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※ [本文转录自 Google 看板 #1a9CxY_U ] 作者: l98 (寻找属於我的星星) 看板: Google 标题: [情报] Google Drive 单一使用者 500万 个档案上限 时间: Thu Mar 30 07:50:51 2023 1. 情报or新闻 连结: tem-cap-even-if-you-have-storage-space-left/ 2. 内文: Google Drive Has a 5 Million Item Cap, Even if You Have Storage Space Left Reddit users came to this unfortunate realization, forcing them to either delete or consolidate millions of items. Google Drive now limits users to 5 million items. A Google Workspace spokesperson confirmed the change in an email Monday evening. This comes as a Reddit user posted a thread Monday saying Google had imposed a 5 million item limit on peoples' Drive accounts, without prior warning. The Reddit user said people began receiving "Upload Failed" notifications around Feb. 14 for any action, including creating a new empty folder. "To maintain strong performance and reliability, individual users are limited to 5 million total created items in their Google Drive," a spokesperson from Google Workspace said. The spokesperson went on to say this change affects only a small number of users and recommended deleting some files. For those with a plethora of files, suddenly being asked to remove millions of items is a major inconvenience, as noted in a report created on Google's issue tracker. One user in the UK said their business in the animal health space has been critically hit by this change. It's caused a major disruption for the "tens of thousands of users in-practice and their work on a daily basis." Others are wondering why, if there's a hard limit, Google didn't provide any guidance. The rollout of this change may not be going smoothly either, with some users saying that even at 1 million items, they can't create a new folder. For many users and businesses, storing files online is often more convenient than local storage. The overall cloud storage market was valued at $78.6 billion in 2022, according to Markets and Markets. People can upgrade their Google One account, the service that contains Gmail, Drive, YouTube and others, to have additional storage. This storage can go all the way up to 30TB. Google One competes with Microsoft's OneDrive, Dropbox, Amazon Cloud Drive and Box. Of course, Google One integrates better with Google Workspace apps like Docs and Sheets. Amazon is shutting down its drive service at the end of 2023, only keeping Amazon Photos around for photo and video. But there's no limit on the number of photos and videos stored, said an Amazon spokesperson. Some Google One competitors also have file limits. OneDrive for Business has a limit of 50,000 items per folder. But it's uncertain if Microsoft has a hard cap on the number of items overall. Dropbox, on the other hand, says there's no limit. Microsoft and Box representatives didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. It seems that regardless of a person's Google One plan, whether it be 100GB or 20TB, the 5 million item limit applies. As a result, users with small file sizes are likely to hit the item limit before they hit the storage limit: Someone on a 2TB plan would have to exceed an average file size of 400KB to run out of storage before they hit the item limit. So, unless a person is storing large files like photos and videos on their drive, it's possible that some are paying for more space than can realistically be used. Alternatively, other Reddit users pointed out that compressing files into a .ZIP folder ends up counting as one item. 3.心得: 简单来说就是在 reddit 那边有人触发到近期未公布的单一使用者 Google Drive 500 万 个档案上限的警示。 n_items_limit_for/ Google's issue tracker 有更多讨论 重点 They seem to have updated the error maybe? In my case it now says: googleapi: Error 403: This account has exceeded the creation limit of 5 million items. To create more items, move items to the trash and delete them forever., activeItemCreationLimitExceeded I'm using Google Workspace Enterprise Standard I've deleted a few million files and emptied the trash but it's still not letting me create new files. Google Workspace Enterprise Standard 也有这个限制。 -- ※ 文章网址:

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 编辑: l98 ( 台湾), 03/30/2023 07:54:20
1F:推 kindaichitom: 他应该有很多零碎档案吧 03/30 12:48
2F:→ kindaichitom: 考量到系统的inode,才有这个限制吧 03/30 12:49
3F:推 hollen9: 没有事先公布就直接改规则真的很雷 03/30 15:37
4F:推 ltytw: 这就是google依直以来的形式风格 03/31 09:25
5F:→ shengshampoo: 就算抱怨连连,还不是口嫌体正直? 03/31 14:20
6F:→ shengshampoo: 会不会又有版友说,关我啥事?废言连篇? 03/31 14:21
7F:→ shengshampoo: 03/31 14:21
8F:→ shengshampoo: 03/31 14:22
9F:→ shengshampoo: MS onedrive 有人提到也有类似的限制。 03/31 14:23
10F:→ shengshampoo: 要麽实测,要麽翻阅API文档手册,才会发现。 03/31 14:24
11F:→ shengshampoo: 或许谷歌也是如此,限制一直都存在。API文件就算有 03/31 14:26
12F:→ shengshampoo: 提起,不是开发者不会发现这冷门条件。 03/31 14:26
13F:→ shengshampoo: 版上几乎都是囤物大档仓鼠,这限制应该影响有限。 03/31 14:33
14F:→ l98: I faced the same on my Google Drive account (2 TB). My us 03/31 17:33
15F:→ l98: age is only 1.62TB of the 2TB, and my Bin is empty. 03/31 17:33
16F:→ l98: 1.62 TB算仓鼠吗XD 实际上这个就是最近才加上的限制。讨论串 03/31 17:35
17F:→ l98: 还有人多出很多,以前没事。就02/14开始才不能上传(达到限制 03/31 17:35
18F:→ l98: ) 03/31 17:35
19F:→ l98: 会影响到备份小档的人,譬如讨论串里面就有研究动物的。 03/31 17:37
20F:→ l98: 一些研究实验数据确实有时候会产生很多档案出来 03/31 17:39
21F:→ tinlans: 小档案多的话,打包成压缩档再上传就可以解决 04/01 09:56
22F:→ kobe8112: 楼楼上又不是在问解法,他是在讨论现象,解法谁会不知XD 04/01 11:53
23F:→ shengshampoo: 干嘛打包压缩一个大档,分散平均写入好几个帐号空 04/01 13:32
24F:→ shengshampoo: 间不是更省事? 04/01 13:32
25F:→ shengshampoo: 系统管理,负载均衡,Load balancing。 04/01 13:34
27F:→ l98: 5 暂时拿掉限制了XD 04/04 17:39

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