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有点晚才看到这个消息.... 虽然比赛到8/3号喔,不过奖金非常的丰富!!! 上次是因为推出花园所以有布置花园的比赛, 这次这个是庆祝宠社一周年的活动!!!! 最大奖是100万喔~~~ ********************************************* * 简单扼要的比赛办法 * ********************************************* 因为这次奖金是百万,所以比赛的主题就是: "If I had a million coins…” 用这个主题在玩鱼的论坛中发表你的作品, 可以用故事、图片、影片, 任何你想得到的东西去说你要怎麽利用这个一百万。 他们会将作品分类去评分, 在各类别的赢家都可以有10万的宠社钱, 然後会再选出优秀玩家来额外给予100万的宠社钱喔!~ ********************************************* ※ 原本的文章 ※ ※ Pet Society Birthday Competition ※ ********************************************* Hey Pet Society fans! Do you remember when there wasn’t a Stadium in Pet Society? When the Café was just a construction site? Newer players may find it hard to believe, but at one point there were no Mystery Boxes, let alone a whole Mystery Store! How about this: can you remember when there wasn’t a Pet Society? It’s hard to believe we know, but a little under a year ago, there wasn’t! That’s right, on the 8th of August, 2009, we celebrate the first birthday of Pet Society! To celebrate, we thought we’d make some lucky pets rich beyond their wildest dreams. You may have thought that the 100 thousand coins for the Garden Competition seemed like a pretty awesome amount of coins, but how about a million? Sounds good doesn’t it? So we’re going to make someone a Pet Society millionaire! DESCRIPTION How do you get in with a chance of winning? All you have to do is post a piece of art or fiction titled “If I had a million coins…” to forum.playfish.com. It could be a short story, a drawing, a video, a photograph, a comic strip… or any other inventive way to show us just what you’d do with all those Pet Society coins. Pieces will be judged in different categories, the categories may include: most creative, most fun, most humorous, most original, best use of technology, most resourceful, best use of cheese, most impressive and most cute. Winners in each of the categories will receive 100 thousand coins, and one lucky winner who excels in some or all of the judged categories will be awarded with one million coins! Plus, all winning entries will be propelled to instant stardom on www.petsociety.com for everyone to admire! Entries will be open until August 3rd and the winners will be announced shortly after, so you’ve got plenty of time to let your imagination run wild and design your entry! TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please refer to http://static.playfish.com/legal/20090716_pets_birthday_terms.html and ensure you agree with the Terms and Conditions prior to entering! So pick up a pen, paint brush, camera, or whatever is your style, and design your dream! ============================================================================ 原文的连结: http://blog.petsociety.com/2009/07/17/birthday-competition/ ============================================================================ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 momo221:100万=many 4999's item 07/29 13:18
※ 编辑: caciia 来自: (07/29 13:18)
2F:推 Amou:所以寄去时也要用英文解说吗…(残念…) 07/29 13:41
3F:推 sylvialee:我有看到耶,在想要不要参加说^^ 07/29 13:44
4F:推 momo221:如果寄过去要英文 就算了Orz 07/29 13:52
5F:→ caciia:可以用很简单的英文去叙述吧@@ 07/29 13:53
6F:→ caciia:去找找上次那个花园的比赛怎麽进行的好了 07/29 13:53
7F:推 MayMaple:有看到 可是觉得有点麻烦 所以还在考虑要不要参加 :p 07/29 14:25

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