戴尔美语练功坊 英检中级阅读试题(6/10日) 下面一篇阅读测验,大约在英检中级程度,同学可试做看看,了解自己的实力。 Weak eyesight is a term that generally is used to refer to nearsighted eyes. People who are nearsighted can see well at a short range. But anything very far away at all is likely to be a dull blur. The term weak eyesight is misleading, for in nearsighted eyes the lens of the eye is actually too strong. The nearsighted lens is so powerful that it focuses the light coming into the eye too quickly. The image is formed in front of the retina, which contains the optical nerves. Nearsightedness is common, and its growth may be gradual; often the blurring of distant objects is so slight at first that a person may not recognize the condition. Nearsightedness is frequently discovered first at school. It is here that a student first realized he has difficulty seeing words on the blackboard, whereas others in the class have no trouble reading the board at all. After discovery, nearsightedness can easily be corrected. A concave lens called a minus lens because it decreases the power of the lens of the eye itself is the prescription. 1.The main idea of this passage is that (A) lens strength affects eyesight. (B) nearsightedness causes difficulty for school children and affect their learning in school. (C) nearsightedness is caused by an abnormally strong eye lens and can be corrected. (D) minus lenses are the only way to correct nearsightedness. 2.The best title for this passage is _________. (A) Diagnosing Nearsightedness. (B) The Cause and Correction of Nearsightedness. (C) The Amazing Minus Lens. (D) The Various Functions of the Human Eyes. 3.We can presume from the passage that (A) ordinary people don't understand exactly what causes nearsightedness. (B) most nearsighted students are embarrassed by their inability to see as well as other students. (C) eventually, nearsighted people lose the ability to see at close distances. (D) the minus lens is very expensive 4.The author's tone is (A) sarcastic (B) critical (C) subjective (D) objective 答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 原文及题目翻译: 「弱视」这个词通常用来指近视眼。近视眼的人看近距离的东西可以看得 很清楚,但距离较远的事物看起来就会模糊一片。弱视这个词容易误导大家 ,因为近视者的眼睛其眼球水晶体事实上是过於强壮。近视眼的眼球水晶体 过於强健,使得其对进入眼睛的光线聚焦过快。影像在包含视觉神经的视网 膜前形成。近视非常普遍,而且是逐渐形成的,远距离事物一开始逐渐变模 糊的现象十分轻微,以致於近视的人不容易察觉。 近视经常是在学校里才被发现。在学校里,学生才开始发觉很难看清黑 板上的字,而班上其他同学却完全没有这种困扰。近视一经发现後可以很轻 易地矫正。凹透镜,又称为负镜片,是治疗近视的方法,因为它可以减弱眼 球水晶体的强度。 1.本文主旨是 (A) 眼球水晶体强度会影响视力。 (B) 近视眼造成学童困扰并影响在校学习。 (C) 近视眼是因眼球晶体异常强健所引起,而且可矫正。 (D) 负镜片是唯一的矫正方式。 2.本文最适合的标题是 (A) 诊断近视眼。 (B) 近视眼的原因及矫正。 (C) 令人惊奇的负镜片。 (D) 人类眼睛的各种功能。 3.从本文我们可以推知 (A) 一般人并不确知引起近视眼的原因。 (B) 大部分近视眼的学生都因为视力不及其他学生而感到尴尬。 (C) 最後,近视眼的人无法看到近距离的东西。 (D) 负镜片很昂贵。 4.作者的语调是 (A) 嘲讽的 (B) 批评的 (C) 主观的 (D) 客观的 --

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