作者kuninaka (拥有最温暖笑容-国仲凉子)
时间Fri Dec 12 22:41:54 2008
GTA IV 彩蛋 翻译完毕
转自 gtaforums
1. Rockstar Pins
Rockstar Games have a habit of putting their logo in the games, so if you go
to a bowling alley and look at the bowling pins you will see that they have
the r* logo on.
Sex References - The pervs at rockstar really love hiding sexual content in
their games. Here's a list of what's been found:
哎.. 有关成人方面的
1. Penis Refrence
GTA would not be GTA without the sex refrences, here is one that is in the
bowling alley, as a neon sign, if you look close at the picture you can see
that it is made out of a
one pin and two bowling balls. thanks to Meowholland for the picture.
没了性! GTA就不叫GTA了. 保龄球馆里有个霓虹灯 是一个保龄球瓶 和两个保龄球....
2. 69 Reference's
This is another thing Rockstar like to put in there games, is the number
'69'. here im going to put all the 69's.
1. The 69th Street Diner. 69大街餐厅
2. 69 Dollars, (found on stripper leg). 脱衣舞女郎腿上的 69美金 钞票
3. Fire Trucks 消防车上也有?!
3. STD
On one of the supercars in Liberty City, it has a sticker which has a STD on,
this is a parody of the Subaru logo STI, but also a parody of STD which is
Sexually Transmitted
有个超跑 身上有个STD的标志 看似是模仿 斯巴鲁 的标志 其实也是性病的标志 我X! 你
4. Dildos
In the Fairground, look in one of the trash can you might notice a dildo in
there which is a bit odd for were children go. (Thanks to Mogyle)
在Fairgroud, 有一个垃圾堆里又跟假阴茎. 似乎能揍人?
5. Group Sex
The securicars in GTAVC and GTA3 had the words Gruppe Sechs on, the ones in
GTAIV have a similar one saying Gruppe 6.
曾经GTA3, GTAVC运钞车(?)上有 Gruppe Sechs的字, 现在是 Gruppe 6. 群交的意思. 上
边性病, 下边又开始滥交.
6. Golf Course Shape
if you look at the golf courses cafefully from a height you may notice that
they are penis shaped.
高尔夫场由高处看, 其实是小鸡鸡型.
7. Derriere
Derriere is a brand that sells ornaments for thongs as we can judge by the Ad
in Star Junction. Apart from the logo which is clearly an ass, "Derriere"
means "Bottom" in French.
Thanks to mogyle
有个牌子卖饰品, 标志是个屁股, 名字derriere在法语里是屁股的意思. 什麽玩艺.
8. Pegassi
Many of the cars' brands are based on sexual shapes, but the only one with a
reference is Pegassi, which is a fetched version of "Goatse". If you know
Gaotse, you'll see what I
mean. Thanks to Mogyle
pegassi这个牌子的标志其实是模仿Goatse. Goatse大概意思指一个男人用双手把肛门扒
开让你看. 真的不知道要说什麽.
Grand Theft Auto References - Rockstar has included quite a few references to
previous Grand Theft Auto Games. Here's a list:
1. Hidden Artwork
On a wall in LC, you can see artwork from previous GTA's, these include:
8-Ball from GTA3, CJ from San Andreas, Misty From GTA3, The Helicopter from
San Andreas, The Twin from
Vice City and more i will list later. (Thanks To Coldfusion33)
隐藏的艺术品: GTA3的8-Ball, SA的主角CarlJohnson以及misty, 直升机. 罪恶之城的
twin. 还有更多.
2. Welcome to Vice City
Like in San Andreas with the sufboard in the closet or the maps in the bin,
GTAIV has its own little refrence to Vice City, when you enter any of the
bars in Liberty City you
will see postcards of Vice City.
3. Past Protagonists Refrences
When you go down the stairs of you first apartment you may spot some graffiti
refrering to past GTA protagonist's, Claude, Tommy, Carl, and Toni. Thanks to
Dwayne Pheonix for
the photo.
你的第一个公寓(NB的表哥的?)楼梯间的墙上有以前主人公的涂鸦. 很多人.
4. Familiar Buildings
If you go to the mini golf course in Liberty City you may reconise some
buildings from past GTA's,There is the giant cock and farm windmill from San
Andreas, 1:15-1:45 in the
video. Lighthouse from Vice City and Cones from Los Santos, San Andreas
自由城的迷你高尔夫场由前代GTA的建筑. 例如SA的大阴茎和风车等等.
5. Las Ventura
If you ever have time to watch T.V in one of your apartments in-game, one of
the TV programs called 'Las Ventura's Poker'. you will actually see a casino
from San Andreas.
电视上有个叫 Las Ventura's poker' 的节目, 里面由SA的赌场.
6. Love Fist
You may remember Love Fist from GTA Vice City, Well like in San Andreas there
is a reference to them on a sign in Star Junction, Could this mean that they
are coming back in DLC
or it is just a to fool us.
罪恶之城理由Love Fist, SA里在starjunction的牌子上有提及这个. 是不是DLC里也有?
或者就是玩玩你. 什 麽 玩 艺.
7. Claude's Clothes
When you kill Playboy X, go to his apartment to get clothes that unbelivebly
resemble Calude's clothes who was the protaginist from GTA3. There are also
alot of Claude refrences
like peds that look like him.
杀了PlayboyX之後, 他的公寓里的衣服可以搭配成GTA3主人公Calude的样子. 还有很多
8. Hot Coffee
You may remeber that hidden content was found in GTA San Andreas which was
called 'Hot Coffee', this ended up being a big problem for Rockstar Games,
but there laughing about it
now with the many refrences they have put in the game. one of them is a that
has a sign saying 'Hot Coffee Shop'.
曾经SA的热咖啡补丁所解开的隐藏内容给R*惹了不少麻烦, GTA4里有个牌子叫 热咖啡店.
9. Plane Ticket
Well this is not in the game but its related to it, on social club there is a
plane ticket for Niko Bellic to go to San Andreas.
Could San Andreas be a sequel or DLC? we will have to wait and see. (Thanks
to Basa for image.)
social club理由去SA的机票. blah blah blah.
10. Dog Food
If a anger a certain pedestrian, he might say "I will grind you into dog
food", which is a reference from GTA III, where Marty Chonks used to get his
enemy's and turn them into
dog food.
如果你激怒一个行人, 可能他会喊"我tmmd把小样你磨成狗粮", 这个是模仿GTA3里marty
11. Well Stacked Pizza Co.
One of the restaurants from past GTA's that didn't make it into GTAIV is Well
Stacked Pizza Co., well actually it is in the game but you can't enter it.
曾经有个叫 well stacked pizza店这代也有, 只是你不能进去罢了.
12. Donald Love
If you look at any newspaper in the game you will see a familiar face on the
front, it none other than Donald Love, who if you remebered dissapeared in
GTAIII. (thanks to
MisterBates666 for the picture).
报纸上首页有张脸可能有点眼熟, 就是GTA3 Donald Love里消失的那个.
13. OG LOC CD's
Once you get your second apartment, the one in Bohan, you can look on the
ground next to the coffee table, and infront of the bed. There are a few CD's
laying on the floor. Zoom
in with a sniper, and of course, one of the CD's is of OG Loc from GTASA.
第二套公寓(在bohan), 窗前,咖啡桌附近的地上有几张CD. 拿狙击枪看, 有一个是OG Loc
的专辑. 那小子还没死呢.
14. Zebra Bar
Zebra Bar if you remeber was a commerical on the radio in GTA:SA about a
chocolate bar with a creamy inside, it has made a comback in GTA:IV, you can
fin them at various news
stands around LC, but you cannot eat them.
SA里广告有提到斑马奶油巧克力棒, 在4里你能看到广告但就是不能吃.
15. Redwood Cigarettes
Redwood Cigarettes have also made a comeback in GTA:IV, if you remember there
were billboards and commericals on the radio about them, (sound clip coming
soon), these can be
found at various news stands around LC, sadly Niko can't smoke them.
红木香菸. 同上.
16. Dude
Dude was a construction company in San Andreas. Dude makes a return in IV.
4里也有Dude这个牌子(铲车, 水泥车上)
17. Belly Up
Belly Up Fish was a fish based company owned by the triads in GTAIII, which
was also set in liberty city, you can see the logo on various carts around LC.
BellyUP鱼是基於曾经triads拥有的一家公司(贩卖鱼吧), 能在手推车上看到标志.
18. Lips FM
You may remember that in GTA3 there was a radio station called Lips FM, you
can see the logo on a billboard in LC.
能在广告牌上看到GTA3 的电台 Lips FM.
19. Mr Wong's
Mr Wong's was a laundry Shop from GTA3, it appears in LC once again but not
enter able this time.
Mr Wong's是个洗衣店, 在LC出现过.
Musical References - There's a few references to music in Liberty City also.
Here's what's been found so far:
1. Stomp
Banging On Trashcan Lids for An Hour, is a parody of Stomp, where they use
every day objects such as trashcan lids, saucepans, brushes etc to make music.
Banging On Trashcan Lids for An Hour是stomp的标志, 用垃圾桶盖子, 刷子, 平底锅
制作音乐. Banging On Trashcan Lids for An Hour=跟垃圾桶盖子ML小时 搞笑的说法
2. 50 Cent
Follow this video and will be able to find 50Cent. thanks to //JohnnyGat\\
for the vid
得去gtaforum看这段录像. 里面有50 cent.
Movie References - There also are a few items that are meant to refer to
1. Weekend at Florian's
The mission Weekend at Florian's is a refrence to the comedy movie 'Weekend
at Bernie's', (Florian insists that his new name is Bernie.)
有个叫 weekend at florian's的任务, 其实是引用喜剧 Weekend at Bernie's.(而且游
2. Terminator
The mission called "Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle", is a
reference to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, in which Arnold Schwarzenegger says
this famous line.
有个任务叫"我需要你的衣服, 靴子, 还有摩托车." 还记得施瓦辛格的终结者不?
3. Freddy Krueger
If you take a look at a certain pedestrain you find that he will a little
like Freddy Krueger, he is dressed in a black and red striped top. If you
don't know who Freddy is, he
is the main character of the Nightmare on Elm Street Series, created by Wes
Craven. (Thanks to GTASIX for the picture.)
路上行人(黑红条纹上衣)长得像是freddy krueger, 一连续剧主人公.
4. Corpses Bride
In the Fair Ground, the Haunted Mansion is called "Corpse Ride" in reference
to "Corpse Bride" by Tim Burton.
在fari groud, 鬼屋被叫做 corpse bride(殭屍新娘, johny depp配音那个).
Television References - Ahh, yes. The world of TV. It isn't a surprise that
there would be a few references to television in Liberty City.
1. 72
This is a parody of 24 a popular TV show in America on the TV Channel FOX
starring Kiefer Sutherland also the clock that is used to say the numbers
'72' is reference to the ABC
show Lost.
有个时锺经常喊 72, 指的是连续剧LOST.(不出100季不罢休啊)
2. Science Of Crime
Crime Scene Investigation has its own parody in GTA IV, called Science of
Crime, you can find posters for this all around Liberty City.
Science of Crime的海报是模仿 CSI.
Manhunt References- Manhunt, one of Rockstar's other great games, makes
appearences in Liberty City. There are so many Manhunt references that it is
deserving of it's own
section in my list. Here they are:
manhunt. 有人玩过吧
1. Manhunt Hippo Statues
In the amusement Park in Broker there are blue/purple Hippo Statues, just
like the ones from Manhunt.
游乐园里有蓝紫色河马雕像. 正如manhunt里的.
Real-Life References - There is also quite a few easter eggs that refer to
things in real life. Whether it be a landmark, a store, a music icon, or just
a person, it's here.
Here's the list:
1. Sprunk
You may remember Sprunk from GTA VC, GTA SA and Manhunt well its returned to
GTA IV with a brand new look. Sprunk is mainly a parody of Sprite but may
also be a parody of
others, but it also can be argued that the name is also a play on the word
spunk. You can find Sprunk scattered all around Liberty City.
Sprunk是模仿Sprite(雪碧)的饮料. 不过也可能是关於spunk的玩笑. 自由城到处都是
2. Cluckin' Bell
Cluckin' Bell is one of the few restraunts to return in GTAIV, Cluckin' Bell
is a parody of Taco Bell and KFC as the companys have merged, it also could
be a play on the word
F*cking Hell, Cluckin' Bell can be found in numerous place in Liberty City,
check your map for details.
Cluckin' Bell是个餐馆, 其实是 Taco Bell和KFC的结合体. 不过也可能是 fucking
3. Burger Shot
Burger Shot is another restaurant returning in GTAIV, this is a parody of
Burger King.
Burger Shot=Burger King
4. Fud Washing Powder
In any of the laudrettes in Liberty City, you will be able to spot an
advertisment for the washing powder FUD, this is obviously a parody of Daz a
washing powder in England.
Thanks to smd86 for the photo.
洗衣房里有 Fud洗衣粉的广告. 是模仿英国 Daz洗衣粉(汰渍?)
5. Banksy Refrence
Banksy is a British street artist who is well known for the art, the people
at Rockstar have paid a little tribute to him by putting their own Banksy
artwork in. Thanks to
domthecondom for the picture.
Banksy是个街头艺术家. 里面有他的作品.
6. Cluck Norris
In Cluckin' Bell stores, near the back of the store, there's a action figure
of a man in a martial art postion and has a chicken head mask on, printed on
the glass is 'Cluck
Norris', which is a parody of Chuck Norris who is a expert in martial arts
and has invented his own martial art and the roundhouse kick.
cluckin' bell里有个带着鸡头面具的人, 叫 cluck norris的图, 指的是chuck norris.
7. Fruit PC
Nothing escapes Rockstar Games not even Apple, that's right, if you type in
to a address bar in any computer 'fruitcomputers.com', you will see a parody
of Apple's products
including IPhone which is called the IFruit Phone.
里面有苹果电脑的彩蛋. 在电脑上的地址栏输入"fruitcomputers.com(水果电脑.com)",
能看的苹果的产品. Iphone 叫 Ifruit Phone.
8. Prison Street Names
Well we all know that a new feature added to GTA IV is street names but is
the any meaning to the names , well one of our members (SuperJay) has found
out that some are named
after prisons, (street name catergory coming soon)
1. Leavenworth Ave
2. Alcatraz Ave
3. Sing Sing Ave
4. Guantanamo Ave
5. Attica Ave
6. San Quentin Ave
7. Folsom Way (best known from "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash)
8. Rykers Ave (from the fictional Rykers Island prison in Marvel Comics)
9. Joliet Street
9. Vain
Next time your at a newspaper stand look at the magazines, you will see that
most of them parody real life magazines
such as Vain which is a parody of Vanity.
报亭有现实生活中的杂志. 估计怎麽看了也不知道.
10. E-cola
Is a play on the word E. Coli, a bacteria famous due to a relatively recent
E-Cola指的是 E. Coli, 大肠杆菌.
Other Game References - Rockstar also placed a few references to other video
games, mainly talking sh*t about them.
1. Squid Row
One of Rockstar's rivals has been parody in the world of Liberty City, Saints
Row but instead they called it 'Squid Row- Budget Seafood'.
Saints Row是Rockstar竞争对手的作品, 在游戏里被称为 squid row-budget seafood. (
2. Jimmy Hopkins
At the end of the opening cinematic for Elizabet's 2nd mission, you can see
Jimmy Hopkins, The protagonist of the game bully, also by Rockstar, dancing
in the back.
Miscellaneous References/Secrets - Just a list of secrets and easter eggs
that don't fit into any other category.
1. Childs Buggy
Although there are no children in GTAIV, there is a buggy hidden , I do not
know if there's any meaning to it being there, could it mean there are
children hidding - I doubt It.
Thanks to Meowholland for the screen shot
GTA4里没有儿童, 婴儿. 但有一个隐藏的婴儿车.
2. The Heart of Liberty City
If you ever have the time, visit the Statue Of Happiness (Statue Of Liberty),
inside you will able to spot a giant heart actually pumping, the is no reason
for being there only
just to creap you out. Thanks to blowyerbrainsUK for the video.
自由女神像里有的巨大的心脏在跳动. 哈哈
3. No Easter Eggs Here
Remember in San Andreas on the Gant Bridge 'There Are No Easter Eggs Here Go
Away', GTAIV has got one saying 'No Hidden Content Here', you will find this
as you are about to
enter the Statue of Happiness.
进入自由女神像的时候, 有"此地没有彩蛋"
4. Dusche Gold
There's a brand of beer in the game called ' Dusche Gold'. Dusche is German
for Shower, if can figure it out that it equals Golden Shower, now there's a
beer i wouldn't drink.
Dusche Gold是一种啤酒, Dusche在德语里是淋浴的意思.
5. Helicopter Sign
When you unlock the Heli tour from Brucie, you will able to look around, if
you look around the cockpit you will see a funny sign saying 'This helicopter
might crash but we dont
care, you might care, maybe.'
直升机停机坪上有个牌子:此直升机可能会失事, 但不管我们的事, 你可能会在意, 也许.
6. Printer Error
If you go in any of the TW@ cafes and look at the printer you will see a
TW@咖啡店里的打印机上有 "Error Unleash Ninja Guru"
7. Prison Guards
If you look on the walls in the prisons, you will find prision guard names,
which are funny.
1. Seymour Fani
2. Isaac Hunt
3. Richard Head
4. Phil McRevis
Possible References/Secrets - These items appear to have been placed in the
games for a reason. Maybe they are easter eggs that we haven't found the link
to. But so far it is
unsure what the reference is or if there even is a reference. Some may have a
reference, but may only be a glitch.
http://0rz.tw/634Sc 超萌 眼镜娘
http://0rz.tw/464Xt セレブと贫乏太郎 安田 幸子
http://tinyurl.com/4mzbku 天国のスープ 杉村 结子
http://tinyurl.com/3huqdg http://0rz.tw/7d4R5 风のガーデン 二神 香苗
http://kuninaka.vision-blog.jp/ 国仲凉子 动画通信(动画ブログ)
http://tinyurl.com/5tbmak 国仲凉子 めぐり逢えたね
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