※ 引述《che11701 (洛先生)》之铭言: 一样,从巴哈转来的文 发文者:ccmell Off the Boat 5G Complete the first mission. -完成第一个任务 One Hundred and Eighty 10G (打靶180) In a darts game score 180 with 3 darts. -在打靶游戏中,三个靶都打到180分 Pool Shark 10G Beat a friend at pool. -在pool(此处不知道是游泳池还是撞球间)赢过对手 King of QUB3D 15G (QUB3D之王) Beat the High Score in QUB3D -破QUB3D的最高分纪录 Finish Him 15G (干掉他) Complete 10 melee counters in 4 minutes -在四分钟内完成10场斗殴 Genetically Superior 25G (天生赢家) Come first in 20 singleplayer street races. -在20个单人街头赛车中赢得第一名 Wheelie Rider 30G (孤轮骑士) Do a wheelie lasting at least 500 feet on a motorbike. -骑摩托车时以翘孤轮的方式骑500尺以上 Gobble Gobble 10G (滚球王) Score 3 strikes in a row, a turkey, in 10-pin bowling. -在保龄球赛中连续击出3个全倒,也就是一个火鸡 Driving Mr. Bellic 10G Unlock the special ability of taxi. -解开计程车的隐藏能力 Rolled Over 30G Do 5 car rolls in a row from one crash. -在一次车祸事故中连续翻车五圈 *更正:之前有翻错,推测应该是让自己的车翻五圈 建议找辆速度快,稍微耐摔一点的车,从高处的山坡上往下冲 类似SA旧金山的那种斜坡最好,开快一点让车子翻车就行了 Walk Free 50G (逍遥法外) Lose a 4 star wanted rating by outrunning the cops. -以躲警察的方式消掉4颗警星(不可以吃警星和喷漆) Courier Service 10G (使命必达) Complete all 10 package delivery jobs. -完成所有的10个送包裹任务 Retail Therapy 10G Unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend. -解开购买武器的隐藏要素(不晓得这样翻对不对) Chain Reaction 20G (连锁反应) You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds. -在10秒钟内炸掉10台车 One Man Army 40G (GTA无双) Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level. -在6星级的通缉指数下存活5分钟 Lowest Point 5G Complete mission "Roman's Sorrow". -完成任务"Roman's Sorrow". Over Fulfilled 10G Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders. -完成所有的10个走私任务 Manhunt 15G Complete the most wanted side missions from the police computer. -完成警察电脑里的头号通缉犯支线任务 Cleaned the Mean Streets 20G Capture 20 criminals through the police computer. -透过警察的电脑,逮到20起犯罪 Fed The Fish 5G Complete the mission "Uncle Vlad". -完成任务"Uncle Vlad" It'll Cost Ya 5G Complete a taxi ride without skipping from one island to another. -完成计程车任务,途中不从一个岛跨到另一个岛 Sightseer 5G Fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City. -完成所有的自由巿直昇机观光任务 Warm Coffee 5G Successfully date a girl to be invited into her house. -成功让约会的女孩邀请你进她家 That's How We Roll! 10G Unlock the special ability of helicopter. -解开直升机的特殊能力 Half Million 55G Reach a balance of $500,000. -身上现金刚好为$500,000 Impossible Trinity 10G Complete mission "Museum Piece". -完成任务"Museum Piece" Full Exploration 20G Unlock all the islands. -开放所有的岛 You Got The Message 20G Deliver all 30 cars ordered through text message. -收集简讯指示的全部30辆车 Dare Devil 30G Complete 100% of the unique stunt jumps. -完成所有的飞车特技 Assassin's Greed 20G Complete all 9 assassin missions. -完成所有9个暗杀任务 Endangered Species 50G Collect every hidden package in the game. -找到游戏中所有的隐藏包裹 Under the Radar 40G Fly underneath the main bridges in the game that cross water with a helicopter. -开直升机,以飞过桥下的方式来过河 Dial B For Bomb 10G Unlock the special ability of phoning for a bomb to be placed. -解开电话炸弹的隐藏要素 Gracefully Taken 10G Complete mission "I'll Take Her". -完成任务"I'll Take Her" Liberty City (5) 20G After meeting all possible friends, the ones left alive all like you above 90%. -见过所有的朋友之後,还活着的朋友当中,和主角的友好度均在90%以上 No More Strangers 5G Meet all random characters. -见过所有的随机NPC That Special Someone 10G Complete mission "That Special Someone". -完成任务"That Special Someone". You Won! 60G Complete the final mission. -通过最後的主线任务 Liberty City Minute 30G Complete the story missions in less than 30 hours. -在30小时以内完成所有主线任务 Key To The City 100G Achieve 100% in "Game progress" statistic. -游戏完成度100% ==============================推测以上为单人游戏可获得的称号================= Teamplayer 10G Kill 5 players who are not in your team, in any ranked multiplayer team game. -在任何等级的多人游戏中,杀掉5个非队友的玩家 Cut Your Teeth 5G Earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer -在多人游戏中得到个人称号 Join The Midnight Club 10G Win a ranked multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much and with damaged enabled. -在"车辆会损坏"的多人赛车模式中, 得到名次, 而且自己的车不能损伤太多 Fly The Co-op 15G Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and "Bomb da Base II". -在"Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE", "Bomb da Base II" 三个挑战中, 打破预设的时间纪录 Take It For The Team 10G Be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer team games. -在任何等级的多人游戏中,成为胜利的那一队 Top Of The Food Chain 10G Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch. -在多人游戏的决死战当中,用手枪杀掉20个玩家 Top The Midnight Club 20G Come first in 20 different ranked standard multiplayer races. -在预设的20个多人赛车中得到第一名 Wanted 20G Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer. -在多人游戏中取得最高的排行 Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic 30G Win all ranked multiplayer variations, all races and "Cops 'n Crooks", as both sides. -在所有的多人游戏中获得,包括赛车,"官兵捉强盗"双方 Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie 10G Kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multiplayer match. -在多人游戏中干掉Rockstar的开发者 来源: 看来XBOX360多很多要素 不晓得有没有强者可以全部收集完成的 希望亚洲机的XBOX360可以玩GTA4 如果可以的话就要准备连游戏带主机一起冲了 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 supermannike:保龄球 @@ 有棒球吗 XD 04/02 21:07
2F:推 pinkygiveme:所以还是可以喷漆? 04/02 21:11
3F:→ supermannike:一代就有车厂做变造的了 四代怎可能拿掉 04/02 21:13
4F:推 pinkygiveme:因为原本以为喷漆消警星这种设定太不"真实"了 04/02 21:34
5F:→ pinkygiveme:我非常需要这个功能...orz 04/02 21:35
6F:→ supermannike:你想一想 就跟现实世界 一样有人贩卖假证件 04/02 21:48
7F:→ supermannike:帮你 变造车体 让你避开警方临检 这种事情也很正常 04/02 21:48
8F:推 ilyvonne:喷漆躲避临检的idea请见Taxi第一集^^ 04/02 23:12
9F:推 nekaki:干掉开发者是怎样= =? 04/03 00:25
10F:→ neowu:应该是有一个NPC会以"游戏开发者"的身份加入战局 04/03 01:05
※ 编辑: neowu 来自: (04/03 15:42)

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