※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1bw0Ym5s ] 作者: bengowa (鞭狗蛙 舒服) 看板: NBA 标题: [外絮] 围巾虽然回归,但私人问题没有完全解决 时间: Wed Mar 6 14:09:49 2024 Wiggs returns to Warriors, but personal matter not totally resolved 围巾回归勇士,但私人问题还没完全解决 SAN FRANCISCO – Andrew Wiggins returned to the Bay Area on Monday, rejoined the Warriors for practice on Tuesday and will play on Wednesday. If he needs to leave again on Thursday, it will be understood and accepted. 旧金山报导-围巾已在星期一回到湾区,星期二重新加入勇士的练球,且星期三会上场。 如果他周四必须要离开,这会是可被接受体谅的。 If anyone on the team needs to leave for a serious family matter, it will be understood and accepted. 如果队上的任何人需要因为严重的家庭因素离开,这都会被接受体谅。 “I don’t care about the basketball part,” coach Steve Kerr said after Tuesday's practice. “Life is way more important than the game. The main thing is that if any of our players has a life situation where they need to be with their family, then that’s where they’re going to be. 「我不在乎篮球的部分,」Kerr在周二的练习後说。「生活就是比比赛重要。重点是如果 我们的球员在生活上出现问题,他们需要与家人待在一起,那他们就应该这样。」 “You just want everybody to be OK and give them the space they need and that ’ll always be the case with the way we operate.” 「你就只是希望每个人都是OK的,给予他们他们需要的空间。这就是我们(球队)运作的方 式。」 Wiggins’ leave of absence lasted one week. He missed four games, three of which the Warriors won. They managed to have, by any reasonable measure, a successful road trip while he was away for personal family reasons. 围巾缺席上一周。他缺阵4场比赛,而勇士赢了3场。客观上来看,在围巾因家庭因素缺阵 时,他们取得了成功的客场之旅。 It’s important to note that Wiggins, Golden State’s starting small forward, remained engaged while away. He got in a few workouts and followed the Warriors during their swing through Eastern Conference teams in Washington, New York, Toronto and Boston. He liked what he saw. 值得注意的是,围巾保持着积极进取的态度。他在勇士东部客场之旅时做了些训练且时刻 关注着球队。他喜欢他所看到的。 “We’re on the rise,” Wiggins said. “We found something good. Found that identity that we were searching for. We put pieces together that worked, and it’s been special last few games. Everyone is play well, playing together, and we look like the real Golden State Warriors.” 「我们正在崛起,」围巾说。「我们发现一些很棒的东西。找到我们的定位。我们把一切 拼凑起来,而这有用。过去几场比赛很特别。每个人都打得很好,一起比赛,我们看起来 就像真正的金州勇士。」 The “real” Golden State Warriors have a roster filled with players capable of contributing. The “real” Warriors are playing their best basketball at the most important time of the regular season. The “real” Warriors trust they have enough to make more than a token appearance in the playoffs. The “real” Warriors expect to playing well while also being sensitive to the personal needs of every player and coach on the NBA’s highest payroll. Yet there is no doubt that Wiggins’ return is a boost. After a sub-mediocre first half, by his standards, Wiggins has scored double figures in 14 of his last 16 games while also providing stellar defense on the perimeter. He has looked more like the “real” Andrew Wiggins, and the Warriors are substantially better for it. Which is why he will play -- and likely start -- Wednesday night, when the Milwaukee Bucks invade Chase Center. (前面三段是NBS记者自己的观点,简单说就是『真正』的勇士跟『真正』的围巾应该怎样 怎样,就不细翻了。) “We feel comfortable,” Kerr said. “We’ll see how many minutes. You can’t really simulate an NBA game (while away), so we’ll see how he holds up. But physically, he’s perfectly fine to go ahead and play tomorrow.” 「我们觉得舒适,」Kerr说。「我们会试着看看他可以打多久。你没办法模拟NBA比赛, 所以我们会看他能坚持到怎样。但从身体上来看,他打明天的比赛是完美合适的。」 Though neither he nor Kerr offered details behind his absence, whatever it was affected Wiggins enough to pull him away from his job. 纵使Kerr跟围巾都没说明他缺席的细节,但至少这件事情影响围巾很大,足以把他带离他 的工作。 “Just taking care of what I had to take care of, and being present for what I have to be present for.” Wiggins said of his time away. “I think this is the appropriate time to come back. That’s what I felt like. So, I’m back here with the team and ready to get to it.” 「就只是关心我所必须关心的事情,出现在我需要在的地方。」围巾谈及这段时间缺席说 道。「我觉得这是个合适回归的时候。这是我的感觉。所以我回到球队,准备好一切。」 What remains are pertinent questions related to Wiggins’ frame of mind. Can he focus completely, during every minute in the game, on his basketball responsibilities? Is he capable of executing the mental gymnastics that might be required to perform at a high level? 剩下就是围巾的心态问题。他能够在场上每分每秒完全专注吗?他能表现出高水准的竞技 心理吗? Some players, no matter the sport, can be adversely affected by events away from the court or field, just as some employees in any job will find it difficult to stay on task while on the clock if their personal life becomes more stressful. 对一些运动员来说,无论何种运动,都会被场外的一些不利因素所影响。就像普通员工发 现如果他们的个人生活压力更大时,更难在工作上维持专注。 The one thing Wiggins knows and surely feels is that his workplace is a safe space. 而至少围巾知道他的工作场所是个安全的地方。 “Being around the team, it’s all love and support,” he said. “It’s a family here. When I was away, I missed the guys and basketball. I’m happy to be back.” 「在这队周围,充满了爱与支持。」他说。「这是个大家庭。当我离开的时候,我想念这 些人跟篮球。我很高兴回来了。」 Wiggins’ happiness comes with caution and has conditions. He has been through this before, and the experience tells him circumstances can shift quickly. That much was evident when asked Tuesday if the matter he addressed had been put to rest. 但围巾的快乐仍然谨慎,且是看情况的。他以前经历过这些,经验告诉他一切都会变化很 快。被问到问题是否解决的时候,他的回答显然易见。 “Not exactly,” he said. “But I’ll just take it day by day.” 「不完全是。」他说。「但我只能一天一天去处理。」 There could come a time – maybe this week or next week or next month – when Wiggins must decide, once again, whether to stay with his teammates or return to his family. There is comfort in knowing either decision will be accepted. 未来可能还会有个时间点—也许这周也许下周又或许是下个月—围巾必须再次决定是否留 在球队或是回到家庭。不过令人感到舒适的是,不管他做甚麽决定都会被接受。 https://reurl.cc/nrbDvD 心得: 这篇重点应该就几件事情 1. 围巾离队的时候还是有训练+关心球队,状态应该都有保持住。 2. 围巾问题没解决,未来还是可能会再度缺席。 3. 勇士全队上下保密做的真的很好…. --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NBA/M.1709705392.A.176.html ※ 编辑: waderu ( 台湾), 03/06/2024 14:58:38
1F:→ canlest: 希望一切顺利 也希望围巾回归时能对球队有帮助 03/06 15:16
2F:推 samuel0330: 也只能祝福了,希望一切安好吧 03/06 15:19
3F:→ waderu: 目前看战绩,最好应该是爬到C7吧,C6太难了 03/06 15:32
4F:推 kobebrian: 不至於太难 太阳後面赛程很硬 除非他们自己争气不然确 03/06 17:05
5F:→ kobebrian: 实难打 03/06 17:05
6F:→ waderu: 太阳队型很猛,只要健康硬不硬不是问题 03/06 18:16
7F:推 hiro1221: 太阳很奇怪可以输火箭赢金块 03/06 18:54
8F:推 benboy: 太阳很硬但还是能爆气赢金块 而且还少了booker 03/06 18:54
9F:→ benboy: 我勇除了弱队要稳稳把握住 对强队也要能爆气拿几场下来 03/06 18:55
10F:→ hiro1221: 明天国王跟湖人互杀,我们一定要把握机会打下公鹿 03/06 18:55
11F:→ karmel: 明天字母questionable 感觉有一点机会 03/06 20:54
12F:→ karmel: 而且还是勇士主场 除非Portis又爆发XD 03/06 20:56
13F:→ karmel: 希望真的能赢 03/06 20:56
14F:推 alain: 但这次我勇又休了三天 通常休太久都... 03/06 21:14
15F:推 smik: 爲什麽要担心休3天的问题?还没休就输50分啦,总不会再输个 03/06 22:05
16F:→ smik: 50分以上啦,别怕 03/06 22:05
17F:推 LCHLCAP15: 字母毕竟是阿基里斯腱不舒服 那就多休一下吧 03/06 22:44
18F:推 Fatjoe5566: 5到10差距这麽小 看好可以冲到5or6 03/06 23:13
19F:推 JL46: 祝福围巾阖家顺心、诸事皆吉、一切安好~ :) 顺道帮我勇加油 03/07 00:40
20F:推 Erishcross: 围巾体态离夺冠年有很大距离 还能爆发就当中乐透了 03/07 02:03
21F:→ Erishcross: 反正我是不信啦 03/07 02:03
22F:推 apple15518: 6才差3 ,5差4 真的不是没机会 说冲前四才是真的没 03/07 03:10
23F:→ apple15518: 机会 03/07 03:10
24F:→ ayoung39: 普洱自从去替补 感觉回到22年的七八成 但刚刚他又跌倒了 03/07 09:08
25F:→ ayoung39: 今天字母哥好像会打的样子 03/07 09:26
26F:推 malain: 双侧翼+绿咖+拨接先发 03/07 09:58
27F:→ ayoung39: 15大说今天会有几名球员不会在轮换阵容中 ??? 怕 03/07 10:01
28F:→ ayoung39: 我除了想到Q仔之外 还有谁会掉出轮值 莫非是那个男人 03/07 10:03
29F:推 xiao07: 寄母哥为何不多休息呢 你的战场在波士顿啊 03/07 10:15
30F:→ ayoung39: 今天围巾会不会开赛先来个3投0中 然後live文会不会就开 03/07 10:22
31F:→ ayoung39: 始出现围巾交易文呢 03/07 10:22
32F:→ ayoung39: 斑马明天打国王因为脚踝扭伤不打 波波星期日和星期二 03/07 10:24
33F:→ ayoung39: 也让斑马休一下啦 未来的全明星保护一下 有伤就多休几 03/07 10:24
34F:→ ayoung39: 场 吧 03/07 10:24
35F:→ xiao07: 最近看神棍各种嗨赖真是香到不行 已圈粉 03/07 11:02
36F:→ kaybear3001: 这个保密的这麽好那时候Poole 484嘴绿幕後操盘 03/07 15:30
37F:推 Sc30Fmvp: 就是因为外流 才保密越来越好啊 03/07 19:04
38F:→ karmel: 勇士应该很不会应付斑马那种的 03/08 01:00
39F:→ karmel: 开季打过一次马刺小胜 但斑马比那时进化超多 03/08 01:01
40F:→ alain: 开季打那场也是差点被斑马守到不知道怎麽出手投篮 03/08 12:26

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