※ 引述《warrenc》之铭言: (以上原文删减) : 我看了几本书 参考答案都很漂亮 which I can never come up with during the test. : 是不是要讲出像考试用书一样很漂亮答案的人才可以达到 80分 还是90 100呢?? : 请有PASS的人或是差一点点就PASS提出你的经验谈 →根据我的经验加上今天考了四次 口说前三次都80 考试除了第一部分其余都没有说的如参考解答漂亮(应该说逊很多)也断断续续 但是还是有完成题目要求 中间也没停顿太久 用字谴词大概中级程度 : 我记得第一大题 (没按顺序) : 1. 是否与家人共度每晚? : 2. 朋友三餐不吃 你要怎麽劝他 : 3. 朋友想要报名补习班 要注意什麽 : 4. 要参加健身房 需要注意什麽? : 有考的人记得的请补充 : 5. : 6. : 7. : 8. : 第二大题 园游会上的一对父子 可能也有妈妈在棉花糖DIY 旁边有小吃摊 和 : 好像有手足球桌.... : 第三大题 年轻人现在都追求时髦 有着一样的衣服发型 你的看法是什麽? →除了写作.口说部份跟你不同梯次因此题目不同 6/13/2010 (11:20) 补充中高级翻译试题大概如下 在过去 消费者(在购物的时候)最先考虑的是价格 渐渐地人们消费时 会开始意识到他们应该负起的社会责任 为了迎合消费者的喜好 企业会制造一些对环境有益的产品 像是可重复利用和可回收的产品 藉此可以提升能源效率以及降低空气污染 如此一来 消费者们可以藉由他们选择的购买产品来改变世界 (暂时想到这些 烦请版友修订) 不负责任答案↓ In the past, the price is the first priority when people are going shopping. They gradually realize that they should take the social responsibilites. To cater to comsumers' preference, those businesses manufacture environmental-friendly products which can be reusable and recycled to enhance power efficiency and reduce air pollution. In this way, shoppers can change the world by choosing products they want to buy. 中高级作文试题 Teachers use punishment to motivate students and maintain good behavior; others think that give them rewarding instead. In your essay should discuss: (1) Which way is better, punishment or rewarding? (2) Give one or two example to express your opinion. Thesis statement Students are under huge pressure to avoid being punished and some of them may be upset... Topic sentence #1 Punishment, an preferrd way in the past, has negative effects on students... Topic sentence #2 Students who are being punished might have depression... #3 On the contrary, giving them rewards is a better solution... Conclusion Punishment is not the only way to motivate students and teachers should be thoughtful when they teach... (以上参考就好 写的很差...请多多指教) 6/13/2010 (14:05) 中高级口说试题大概如下 (没照顺序) Part1 Answering questions (1) Do you have sblings or cousins? How do you maintain close relationship with them? (2) Your colleague, Rick, is quitting. Ask for the reason and future plan. (3) Your friend,Tommy, lost his wallet. Give him some advices. (4) Have you waited in a long line to buy something? Explain the experience. (5) Some people prefer vegetable to meat, why? (6) If you want to choose a moving company, what will be the factors? Part2 Picture discription (A group of students wearing uniforms and holding guitars are waiting for something at a school-like place where you can see a building behind them.) What are those people? What are they doing? Have you participated in this kind of activity before? If so, tell about that. If you have time, please describe the picture. Part3 Discussion These days couple prefer having a pet to raising a child. Discuss the phonemoneon and give examples. (以上有错 还请帮忙修订&补充) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 心得: 感觉这次翻译考题似乎比模拟考题稍微简单(自我感觉良好?) 作文题目也蛮好发挥 口说部份还好 虽有符合要求 但不是很流畅 回答内容普通 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: dunkjames 来自: (06/13 17:23) ※ 编辑: dunkjames 来自: (06/13 17:38)
1F:→ huokla:应该是 "在过去" 消费者最先考虑的要素是价格 06/13 18:34
2F:→ huokla:而且好像没有"在购物时"这字眼欸 我记得 台大A考场 06/13 18:35
3F:推 warrenc:好厉害 可以背出这麽多 一定是高手 06/13 18:48
4F:→ warrenc:请问该朋友口说考了第四次 请问事他写作没有过吗? 06/13 18:51
5F:→ dunkjames:卡在W 06/13 19:38
6F:推 SHARONBETHGL:原po好强都背的出来 拜托保佑让努力的我和大家都要过 06/13 20:25
7F:推 toeic:集气~~~~~~~!!!! 希望口说跟写作都有八十分就好 06/13 22:29
8F:→ dunkjames:←其实是弱鸡 (话说最後发下那张宣传单是用来包便当的?? 06/13 22:51
谢谢1f提供的资讯 已修改 ※ 编辑: dunkjames 来自: (06/13 22:55)
9F:→ ns2a2002:口说的part3以前曾经有出过...感觉好像有题库(?) 06/16 22:37
10F:→ dunkjames:印象中模拟题库有出现 出生率下降 少子化现象~ 06/17 13:37
※ 编辑: dunkjames 来自: (07/30 02:59)

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