http://www.out.com/out-exclusives/2012/01/11/neil-patrick-harris-david-burtka-love-couple-stars-children out杂志上的文章:When Stars Collide NEIL PATRICK HARRIS I ran into my friend Kate one day and she was with this brooding, James Dean– type guy in a leather jacket who gave me the head nod and then turned away. I assumed he was Kate’s boyfriend and said, “Nicely done.” And she said, “ David? He’s not playing on my team, but he has a boyfriend.” So, then I just kept seeing him on the periphery, and in turn, catching up on him, but I didn’t want to be that guy who was creating some sort of romantic interference. So, I was always around when he was around, hoping the stars would align. When we all hung out for the first time -- I was invited by Kate to an American Idol viewing party -- I just stammered around him. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. 有天偶然遇见Kate,她看来有点闷闷的,有个穿着皮夹克像詹姆士迪恩男生对我点一下头 转身离开。我猜可能是Kate的男友,然後说:Nicely done.然後她说:「David?他跟我不 同队啦,他有男友了。」所以我从外围持续看着他,逐渐认识他,但我并不想成为一个自 以为制造浪漫的家伙。所以我会适时出现在他的周围,就好像一切发生是这麽巧合,当我 们第一次约出去,那是Kate邀我们去American Idol viewing party,在他身边我的话不 成句,同时,我的眼睛无法离开他。 SLIDESHOW: 26 LOVE STORIES There’s something kinetic about him and his being. He’s classically sexy, yet he’s very much a boy in his energy. It’s a great dynamic. When I see people who are equally attractive, they tend to seem more quiet and kind of Marlboro Man-y, and David’s the antithesis of that. He’s more like Tigger. I ’m, in turn, very introspective -- the thinker, rather than the doer. I tend to weigh options before making decisions, and David is the polar opposite of that. We’re hyper similar and also incredibly opposite. We share a wardrobe. We have the same shoe size, body size, height, and weight. We’re both Gemini. We both like the idea of family -- not a nuclear family, but a social family. Yet, we’re incredibly opposite in the way we process information. 他身上带有一种魅力、经典的性感,仍保有赤子之心,永远精力充沛。当我看到人们互相 吸引,他们会倾向於比较安静,像「万宝路男人」表现自己阳刚一面,但David完全不是 这样,而是比较像Tigger(?);而我则是比较内敛,总是想太多、不敢放手去做,做出决 定前会先衡量各种选项,这与David截然相反,我们出乎意料的相似又不同:可共享一个 衣柜,从鞋子、身材、身高及体重尺寸如出一辙、我们都是双子座、对家庭观念一致;在 处理资讯时我们却南辕北辙。 I remember being in my mid-twenties, lying in bed thinking, I’ve never taken a shower with anyone before; I’ve never had any kind of long-term relationship. I remember thinking that the rest of my life would be solo. I wasn’t weepy when I thought that -- it was just a realization that I had gone this long being self-sufficient. Thankfully, the world changed and perceptions changed, and my life went to the East Coast, where there’s a much greater acceptance of anonymity and freedom. In New York, I was able to date with my head held higher. In L.A., it felt much more gossipy. 我记得在青春期时,躺在床上想事情,从未在他人面前洗澡、没有过长期稳定的对象,我 记得当时我这麽想,似乎觉得自己要孤单一辈子,我并没有哭出来,只是了解到我必须自 己照顾自己,感谢(上帝),世界及观念都在改变,我到了东岸,这里有极大无可名状、充 分自由的接受。在纽约我可以开心骄傲的去约会(head held higher?);在L.A.好像只是 别人的茶余饭後。 SLIDESHOW: NEIL PATRICK HARRIS MAN'S MAN (2008) It’s all baby steps: You have to be OK with telling your friends you’re going on a date; you have to be OK with the people in your world meeting and judging them; you have to be OK with breakups. I’m infinitely grateful all those steps led to Mr. Burtka -- once we started talking, we never stopped. 循序渐进。你要告诉你的朋友你已经准备好再次约会、准备好去认识及批评他们、准备好 分手。我非常感谢这些准备让我遇到Mr. Burtka,当我们开始这些步骤,就再也没有停下 来过。 Staying with each other didn’t seem like going to the next level because we were sort of transients at the time. We thought if we were both going to be paying $5,000 a month to use someone else’s sheets and towels, we might as well do it together. 维持目前现状不愿到下个阶段(?)是因为我们随时与时俱进。我们想若每月各自开销 $5,000,使用不同的床单与毛巾,还不如在一起。 We found a place in Harlem that a woman had been living in for 40-odd years, and it was roomy and reasonably priced. We went to L.A. and got this moving truck and collected his mattress and bed frame and some stuff we each had in storage, and we started a journey across the country. We stopped in Albuquerque, where my family is, and they gave us some stuff. And we went through Memphis and up to Michigan, where his family is, and picked up his parents’ piano. We went slowly across America, filling up this truck, and by the time we got to New York, we had a new life full of furniture. 我们在Harlem找到一个宽敞、价格合理,前女房客在此生活40多年的地方。然後去L.A., 有了这个卡车,收集床垫、床架和其他东西,开始在全国各地的旅程。我的家人在 Albuquerque,他们给了我们一些东西。然後通过Memphis去Michigan他家在那,他的父母 给了我们钢琴。慢慢地跨越美国,这辆卡车也慢慢越载越多,到纽约的时候,我们有了充 满家俱的新生活。 I initially fell for David harder than he fell for me. I was in love with him before he was comfortable saying it, and I think that speaks to our past experiences. I remember saying, “I think I love you,” and he was like, “ That’s really nice,” which is not necessarily what you want to hear. But I appreciated his honesty in not jumping the gun and saying something because he felt obliged to. 爱上他之难难於他爱上我,在爱上他之前他非常容易的说出爱我,我想这是过去的经验使 然。我记得当我说出:我想我爱你,他一副:That’s really nice,这不是你真正想听 的,但我很感谢他诚实的反应,而非不假思索的只因他觉得对我有责任义务说出哄我的话 。 Two of the things I hold dear, as tenets, are creativity and authenticity. Creativity can be on any level, but authenticity is key, too. If we have a fault, it’s probably over-communication. When I’m cranky, I’m admittedly cranky. When I’m in a hurry and distracted, I can’t act like it’s any other way. And he’s good with that, too. So we talk things out. I don’t want to paint our relationship like we met and it’s been happy family fantastic-ness ever since. What defines a relationship is the work that’s involved to maintain it, and it’s constantly changing. Sometimes I’m deeply in love with David and head-over-heels, and sometimes I question whether it’ s going to work out and is meant to be. It’s like a business relationship, as well as a personal one; we have a business together and that’s maintaining our love for one another. 创造与真实这两件事被我视为极其重要。创造性可发挥在各种层面,但其中关键因素是真 实。过度沟通也有可能造成彼此错误。当我胡思乱想,必须承认我真的是在胡思乱想,当 我非常匆忙与心不在焉时,我就只能表现的很匆忙与心不在焉;他也是如此。所以我们会 讨论一下。我不会说我们的关系像最初的一见钟情或是我们史上最开心梦幻家庭组合,定 义一段关系涉及如何维系这段关系,而这是不断变化的。有时我爱David陷入神魂颠倒, 有时我也会质询这是否可以持续、其意义为何。就好像商业关系,我们并肩工作,来维系 我们的爱与其他。 David first proposed to me five years ago on the actual street corner where we met. We were on our way to an event at an Indian casino 45 minutes out of town in a limousine, and David wanted to stop for some reason that I didn’t quite get. I thought he wanted to get some booze or something. And then he got on one knee and proposed, and I was so freaked out by it that I said, “ Yes,” but I didn’t know what it meant. Then I got the ring and loved it, and a year later, on Valentine’s Day, I proposed to him in Santa Monica. That was four years ago. The callus on my right hand is long-formed—and not from masturbation. I’m dying to move over to the other hand. I’d also like to call him my husband. I’m not the biggest fan of the word “partner”: It either means that we run a business together or we’re cowboys. “Boyfriend” seems fleeting, like maybe we met two weeks ago. I’ve been saying “better half” for as long as I’ve been able to. I think it’s a little self-deprecating and clearly defines that we’re in a relationship, but it would be nice to say “my husband.” 他第一次提出求婚是在五年前我们相遇的街角。开着limo出城45分钟车程到达印度赌场, 他为了一个我不清楚的理由要求停车,我猜他可能想要买酒,他接着跪下来向我求婚,我 也被他突如其来的举动吓傻说:Yes,但我不确定这是什麽意思,然後我得到一只戒指, 我非常喜欢,一年後的情人节我在Santa Monica跟他求婚,这是四年前的事。我右手上的 茧是长期带戒指并非打手枪而来。我也喜欢称他为我的丈夫,我不是“partner”这个字 的粉丝,只包含非商业关系即牛仔关系(?);而“Boyfriend”这个字也过於短暂,好像 我们是上上星期才认识;“better half” 只要准备好了我大概会使用,我想这是有点自 嘲、清楚定义我们关系的字,但最好还是使用“my husband.” Children were always talked about, but there was a certain point -- when David was in L.A. and I was working on How I Met Your Mother, maybe season two or three -- when we both agreed that if we wanted to have kids, we didn’ t want to do it super late in the game. We wanted our parents to enjoy the process and to be young and vibrant enough to throw a ball with them, or to chase them around without using a walker. That was the eternal game-changer -- now we rarely fight in the big ways. What’s the point? We’re in this for a major long haul. 小孩这话题总是被拿出来讨论,但总有些点,David当时在L.A.我也在HIMYM第二或三季工 作,我们都同意如果有小孩didn’t want to do it super late in the game不要来的太 迟(?),我们希望成为参与小孩成长过程,是年轻有活力陪着他们丢球、可以追着他们跑 而不使用扶具的父母,这是一个永恒的游戏,现在我们很少为了大方向吵架,因为我们同 在一艘船上很久。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Topanga:最後一段是说我们希望我们父母可以享受过程,年轻有活力陪 01/23 22:07
2F:推 Topanga:他们丢球,追着他们跑而不用扶具(意思是趁父母还没变老可 01/23 22:10
3F:→ Topanga:以陪孙子玩耍时领养小孩),这样的想法改变了一切(game-chan 01/23 22:10
4F:→ Topanga:ger)而我们很少为了大事而吵,因为我们会在一起很久 01/23 22:11
5F:推 nolander:翻译辛苦 不过语感太不中文了吧...@@ 01/24 12:03
6F:→ nolander:若有人想看我可以帮忙修~ 互相切磋吧 01/24 12:07
7F:推 rushgo:推一个~!还满有感触 01/25 02:52
8F:→ mgci:可以请N大帮忙修一下 感恩 01/28 20:44
9F:推 dolphan:感谢翻译 05/16 11:22

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