Foreign_Inv 板


请问一下 我发现美股赠与没有赠与税 那美股要如何赠与? 目前想到的方法是 TD开两个帐号 用td内部转帐 把股票转给另外一个人 另外一个人卖掉 变现 在慢慢汇回台湾 这样可行吗 还有什麽方式可以直接证券转移? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:→ tr000064: 五楼,请问我该告诉他吗? 04/20 00:27
2F:→ cityport: 结婚就没有赠与税..男女男男女女都可以 04/20 00:37
3F:→ partsex: 刚刚直接用ib内部转帐 试转了100股的cspx从 我妈跟我的 04/20 00:41
4F:→ partsex: 联名户 转到了 我跟我老婆的联名户 04/20 00:41
5F:→ cityport: 但配偶必须是美国公民 04/20 00:42
6F:→ partsex: 股票直接转移应该没有美国的赠与税问题 04/20 00:43
7F:→ partsex: 之後要再转1900股 04/20 00:43
8F:→ cityport: 你老婆看来不是美国公民,你妈跟你老婆也不是配偶,要缴税 04/20 00:43
9F:→ partsex: 现金转移才有赠与税问题 04/20 00:43
10F:→ partsex: 股票没有 04/20 00:44
11F:→ cityport: Any transfer..(measured in money or money's worth) 04/20 00:44
12F:→ cityport: 在你乱搞前..最好先问过会计师 04/20 00:45
13F:→ partsex: 无形资产没有赠与税问题 04/20 00:45
14F:→ cityport: IRS网站FAQ写得清清楚楚..明年准备报税吧 04/20 00:46
15F:→ partsex: What assets are subject to US gift taxes? 04/20 01:13
16F:→ partsex: A non-citizen or non-resident is subject to US gift 04/20 01:13
17F:→ partsex: tax on the transfer of US real property or US tangib 04/20 01:13
18F:→ partsex: le personal property. However, gifts of intangible a 04/20 01:13
19F:→ partsex: ssets are not subject to US gift tax because intangi 04/20 01:13
20F:→ partsex: ble assets are considered to be located in the home 04/20 01:13
21F:→ partsex: country of the donor. 04/20 01:13
22F:→ partsex: Gifts of US corporation shares are also not subject 04/20 01:13
23F:→ partsex: to US gift tax since shares are intangible property. 04/20 01:13
24F:→ partsex: 04/20 01:13
25F:→ partsex: Note, however, that these very same shares would be 04/20 01:13
26F:→ partsex: taxable if they came out of the estate of the non-US 04/20 01:13
27F:→ partsex: domiciliary decedent since they are considered US s 04/20 01:13
28F:→ partsex: itus assets. So, it’s tricky; non-taxable if it’s 04/20 01:13
29F:→ partsex: a living gift, taxable if it is a gift after death. 04/20 01:13
30F:→ partsex: Stated differently; if I were a non-citizen or non-r 04/20 01:13
31F:→ partsex: esident and make a gift of US tangible property, I’ 04/20 01:13
32F:→ partsex: m going to have a taxable gift. If I make a gift of 04/20 01:13
33F:→ partsex: an intangible, that’s not a taxable gift. If I make 04/20 01:13
34F:→ partsex: a gift of an intangible that owns US property, ex., 04/20 01:13
35F:→ partsex: US corporation stock, where the underlying corporat 04/20 01:13
36F:→ partsex: e asset is US property, that would be also not subje 04/20 01:13
37F:→ partsex: ct to gift tax, since the stock is intangible and in 04/20 01:13
38F:→ partsex: tangibles are not subject to the gift tax. However, 04/20 01:13
39F:→ partsex: if those US corporation shares pass not as a gift wh 04/20 01:13
40F:→ partsex: en I am living, but as an inheritance after my death 04/20 01:13
41F:→ partsex: , those shares would be US situs assets, subject to 04/20 01:13
42F:→ partsex: estate tax. 04/20 01:13
43F:→ partsex: 对非美国公民和非美国居民来说,股票转移不会涉及赠与税 04/20 03:08
44F:→ partsex: 对美国公民或是税务居民来说,一切资产转移都可能会涉及 04/20 03:08
45F:→ partsex: 赠与税 04/20 03:08
46F:→ partsex: 04/20 03:10
47F:→ partsex: 这样方便多了 不用在卖股把钱先汇到新加坡赠与 直接在美 04/20 03:13
48F:→ partsex: 国用证券赠与就好了 04/20 03:13
49F:推 Takadanobaba: 但你怎麽跟台湾国税局解释这笔钱哪来的? 04/20 03:30
50F:推 abasqoo: 看你钱有没有要回台湾 04/20 03:32
51F:→ reasonably: 从你妈跟你的联名户,转到你跟老婆的联名户,两个户头 04/20 04:23
52F:→ reasonably: 都有你,那这样转移就不算赠与啦 04/20 04:23
53F:→ cityport: IRS会认定算一半..定义那段有写 04/20 07:31
54F:→ cityport: 我的胆子没那麽大敢玩IRS啦..可能他不打算移民 04/20 07:31
55F:推 agario: 这样的话美股赠与是不是要缴中华民国赠与税? 04/20 07:32
56F:→ partsex: 要啊 但中华民国不知道 把他当海外所得去报就好了 04/20 10:25
57F:推 Takadanobaba: 国税局知道就会管,想要钱合法汇回来就是要申报。 04/20 10:31
58F:→ Takadanobaba: 你申报赠与就照台湾赠与税法处理,申报所得就照所 04/20 10:31
59F:→ Takadanobaba: 得税法处理,当然你也可以不申报,只要你没被检举 04/20 10:31
60F:→ Takadanobaba: 他也不会管你。 04/20 10:31
61F:推 Tradesque: NRA的股票转移不算赠与税,这是我CPA跟我说的 04/20 11:23
62F:推 fatfree: 04/20 12:09
63F:→ partsex: 报海外所得 免税额比赠与税还高 04/20 12:11
64F:→ partsex: 感觉高资产家庭 不要拿美国身分比较好 04/20 12:12
65F:→ partsex: 美国的税法很多都偏海外外国人 04/20 12:12
66F:推 ken812025: 本来就是啊 美国是全球追税 高资产跑去美国拿税籍是一 04/20 12:48
67F:→ ken812025: 件蛮奇怪的事 04/20 12:48
68F:→ partsex: 其实我的etf也不是美国etf 是爱尔兰 04/20 13:26
69F:→ partsex: 这样应该完全和美国政府无关吧? 04/20 13:26
70F:→ partsex: 爱尔兰不对非居民课徵遗产税和赠与税 04/20 13:27
71F:推 Takadanobaba: 你没事的关键是政府不查你,而不是你用什麽方式报 04/20 15:00
72F:→ Takadanobaba: 。小额=低调=没事 04/20 15:00
73F:推 SweetLee: 那你标题应该改成不会被台湾国税局抓到 而不是不用赠与 04/20 19:30
74F:→ SweetLee: 税 04/20 19:30
75F:→ partsex: 台湾我没在管的啦 台湾又没比美国政府可怕 04/20 19:34
76F:→ seanidiot: 国税局不是吃素的,确定他不会追查资金来源吗 04/22 12:42
77F:推 j6m3: 既然想逃乾脆转到嘉信领现金出来啊 04/24 19:07
78F:推 goliathplus: 提款卡领现金可以解决的数字 国税局应该不会查你 04/25 08:52

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