作者oreowei (小布)
标题Re: [闲聊] 大家对宠社会不会有厌倦感了呢
时间Thu Aug 13 10:16:50 2009
You still didn't asnwer my question.
Why would it be meaningful if you give me my money but I cannot log in
because of your fake maintanence?
Please tell me how that can be meaningful because I just simply don't understand
your logic!
How do I know if what you told me is real? Cause I am still blocked from your
fake maintenance!! I don't get to log in to the game, how would I know if I get
the money? how do I use my money in pet society if you don't let people log in!!!
Stop sending me these automated response (is it because you are so irresponsable so that is your solution?).
I told you that we are going to tell people about this, thanks for your response, the press
is on the way, first, we are going to post the situation and all the people in Taiwan who has been fraud by you, then we will contact the media to tell people how you are doing to take users money away and don't let them play the game.
We wish to avoid people in other countires to get hurt, cause you know, they need to know about this, cause who knows which country will be the next?
People have got to stop paying for your games and then be blocked.
This is "FRAUD"
if this situation continues, let's just wait for an international law suit.
※ 引述《sivaanny (sivaanny)》之铭言:
: 所以我才对使用代理进游戏兴趣缺缺,因为感觉很差!
: 虽然我现在没有付钱买鱼币(因为我才刚开始玩五天後就被封锁了三天),
: 但是将来玩出兴趣来了可能也是会付钱的啊!
: 对潜在客户这麽不重视,真是令人生气!
: 我们没有付钱的人也可以抗议吗?
: 抗议信要寄到哪里去啊?
: 还有英文版的抗议信我写不出来啊,
: 可不可以请o大教教我你这篇我要如何修改啊?谢谢!
: ※ 引述《oreowei (小布)》之铭言:
: : 参考大家的意见後
: : 我写信过去骂人了
: : 内容大致上是
: : 我们知道你们维修是假维修
: : 不让台湾的人玩
: : 但是我们有付钱的人怎麽办?
: : 我上周才花钱付了pet coin跟fish cash coin
: : 你们是打算收钱然後装死吗
: : (我没提代理的事情)
: : 要不然就还钱
: : 要不然就发动台湾同胞在Forum上面宣告宠社A台湾人钱
: : 很凶悍吼~~XD
: : 可是真的很不爽啊.......
: : 补英文版:(因为没存所以纯粹凭记忆,大致是这样写的)
: : I have been playing pet society for almost 6 months,
: : and we all know about the fake maintenance you are doing
: : to block users in Taiwan. What do you plan to do with the
: : money I just tranfered to you for my pet coins and fish cash
: : coins? You just get users money and then block them?
: : Gee..if there were a word to describe this behavior, what would
: : it be? Oh I know, how about "FRAUD"?
: : I strongly suggest you to stop doing this, or either give our money back
: : or we will tell people all over the world to let them know that
: : you take users money and then just block them.
: : They need to know, because who knows which country will be the next?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Lumiy:水! 08/13 10:26
2F:→ MarcLin:其实最有效的方法是直接打到London HQ那边骂,但是 08/13 10:30
3F:→ MarcLin:PLAYFISH好像很有经验,完全找不到联络电话,LOL 08/13 10:30
4F:推 bread1501:寄信都没有甚麽好结果... 08/13 11:02
5F:推 yehyeah:美国有些会先回一封自动回信的文章 就是你收到的 代表他们 08/13 11:09
6F:→ yehyeah:有收到你的信 之後才会回你一封正式的回信 08/13 11:09
7F:→ yehyeah:第二三句只是提醒一些玩家 有的问题可以上这个网址找到 08/13 11:10
8F:→ yehyeah:请先息怒 等个几天看看吧 08/13 11:10
9F:→ oreowei:我原本也是这样想,但是填写信栏位时,选择的问题项目不是 08/13 11:17
10F:→ oreowei:写billing,我是选择loggin problem, 内文才有参杂付钱的 08/13 11:18
11F:→ oreowei:的事情,所以我不太相信是完全程式自动判断回信 08/13 11:19
12F:→ arretici:已经厌倦不玩了没错,正在寻找取代RC的游戏~ 08/13 14:17