戴尔美语练功坊单字片语文法解题技巧(01/20) 中高英检单字片语文法破题解题技巧 想要在各个英文检定得到佳绩除了你的决心之外,还需要方法来掌握 不同层级的检定内容与项目,以达事半功倍之效。Peter老师数十年的教学 经验已经整理、归纳出各项题型与解题技巧,由易入难的引导让学生轻松 上手,兼具广度与深度的进阶补充让英文能力足以应用在各项考试之中。 准备英检的考生们有的需要工作、上班,有的则要顾及学校课业,如何 在有限的时间做最有效的应用是致胜的关键,考生需要熟悉题型进而增进 作答反应力,然而答题快还不够,在正确答题的部份,掌握方法与应用技巧 更是得分的必要条件。 通过全民英检中高级需具有相当於高中毕业程度大学程度,在这里 Peter老师分享几个经典题型与解题分析,包含连接词、片语类型、固定语法 、假设语法、分词构句等等让考生们一窥究竟,如何快速找到对应的解题 方法与应用策略例如字根字首等等,就等Peter老师引进门了! 1. Many destitute people suffer from one health __________ or another that could be avoided. A. affliction B. hallucination C. insomnia D. anesthesia 破题:单字题目 解题:字根字首字尾辅助 afflict(v)a(向+flict撞击)使苦恼痛苦折磨 affliction(n)(a向+flict撞击+ion行为结果)苦恼折磨 字根延伸:conflict(con共同+flict撞击)冲突抵触 Inflict(in入/加强+flict)给予使遭受(损伤等) insomnia(in不+somn/dorm眠+ia疾病) 失眠 anesthesia(an无esthesia感觉)麻醉 hallucination幻觉 解答: A 2. _________ speaking when he was again booed by the audience. A. John was scarcely begun B. Scarcely had John begun C. Scarcely John had begun D. John scarcely begins 破题: 倒装语法考题 解题: 句构解题 Boo(表达不满或轻蔑等)嘘 boo sb off用嘘声破使某人离开 一...就 Scarcely+had+S+Vpp(先发生)before/when S+Ved(後发生) Hardly+had+S+Vpp(先发生)when/before S+Ved(後发生) No sooner+had+S+Vpp(先发生) than S+Ved(後发生) 解答: B 3. Asia's economies are ________ immune to the ups and downs of the economic cycle than are developed economies. Witness the so-called four little tigers that are undergoing the severest economic downtown in twenty years. The economic cycle seems to apply to every country. A. no more B. no less C. not more D. not less 破题: 比较延伸句构语法 解题: 空格解题 Immune(adj)(n)免疫的/免疫者immunization/immunisation(n) no more……..than(两者皆不) no less…….. than(两者皆一样) 4. _________the rise of a black middle class, a gap still exists between black and white prosperity. A. For all B. But for C. In the event of D. With an eye to 破题: 副词片语考题 解题: 空格选项解题 Despite/In spite of/For all/With all+N, S+V 虽然...尽管 But for/Without若非...要不是 S+would/could/should/might+Vrt(现在事实相反) S+would/could/should/might+have+Vpp(过去事实相反假设) In the event of/In case of+N万一, S+V In the event that/In case S+V万一, S+V With an eye to(介)/With a view to(介)+N/Ving, S+V为了 解答: A 5. Large-scale scientific ____________ developed in the First World War When false landscapes were created to conceal forts and factories. A. decomposition B. camouflage C. emission D. gregariousness 破题: 解题: Conceal隐藏fort保垒要塞 Decomposition分解腐烂 De否定+com一起+posit位置+ion行动结果 Emit 发射散发排放 E外/出+mit送/发 Emission 发射散发排放 E外/出+miss送/发+ion行为结果 Gregarious 群居性的合群的 Greg群+arious与…有关 Gregariousness 群居和群 Grega群/全+arious与…有关+ness(n) Segregate 分离 种族隔离 Seg/Se分离+greg群+ate使成为 Camouflage 伪装保护色(v/n) camo迷彩服伪装片 解答B 6. A well-balanced education should include several _________________activities, in addition to formal academic studies. A. extracurricular B. negligible C. superficial D. condemnable 破题:单字题目 解题:字根字首法解题目 Extra-curri(course)+cular课余的 Extramural校外的extra-mur(wall)-al Negligible可忽略无紧要的微不足道的 Neg不/未+lig挑选+ible可…的 Neglect 忽视忽略 Neg不/未+lect挑选 Superficial 表面的外表的肤浅的 Super上+fic面+ial属於…的 Superfluous过剩的多余不必要的 Super过分/超+flu流+ous多…的 Condemn责难谴责 Con完全/加强+demn逞罚 Condemnable 应受谴责的 应定罪的 Censure/reproach/denounce 解答A --

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