Gossiping 板


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8aILFKVTNgc 关於外国YTer黑悟空讨论 下面有一则留言 Sun Wukong was born from the cracks of a stone, and one could say he is a sili con-based life form, belonging to a minority group. The Stone Monkey originall y had no gender, so he can be viewed as a typical member of the LGBTQ+ communi ty (though this interpretation is more modern and abstract). Additionally, sin ce he is a monk, he is also a vegetarian. He caused a ruckus in the underworld , protecting the monkeys from persecution, highlighting his noble spirit of an imal protection. He was trapped under the Five Finger Mountain for five hundre d years, enduring immense suffering, which gave him a deeper understanding of freedom; thus, he can also be considered a liberal. Whenever he encounters a w oman, he refers to her as a "female Bodhisattva," showing respect for women's rights, which makes him a feminist. His arduous efforts to extinguish the flam es of the Flaming Mountain demonstrated his greatness as an environmental warr ior. In the plot of the Kingdom of Women, there are elements of male surrogacy and permissible abortion, reflecting progress in the struggle for reproductiv e rights. With such a profile that encompasses multiple positive attributes li ke being a minority, an LGBTQ+ member, a vegetarian, an animal rights advocate , a feminist, an environmentalist, and a liberal, combined with his miraculous ability to change forms seventy-two times, he seems to have explosively stack ed various positive buffs onto himself. Yet, some people still say he is polit ically incorrect? 孙悟空从石头蹦出来,可以说他是硅基生命,属於少数群体。石猴最初没有性别,所以他 可以被视为LGBTQ+社区的典型成员。 此外,他是一个和尚,也是一个素食主义者。他大闹地府,保护猴子不受迫害,彰显了他 保护动物的崇高精神。 他被困在五指山下五百年,忍受了巨大的痛苦,这让他对自由有了更深的理解。 因此,他也可以被认为是一个自由主义者。 每当遇到女性,他就称对方为“女菩萨”,表现出对女性权利的尊重,他成为了一个女权 主义者。 他为扑灭火焰山的火焰所做的艰苦努力证明了他作为一名环保战士的伟大。 在《女儿国》的情节中,有男性代孕和允许堕胎的元素,反映了争取生殖权利的斗争的进 展。 他的个人资料包含了少数族裔、LGBTQ+成员、素食主义者、动物权利倡导者、女权主义者 、环保主义者和自由主义者等多种积极属性,再加上他72变的神奇能力,他给自己增添了 各种积极的元素。 但是,还是有人说他政治不正确? 所以孙悟空其实很LGBTQ? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1724667281.A.044.html
1F:→ dlam002: 不过他是猴子不是人,所以论述不成立 08/26 18:16
2F:推 HodorDragon: 跨物种 超级LGBTQ+的 08/26 18:16
3F:→ rommel1990: 他跟贝吉塔合体过啊 08/26 18:17
4F:推 realmd: 猪和蜘蛛都能生小孩了 还不够多元吗 08/26 18:18
5F:→ Yyyyyy: 脑补太多了吧 08/26 18:18
6F:推 legend41269: 圣经说的灭世灾难原来是lgbt 08/26 18:20
7F:→ JackTheRippe: 字母人们又在抹黑别人性向了 08/26 18:22
9F:推 caity: 黑猴的话算有色人种吧223.139.199.197 08/26 18:27
10F:嘘 butmyass: 原来无期徒刑犯人都是自由主义者 08/26 18:27
11F:→ caity: 有色人种这名词是不是怪怪的,白黑黄都有色? 08/26 18:28
12F:→ butmyass: 原来称赞女生就是女权主义者 08/26 18:28
13F:推 banbanzon: 和八戒 二郎神修干马上就dei神作 08/26 18:40
14F:推 Inzaghi0227: 各种族妖怪都能杂交生小妖怪了,还 08/26 18:52
15F:→ Inzaghi0227: 不够多元? 08/26 18:52

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