
27F:→ coldhotranee:内容有注明原出处就好了, 标题应该防个雷 06/04 17:19
28F:→ coldhotranee:是说好在演老妈的演员不是非常大众的知名艺人 06/04 17:22
29F:→ coldhotranee:大部份的人应该没有到一看名字就知道是谁, 06/04 17:23
30F:→ coldhotranee:但应该还是有人刚好知道她,被标题爆雷会超呕的 06/04 17:26
31F:推 illusions:她还会弹钢琴,吉他也会阿 06/06 01:05
32F:→ illusions:我也超喜欢新妈妈 很有灵气 06/06 01:06
33F:推 sadmonkey:回头重看HIMYM发现妈妈在S03E12就有出现跟Ted相撞 11/23 17:55
34F:→ sadmonkey:并且该集L跟M正因为新房子"Crooked"困扰不已,很有趣 11/23 17:55
35F:推 goldenduck:楼上,那个不是妈妈吧@@....... 02/12 13:28