以下是通过英检高级的考生作文范例 (之前从官网下载的, 现在不知为何找不到了) Task-1题目是比较广告的优缺点, 先paraphrase正反意见再提出自身观点, Nowadays, advertisements and commercials are an important part of our lives. We see them everywhere, on television, in newspapers or magazines , on public transportations and even on the streets. Advertising has great influence on us, and there are both advantages and disadvantages. Advertising is simply trying to pursuade consumers into buying something. So in order to sell their products, some advertisements may be dishonest and consumers often will be fooled. Ads may also have bad influence on children, since children are most likely to believe anything. Being a smart consumer, we should think twice before buying a product. After all, money is hard to earn. On the other hand, advertising also has some advantages. We can get the latest informations of new products or services, so we could spend money on what we really need. Consumers can also compare different ads on a product to choose the best brand, and it may save a lot of money. We often see lots of commercials on TV. Personally, I like to watch TV commercials very much. I think commercials are full of great and interesting ideas. Some ideas may be funny and humorous, and some commercials might even have jingles or slangs that are easy to remember. All of this just to attract more consumers. I think a lot of their ideas are very cute, so commercials might as well be an art. We have to admit, advertising plays an important role in our daily lives. Although there are disadvantages and even may have bad influences, but as long as we think smart and don’t take everything in, there will be more advantages than we think. 我想稍微有做功课的考生, 应该都了解英检正-反-合的题型。 基本上这篇作文的句构和用字并不怎麽高明, 感觉很像只有高中学生的作文程度, 部份拼字及文法也有问题(红字标出), 所以当很多考生发现自己只有2分, 这篇却能有3分以上的成绩, 不免会怀疑标准LTTC的阅卷标准究竟为何。 (写作Task2的范例答案一样有不少错误,不过就先不贴出来。) ※ 引述《williamdenew (^^)》之铭言: : 读完son--的心得文, : 我的感觉是son--在试前似乎没弄清楚考试方式。 : 这点可从son--对口试题型的描述得到应证。 : 话说回来, : 讨论的焦点是写作部份, : 我不晓得son--是不是在试前便了解写作测验的要求? : 第一部分要求考生先摘要正反意见的文章, : 接着提出自己的观点, : 最後必须总结。 : 这里需要特别注意的是摘要和个人意见必须区分得清清楚楚。 : 此外,文章也必须具备基本架构 (起、承、转、合)。 : 至於其他写作上应该注意的细节 (比如标题置中、段落缩排、文法用字等) : 在此就不赘述了。 : 第二部分包括摘要和提供建议。 : 因为是图表呈现, : 和第一个task相比简单许多。 : 而且因为图表就是那几种, : (圆饼图、长条图之类[这不是我的专业领域,因此没办法精确描述。]) : 试前熟悉相关表示法应该就能准确表达。 : 最後是题型之外关於写作方面的整体回顾: : 高级的写作 : 1)文章结构应该要很清楚 : 2)内容自然要切题 : 3)用字遣词务求精确 (特别是字词搭配) : 用字倒不一定要艰深以显示自己的语言能力 : 重点是用得巧妙,让人眼睛为之一亮 : 尤其是动词,可说是句子的关键 : 4)读起来清楚流畅 : 换句话说,就是文章的风格 (style) 要让读者乐意阅|悦读 : 讲到字词搭配 (collocation) : 建议高阶英语能力者与英语教学者一定要具备字词搭配的相关辞典或参考资料 : (_Oxford Collocations Dictionary_ 这本挺好用) : 写作风格部分 : _The Elements of Style_ 是公认经典 : _Line by Line_ 则是我个人很喜欢的书 : 以上是个人小小意见, : 不足或有待讨论之处还请大家补充。 ^^ : William --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 lovemelissa:与我心有戚戚焉...! 11/23 21:00
2F:→ williamdenew:范例资料网路上还是找得到 11/23 23:23
3F:→ williamdenew: 11/23 23:23
4F:→ williamdenew:不过语言中心在高级简章中确实将范例移除了 11/23 23:24
5F:→ williamdenew:评分标准这部份只能说它确实白纸黑字写在那儿 11/23 23:25
6F:→ williamdenew:但实际评分难免受评分者主观影响 11/23 23:26
7F:→ williamdenew:如果成绩和自己预测有不小落差 11/23 23:28
8F:→ williamdenew:倒是可以申请复查 现在复查会重新批阅 11/23 23:28
9F:→ williamdenew:不像以前只是检查成绩是否登录错误 11/23 23:29
10F:→ williamdenew:要注意的是 (语言中心也明说了) 批阅过程一向严谨 11/23 23:30
11F:→ williamdenew:历来少有因复查更改成绩的案例 11/23 23:31
12F:推 lovemelissa:不过既是能公布出来的"范例" 不就代表是GEPT的标准 11/24 07:07
13F:→ lovemelissa:如果公布的 跟实际阅卷落差大 岂不误导考生 ? 11/24 07:08
14F:→ lovemelissa:其实我很难相信 能过高级复试的 会有七成以上的作文 11/24 07:09
15F:→ lovemelissa:写的比GEPT公布出来的那两篇还差劲..@@ 11/24 07:09
16F:→ lovemelissa:我相信许多考生都有此疑惑... 11/24 07:10
17F:→ lovemelissa:不过明年GPET就会公布得到4分的作文, 到时可见分晓 11/24 07:11
18F:→ greenvase31:所以我的策略就是暂时先不考 ㄎㄎ 11/24 12:16
19F:推 noruas:关於拼字,就我所知没有很严格,两三个字拼错都不会扣分 11/24 18:48

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