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2020 ART TAIPEI 台北国际艺术博览会 S07 / S17展位 「纪录轨迹 A Circuit Traced」 公众展期| 2020/10/23(五) 14:00-19:00 至 2020/10/26(一) 11:00-18:00 止 活动地点| 台北世贸中心一馆(台湾台北市信义区信义路五段5号) 策展人| #洪秉绮 Iris, Hung Ping-Chi 参展单位| #台湾艺文空间连线 #Taiwanartspacealliance 参展艺术家| #王筱瑷 WANG Hsiao-Ai #周孟晔 CHOU Meng-Yeh #施惟捷 SHIH Wei-Chieh #陈翊羽 CHEN Yi-Yu #陈宜艳 CHEN I-Yen #郑亭亭 CHENG Ting-Ting 展览论述| 禅语「见山是山,见水是水;见山不是山,见水不是水;见山是山,见水是水」,强调 观者在观看时心境的转化。同样的艺术家也是这样对待自己的创作,对事物不断反覆的 提出怀疑、思索与探究,进而了解其本质,试图以创作回应中间的过程,并以劳动的动 作描绘内心的想法。当代艺术的诠释是多元且开放的,但鲜少以工艺性的角度讨论,若 能破除工艺不仅只是当作一个单字或分类,而是艺术家在技法美学和材质美学之外,作 为一种知识传递的过程,希望能带出作品背後的意涵,那可能是关於时间的流转、空间 的异动、历史文化的承载、家庭的关系、身份认同以及跨域中寻求创新与共融。 “To see mountains as mountains, rivers as rivers; to see mountains not as m ountains, rivers not as rivers; to see again mountains as mountains, rivers as rivers.” This Zen saying emphasizes the transformation of the viewer's m ind through the process of observation. It describes also the approach of th e artist: constantly raising doubts, thinking and exploring matters, and the reby apprehending the essence. Artists seek to respond to such a process thr ough their practice, depicting inner thought with outer labor. Interpretatio ns of contemporary art are diverse and open, but it has rarely been discusse d from the perspective of craftsmanship. Only if the idea of craftsmanship m erely as a term or classification could be broken, to be seen as beyond mere aesthetics of technique and material, may craft adopt its place as a proces s of knowledge transmission along with other arts, thus further drawing out the meaning behind works. It may be about the circulation of time and space, the bridging between history and culture, or family relations, self-identit y, or the search for creativity and harmony through the merging of disciplin es. 购票连结| #TASATW #TASA #特展 #arttaipei #2020arttaipei #台北国际艺术博览会 ---- Sent from BePTT on my Xiaomi Mi A1 --

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