作者FaLaSol (法拉搜)
标题[RC. ] pp1 - RC3 Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock
时间Fri Nov 27 16:14:24 2020
pp1 - RC - Essay 3
In its 1903 decision in the case of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United States
Supreme Court rejected the efforts of three Native American tribes to prevent
the opening of tribal lands to non-Indian settlement without tribal consent.
In his study of the Lone Wolf case, Blue Clark properly emphasizes the Court's
assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress (the House of
Representatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs. But he fails to
note the decision's more far-reaching impact: shortly after Lone Wolf, the
federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal
written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation
of federal Indian policy. Many commentators believe that this change had
already occurred in 1871 when--following a dispute between the House and
the Senate over which chamber should enjoy primacy in Indian affairs--Congress
abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes. But in reality the
federal government continued to negotiate formal tribal agreements past the turn
of the century, treating these documents not as treaties with sovereign nations
requiring ratification by the Senate but simply as legislation to be passed by both
houses of Congress. The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation
and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of
obtaining tribal consent.
L v. H rejected the efforts of three tribes
-> after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally
abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements
从这样的角度不就正是 BC 所说的拥有过大的权利了吗?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/GMAT/M.1606464873.A.43D.html
1F:推 cuylerLin: 减少谈判也是负面结果喔,原本早在1871年国会就废除了 11/28 06:04
2F:→ cuylerLin: 印地安土地使用的谈判与条约,但实际上当时联邦政府依 11/28 06:04
3F:→ cuylerLin: 然与部落有正式的协商,且需要通过参议院和众议院的批 11/28 06:04
4F:→ cuylerLin: 准,所以也就是说,在 L. v. H. 案中终止了(可能是部 11/28 06:04
5F:→ cuylerLin: 落提出的诉讼)需要协商取得部落同意,既然如此,联邦 11/28 06:04
6F:→ cuylerLin: 政府之後也不需要像以前1871年到1903年之间与部落人正 11/28 06:04
7F:→ cuylerLin: 式协商了,对他们来说当然是负面影响。 11/28 06:04
8F:→ cuylerLin: 然後另外其实不是「过大的」权利,而是「单边」权力而 11/28 06:05
9F:→ cuylerLin: 已,解读成过大权力其中一题可能就会选错XD 11/28 06:05
RRRR 我终於看懂了,原来这篇是在批判 BC 的批判不够严厉
※ 编辑: FaLaSol ( 台湾), 11/28/2020 11:56:54
10F:推 cuylerLin: 其实这样讲我觉得也不太对XD 其中一题好像是问干嘛要提 11/28 12:10
11F:→ cuylerLin: 到BC,而答案是为了承接之後的论述而提出的,所以只能 11/28 12:10
12F:→ cuylerLin: 算是轻踩BC的论点,然後作者接续表达之後的论述这样~ 11/28 12:10