以下有後续剧情(第八季?)大雷 http://tinyurl.com/7w9zvj2 这是一篇访问HIMYM creator/showrunner Craig Thomas的报导。 So it had to be Robin, right?(注:最後一段是从其他问题节录过来的) Craig Thomas: Right? It had to be Robin. That's how we felt. When they were together in Season 5 and we broke them up ... it was very divisive. Some fans were like, "Great! Barney's back to being Barney. I don't want to see him in a relationship." But there were a lot of people [who were] like, "Boy, I feel really unfinished about Barney and Robin." We knew at the time that we had all this other Barney and Robin saga up our sleeve. We were at that point planning out what Seasons 6 and 7 would be. We knew that they would have this momentary flirtation with rekindling in Season 7 that we just did, but Robin chose Kevin (Kal Penn). Barney was heartbroken and I think in that moment, people were like, "Aw! Bros, what are you doing to us?!" ... Of course, in the back of our heads, whenever we heard that feedback, we were thinking, "Just wait! We're gonna get to it." But yeah, it had to be her. They're a special couple. We have to show what happens with Barney and Quinn, how he gets through that, how does he ever get to a place where he's ready to consider something serious again, and how does he get back with Robin. That's a big emotional journey; that's not two episodes. 总结:BR应该是会结婚了。第八季就在演B&Q如何分开、B如何疗伤走出来、    BR为何又在一起.......... Ted's driving off with Victoria, but we know that she's not the mother. Thomas: That's why it's really fun with storytelling time! [Laughs] But it felt very relatable to us. I think everybody in their love life has had someone they felt they screwed it up with or that person could've been the one or if circumstances had been different, maybe that was the one. That's how Ted feels about Victoria. He screwed that up in Season 1. ... Ted doesn't know this in 2012 — he still thinks Victoria could be the mother of his children — but we, the audience, and astute HIMYM fans know more than him thanks to Bob Saget. We love Victoria representing the door that's still open a crack in Ted's mind. He has to see what's behind that door and eventually close it to be able to meet the mother. As we head toward the end of the series, it's one of the last things Ted has to do. 所以,V不会是妈妈。 -- 唉,我知道版上有很多BR支持者,但我还是对B&Q的结局很失望......... WHY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 ty5ed:看了这篇比较能理解为什麽要让T跟V复合了,但不希望S8再花一 05/16 01:55
2F:→ ty5ed:整季去说BQ变BR的故事啊...... 05/16 01:56
3F:→ hitech:我明白T的心路历程是每个人都会有的,但这麽详细地演实在很 05/16 02:00
4F:→ hitech:无趣...... TR,TV,BR我都看累了。完全没有动力追S8 :( 05/16 02:00
5F:推 benknight:我还是很期待s8,Marshall&Lily的育儿日记应该超好笑 XD 05/16 02:05
6F:→ ty5ed:毕竟是情境喜剧,我还是喜欢能让我笑的剧情,虽然主角在成长 05/16 02:08
7F:→ ty5ed:,但还是希望感情线别压过他们的生活,我想多看点TRM的工作 05/16 02:09
8F:→ ty5ed:故事~ 妈妈出现前的心路扯越久,会让我对妈妈这段的标准提越 05/16 02:12
9F:→ ty5ed:高...... 05/16 02:13
10F:→ hitech:整篇访问很长,有一段说到会出现新男角色让Robin move on, 05/16 02:28
11F:→ hitech:BQ订婚,只是最後BR还是结婚了XD 05/16 02:28
12F:→ hitech:还有T掉头回去让V留张纸条给Klaus...... 05/16 02:30
13F:→ hitech:我想也只有育儿日记能让我期待了!!! 05/16 02:30
14F:推 s12345:在想是不是之前B爸装酒疯的时候的4分男要出现了XD 05/16 02:55
15F:推 converse2006:我很喜欢Q.这结局让我觉得很sad..不过还是期待BR下季 05/16 04:49
16F:推 terryroger:Quinn下一季有新戏,应该不太可能再出现太多集吧 05/16 09:37
17F:推 lpbrother:我从来都不认为V是妈妈,只是Ted一直都吃回头草也很烦人 05/16 10:51
18F:→ royhsia:Michael Trucco总算要出现了吗?之後的Robin应该是配他。 05/16 12:07
19F:推 wulalagaga:http://lilysinlabor.com/ 05/16 12:48
20F:推 wulalagaga:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KxkYZKDjio你水管版 05/16 12:50
21F:推 ty5ed:楼上XDD 完整版居然可以这麽蠢哈哈XDDDD又变态又温馨 05/16 20:35
22F:推 keroroo:这样v好可怜喔...y 05/16 22:33
23F:推 uvxy:我讨厌BR啦... 05/17 01:29
24F:推 mesut:好喜欢Q...QQQQQQQQQQQQQ 05/17 02:13
25F:推 zhunko:我也喜欢Q~~~~!!! 05/17 04:53
26F:推 Topanga:Lily'sinlabor影片真的好蠢好好笑! XDD 05/17 09:13
27F:推 MoMo123:我记得有一集TED不是说到R会未来是单身(还是我记错了XD) 05/17 11:23
28F:推 faway:是说她不孕 不是说单身 05/17 12:13
29F:推 weadom:不喜欢这样 又绕回来 这样Quinn算甚麽? 跟实习医生格蕾一样 05/17 22:34
30F:→ weadom:你们生活怎麽就是这些人 一直搞来搞去阿...... 05/17 22:35
31F:推 windmagic:访问内容提到,BR本就该在一起,是剧组拆散他们。而且为 05/18 09:15
32F:→ windmagic:了让Barney有所体悟,才安排Quinn这角色...囧 05/18 09:16
33F:推 mtyc:这种领悟,需要免洗两个角色吗?Nora.Quinn表示: 05/18 14:46
34F:推 secretbear:我真的很同情Nora Quinn 从他们角度根本是碰到绝世烂人 05/18 19:15
35F:推 JiaKe:同意s12345,我也觉得4分男要登场了 05/18 22:59
36F:推 momogi1105:尤其同情Nora阿.......最惨就她了 05/19 13:04
37F:→ Faoitohins:Nora跟Q我都超喜欢Q口Q 个性都不错 有不好的地方也会改 05/19 23:25
38F:推 Faoitohins:隔那麽多年 伤害许多人才又在一起 对br已经无感了 唉 05/19 23:27
39F:推 forestmoon:nora还可以,Q不喜欢,BR还是最爱 05/20 08:17
40F:推 scottayu:Q应该是安排来甩B的吧 05/20 15:54
41F:推 yvonneimc:对耶,BQ事实上是怎样分开其实还不知道呢... 05/20 16:22
42F:→ yvonneimc:虽然我觉得还是Barney离开人家的可能性较大囧 05/20 16:22
43F:推 leila:我觉得应该要Barney离开Q,否则R岂不变成备胎了... 05/20 22:38
44F:→ voguehan:我爱Nora Q_Q 05/21 01:27
45F:推 emilyluvsptt:BR!BR!BR!BR!BR!BR!BR! 05/29 18:58

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