前两天有位大好人批阅了敝人前篇作文 还特地寄到信箱 感激不尽 为了砥砺自己 今天写了一篇比较完整的文章(考试快到了) 请大家帮我看一下这篇 世说新语的读书心得 Recently what I had read was “try to say something new lately”(乱翻译哈). This book was finished about 1700 years ago. It was edited by a prince, named I-chin Liao(刘义庆). He hired a crew of scholars, those collected stories and essaies including witty conversations, irony critics, absurd and ridiculous behaviors, from decades before Chirst to 360 A.D.or so. There were 36 parts in the book. Each part described a trait of human nature,like integrity(方正),disguise(假谲),conceitment(简傲),exquisite(巧艺), jealousness(企羡),resentment(雠隙),and so on. One story in this book was as followed: An official paid a visit to the farm. He asked the manager how about the animals. The manager observed, “I have no idea of that.” The official asked again, “How many horses do you keep?” “I don't know,”the manager answered with easiness. The official tried to hold his composure, and asked one more time, “Recently how many have died?” The manager replied the last inquiry with a quoto from Confucius, “How could one feel aprehension for after life before than comprehension this life”(孔曰:未知生焉知死) Of course,this was one from ridiculous chapter. The keeper paid no attention to his work, and fooled his supervisor with nonsense. Why did the prince want to edit a book like this? That was because the prince lived in a gloom era of Chinese ancient history. Due to his lordship,evidently he could not escape from the conflict between the other princes,those urged for the crown fiercely. He was afried that he might involved into serious political competition, so he resolved to make a declaration.He used his mostly spare time to edit. Not only a prince like him devoted into literature work but also many royal relatives,statemen,scholars set themselves into the cosmos from the Court.They talked about metaphysics and religion instead of political issues.Even some people worried about life security, then they pretend to lose minds,behave insanely,and express very little emotions. The book gave an another aspect opposit to difficulties of life in itself. Whereas people had lived in a long term of tumoil,they found an alternative life style to overcome a hard time,such as they drank wine as will, took five stone medicine(五行散),and wore less clothes than should. Civility and customs could not bind human nature feelings.Soul and body could be considered as two dividual parts.The zeitgeist of the era was to set spirit free from mortification of flesh,and to seek pure of universe. The book had built up an uniqe aesthetic system to criticize and had turned a new leaf of philosophy in china history.
1F:推 tuna7639:years ago 04/25 01:09
2F:推 tuna7639:Recently 04/25 01:11
3F:推 tuna7639:wants 04/25 01:13
4F:→ tuna7639:阿上面那个错了 04/25 01:13
5F:推 tuna7639:倒数第七行的逗号 04/25 01:16
※ 编辑: Laurent 来自: (04/25 01:42)

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