戴尔美语练功坊中高级写作解析(11/10) 议论文写作技巧分析 1. 何谓议论文? 议论文通常是作者针对某个争议性的议题,社会现象,或是价值观表达赞成 或反对的立场,写作的目的在於陈述自己坚定的立场,进而说服读者改变 原来的看法。 议论文属於正式文体而非创意式写作,以下几点必须遵守: (1). 组织架构: 起承转合,段落分明,有条有理 (2). 用字遣词: 正式而不华丽 (3). 文章内容: 必须顾及正反两方的观点,言之有物 2. 议论文写作模板 模板 1: I. 起首: 点出现象, 表达立场 II.发展 (1) 正面论点1. (2) 正面论点2. (3) 负面论点1+反驳 III.结尾 模板 2: I. 起首: 点出现象, 表达立场 II.发展 (1) 负面论点1+反驳 (2) 正面论点1. (3) 正面论点2. III.结尾 模板3: I. 起首: 点出现象, 表达立场 II.发展 (1) 负面论点1+反驳1 (2) 负面论点2+反驳2 (3) 负面论点3+反驳3 III.结尾 3. 议论文论点陈述 Thesis: eat proper herbs instead of taking medicine. 正面论点: 论点1. Herbs is also scientifically proven and does not have side effects. 论点2: Medicine also cannot treat serious illnesses if not diagnosed at an early stage. 反面论点: 论点1: People should trust medicine since it is effective and scientifically proven. 论点2: Serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without medicine. 4. 议论文切忌 (1) 情绪性论点 (2) 无关主题的例句 (3) 过於简化的分析 (4) 以偏概全的言论 (5) 结论提出新议题 5. 实用句型 (1) 引言: 点出现象 In recent years, … Nowadays, … Over the past twenty years… There are more and more… (2) 赞成 I am for …. I agree with . . . Some people think They say… It's true that… (3) 反对 I oppose the idea that… I am against . . . I disagree. . . I object to . . . (4) 结论 Overall, … Having looked at both sides, … In conclusion, … By and large, …. In sum, …. To sum up, … [范文] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. It goes without saying that being truthful and honest is important. However, in my opinion, telling the truth is not always necessary. First of all, you could hurt someone's feelings by telling the truth. For example, if you tell others that you don't like their appearance or behaviors, you may run the risk of losing friendship. In this case, it is not necessary to tell the truth. Besides, when rejecting someone's invitation, it is impolite and rude to express your unwillingness explicitly. In this case, people may have to tell white lies in order to retain their relationship with others. Secondly, telling the truth may cause complication and troubles sometimes. For instance, an employee who criticizes the company or the supervisors in public may lose his or her job one day. A worse situation is that you may get revenged if you offend someone by telling the truth. Finally, sometimes, not telling the truth could be the best answer. Assume that you are giving a surprise party for your friend, you don't want to tell him or her about it. Still, at other times, telling the truth could cause pain, such as, when an old person is told that his or her child is dead. To conclude, it is sometimes better not to tell the truth. Everyone must decide under which circumstances the truth should or should not be told and have good reasons for making that decision. --

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