Q17: The spacing of the four holes on a fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite is just what is required to play the third through sixth notes of the diatonic scale—the seven-note musical scale used in much of Western music since the Renaissance. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis? A.Bone flutes were probably the only musical instrument made by Neanderthals. B.No musical instrument that is known to have used a diatomic scale is of an earlier date than the flute found at the Neanderthal campsite. C.The flute was made from a cave-bear bone and the campsite at which the flute fragment was excavated was in a cave that also contained skeletal remains of cave bears. D.Flutes are the simplest wind instrument that can be constructed to allow playing a diatonic scale. E.The cave-bear leg bone used to make the Neanderthal flute would have been long enough to make a flute capable of playing a complete diatonic scale. 请问答案是B亦或E ? Q18: It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except in professional medical journals or by mail directly to physicians. A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications. Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications. But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern. Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument? A.Whether nonprescription medications can interact with and block the action of any prescription medications that could be advertised to the general public B.Whether most prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would be advertisements for recently developed medications newly available by prescription C.Whether prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would appear on television and radio as well as in print D.Whether physicians are more likely to pay attention to advertising directed to the general public than to advertising directed to physicians E.Whether physicians are likely to succumb to pressure from patients to prescribe inappropriate medications 此题看不懂,烦请解释,谢谢 --

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1F:推 alansher:可以详述哪里看不懂吗 这样不好解 该不会要全翻吧@@ 12/18 22:54
2F:推 alansher:我猜是E 12/18 22:59
3F:推 alansher:Q17应该是E 12/18 23:01
4F:→ alansher:就是排除 做不出来的因素 12/18 23:01
5F:→ alansher:Q18 的E主要是在确定原论证的反反驳是否有效 12/18 23:01
6F:推 pinkdejavu:两题我也都选E,楼上会不会解释太清楚~ 很神! Orz 12/18 23:53
7F:→ neopalm:懂了,谢谢 12/19 00:48
8F:推 kevins113:Q17是B,黄冠文老师说的 12/19 10:10
9F:→ neopalm:请问为什麽Q17答案是B ? 12/19 13:11
10F:推 alansher:解释一下吧 因为也有别的老师说是E 12/19 16:33
11F:推 pinkdejavu:我记得我问江朴 他说是E 哭哭 该不会我记错了 12/19 17:05
12F:推 kevins113:Q17黄老师说E选项 长度不一定要到七个洞 七个洞虽然是源 12/19 21:38
13F:→ kevins113:起四个洞的 但源起的东西不一定要跟後来的东西相同 12/19 21:40
14F:→ kevins113:解释的好乱, 抱歉^^''' 12/19 21:42

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