戴尔美语练功坊 阅读测验(6/20) Taiwanese Kids Drink More Soda Than Water A recent study has revealed that 45 percent of children in Taiwan consume at least one soft drink every day. Many even drink more than one of these beverages on a daily basis. The World Health Organization showed that only children in Israel drink more soda than children in Taiwan. Besides soda pop, many Taiwanese students admitted drinking sugary tea drinks, iced drinks, and even coffee every day. In addition, the survey also showed that most children in Taiwan aren't drinking enough water. On average, students in Taiwan drink only 1,200 cubic centimeters (cc) of plain water every day, and ten percent drink just 500 cc of plain water each day. Both amounts fall short of the Taiwanese government's recommendation of 1,500 to 2,000 cc of water consumption each day. If students want to make sure that they are drinking enough water, they should try to drink at least six glasses of plain water every day, according to the CWLF. Additionally, the CWLF says that parents can also play a role in getting their children to drink more water. Parents, for example, can set a good example for their children by drinking water, instead of soft drinks, themselves. Reading Comprehension Test ( ) 1. How do we know from the article that children in Taiwan like to drink soda pop? (A) Children in Taiwan drink only 2,000 cc of water every day. (B) Taiwanese children drink iced drinks, coffee and enough water every day. (C) According to the survey by the World Health Organization, only children in Israel drink more soda than children in Taiwan. (D) 5 percent of children in Taiwan drink at least one soft drink every day. ( ) 2. According to the article, which of the following statements about the CWLF is TRUE? (A) The CWLF is a foundation which helps solve the problem of child workers in Asia. (B) The CWLF found that children in Taiwan drink less soda than children in the United States. (C) The CWLF recommends children to drink 1,500 to 2,000 cc of water each day. (D) The CWLF suggests that parents set a good example for their children by drinking more water every day. ( ) 3. Based on the article, how much water should children drink per day? A. At least six glasses of plain water. B. 1,200 cc of plain water. C. 500 cc of plain water. D. More than 2,000 cc of plain water. ( ) 4. Which of the following statements about Taiwanese children is NOT true? (A) Taiwanese children drink not only soda pop but also coffee and alcoholic beverages. (B) Taiwanese children drink the most soda than any other countries in the world. (C) The survey by the CWLF found that 45 percent of the fourth- and fifth-grade students in Taiwan drink at least one soft drink each day. (D) On average, most of Taiwanese children drink 1,200 cc of water each day. ( ) 5. What is the main idea of the article? (A) Parents in Taiwan drink more water than their children. (B) The CWLF makes good contribution to the welfare of children in Taiwan. (C) Drink enough water every day can make people healthier. (D) Children in Taiwan prefer drinking soft drinks to water. Vocabulary and Phrases 1. consume v. 食用,饮用 consumption n. 用量,消耗量 In Taiwan, people under 18 years old are not allowed to consume alcohol.The consumption of oil has been increasing dramatically ever since the car was invented. 2. beverage n. 饮料 Colored beverage usually contains chemicals which may do harm to your body 3. survey n. 调查 survey v. 做调查 The result of the survey shows that 20% of the students in our school live in Taipei County.The government surveyed 100,000 citizens and 57% of them supported the policy. 4. 5. World Health Organization 世界卫生组织(为联合国系统内 卫生问题的指导和协调机构) 6. Israel n. 以色列(位於地中海东南方,首都为耶路撒冷 7. admit v. 承认 The suspect admitted that he had committed the crime. 8. sugary a. 含糖的,甜的 Sugary snacks would most likely cause tooth decay(蛀牙 9. average n. 平均 My grades at school are above average. I do better than half of the students in the class. 10. cubic centimeter (cc) 立方公 11. recommendation n. 建议 I bought the cellphone on Angela's recommendation. She said it was very good. 12. additionally adv. 附加的,此外 We will visit Japan next month. Additionally, we will visit Singapore after we leave Japan. 13. instead adv. 代替 I had noodles instead of rice at lunch, and I felt hungry by 4 p.m. Translation 台湾儿童-爱喝汽水,不喝开水 最近一份报告揭露,百分之四十五的台湾儿童,每天至少会饮用软性 饮料一次,甚至有不少人是每天不只一次。 世界卫生组织的一项类似调查也显示,只有以色列的儿童比 台湾儿童饮用更多苏打饮料。根据调查,美、英两国的孩童相较之下, 喝的苏打饮料比台湾的儿童来得少。 除了汽水之外,许多台湾学童承认每天饮用含糖的茶饮、冷饮、 甚至是咖啡。令人震惊的是,百分之五的受访学生更进一步表示, 他们经常购买含酒精的饮料。 另外,这项调查也显示,大多数台湾小孩喝的水不够,台湾学童 平均一天只喝一千二百西西(立方公分)的白开水,其中的百分之十, 每天只喝五百西西的白开水,两者都少於政府建议的每日一千五百 西西到二千西西的摄取量。 如果学生想确保他们饮用足量的水,依照儿福联盟的说法,他们应该 每天至少喝六大杯的白开水;此外儿福联盟表示,父母也应扮演好 督促小孩多喝水的角色,比方说,父母本身应对小孩以身作则, 不喝汽水,而改喝开水。 阅读测验答案: C, D, A, B, D --

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