戴尔美语练功坊…英检中级阅读试题(4/25日) 下面这一篇阅读测验试题,约在英检中级程度,同学可试做看看,了解自己的实力。 Naturalists have long been fascinated with the social behavior of elephants. Traveling in herds usually numbering around 25, the elephant is a remarkably loyal and gregarious animal. These herds exhibit familial characteristics, caring for the young or disabled, and even killing an incurable member to put an end to its suffering. Indeed, the herds are generally composed of several generations of relatives, including several sets of monogamous couples. Because elephants are such large animals, reaching up to 12 feet and 6 tons, they are constantly moving in order to search for food, sometimes in migratory routes that take 10 years to complete. Because elephants are not fully grown until they are about 5 years old, babies often have trouble keeping up with the herd. When this happens, or when an elephant is injured, several members of the herd will stay behind to help and protect it. It is extremely common to see older elephants using their trunks to help support less mature relatives. Occasionally, a single elephant will become belligerent. These elephants, called "rogues," are then actually excluded from the herd and sent to live alone. 1. What does this passage mainly discuss? (A) the migration of elephants (B) the social habits of elephants (C) the life cycle of the elephant (D) man’s fascination with elephants 2. A “rogue” elephant is one who (A) has not reach maturity. (B) has exhibited overly aggressive behavior. (C) has been physically injured. (D) has been recognized as the leader of the herd. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the social characteristics of elephants? (A) life-long mating (B) banishment of unruly herd members (C) helping injured herd members (D) excluding immature elephants 4. If a group of four to five elephants is sighted, it is probably (A) a group of rogue elephants. (B) an average-sized herd. (C) a portion of a herd helping an injured member. (D) a group of elephants performing mating rituals. 答案:1.( B) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(C) 原文及试题翻译: 自然学家长久以来对大象的社会生活感到着迷。大象成群结队地漫游,数量多在25只左右 ,牠们是种非常忠心及合群的动物。象群显现出家庭般的特色,牠们照顾小象或伤残的象 只,甚至会杀死无法挽救的成员替其结束痛苦。事实上,象群通常包含了好几代的亲戚, 其中不乏几对一夫一妻的象。 由於象的体型庞大,高度可达十二尺重量可达六吨,牠们不断地在迁移以寻找食物,有的 路线往往要耗费十年的时间才能走完。同时因为象要到五岁才完全长大,幼象常常跟不上 象群的速度。在这种情形下或当某只象受伤时,象群中就会留下一些成员殿後以提供协助 或保护。老象以其躯干支撑还没长大的亲属是司空见惯的景象。偶尔,象只会变得好战, 这些象称为"流氓"并从此被赶出象群而独自生活。 1. 本文主要在讨论什麽? (A) 大象的迁移。 (B) 大象的社会习惯。 (C) 大象的生命周期。 (D) 人对大象的着迷。 2. 「流氓」大象是指什麽样的大象? (A) 未成年 (B) 表现过度侵略行为 (C) 身体受伤 (D) 被承认是兽群领袖 3. 下列何者在本文中并未提到是一种大象的社群特性? (A) 终身配偶 (B) 驱逐不守纪律的象群份子。 (C) 协助受伤的象群份子。 (D) 排除未成年的象。 4. 如果我们看一群大象有四到五只,那很可能是 (A) 一群「流氓」大象。 (B) 身材平均的象群 (C) 一部份象群正在协助受伤的份子。 (D) 一群大象正在进行交配的仪式。 --

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