作者Eddward (Eric)
标题[情报] Casey Wilson跟Michael Key将客串季终集
时间Fri Mar 29 15:11:13 2013
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Casey Wilson and Keegan-Michael Key Will Guest-Star on the How I Met Your
Mother Finale
We don't know if there will be a happy ending in the season finale of How I
Met Your Mother, but there will be a cast member of Happy Endings in said
finale. Vulture has learned that Casey Wilson (Penny!) and Key and Peele's
Keegan-Michael Key will appear in the last episode of HIMYM's eighth season,
airing in just a little over 45 days (May 13, to be exact). Our sources say
Saturday night sketch comedy alumni Key (MADtv) and Wilson (SNL) will
guest-star as a couple having dinner at the same restaurant as Robin and
Barney. Could either or both characters have any impact on the pending
Stinson-Scherbatsky nuptials? Will Wilson end up being Ted's musically
inclined future bride? Are we just throwing out random questions to which we
don't know the answer as a distraction to cover up the fact that we know
hardly anything about why Wilson and Key are on the show? The answer to all
three questions: maybe!
简单来说就是在影集Happy Endings(幸福终点站)里的Casey Wilson
跟Keegan-Michael Key(不太熟...非同剧演员)
将会以神秘角色客串季终集 两人刚好会跟Robin and Barney在同家餐厅吃晚餐
这段插曲 对他们两人的婚礼会有影响吗?
另外他们或许跟45天有关 Casey会是Ted苦苦寻找的...
下面有国外网友说老妈会是个金发碧眼的人 但有人解释应该不是喔
所以到底季终集结果如何呢? 让我们看下去吧!
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: Eddward 来自: (03/29 15:15)
1F:推 yeaaah:不太熟...看来你不常上就可版 03/29 22:28
2F:推 laidon:原PO去JOKE版搜一下K&P,篇篇都有40左右的实力 03/30 07:24
3F:推 likewindboy:KMK是之前Madtv的演员,超好笑! 03/30 09:39
4F:推 sampsonlu919:Casey之前也是演综艺的 而且她参加的节目是比MadTV 03/30 10:17
5F:→ sampsonlu919:更高档的SNL KMK也算是MadTV成员中 少数离开节目後 03/30 10:18
6F:→ sampsonlu919:还能有成就的 03/30 10:18
7F:推 lawrence99:K&P的短剧都还不错 但早期比较好笑 现在有点黑色幽默 03/30 15:20
8F:推 sampsonlu919:可能之前MadTV资源比较丰富 对戏对象也比较多元吧 03/30 20:19
9F:推 zongshi:喔~~~~~~~~~~~~~K&P的光头欸,太期待了 季终集是什麽时候? 04/01 08:50