作者gully (沟鼠)
标题[闲聊] F1薪资上限如何影响红牛
时间Fri Oct 11 19:27:17 2024
And while some have pointed to these key departures as being a sign of a team
in trouble, moves like this are nothing out of the ordinary with it pretty
common for rivals to come along and offer big money deals to poach
experienced staff.
Formula 1's cost cap rules take into account the wages of all relevant
operational personnel at a team, excluding the top three earners.
While the identity of these three individuals at each squad is not made
public, it is thought that neither Wheatley nor Courtenay formed part of the
top three at Red Bull.
Red Bull says that what has changed though is that being able to make
counter-offers has long gone because, in a cost-cap era, spending is so
Speaking about the challenges of keeping hold of top personnel in current F1,
Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said: "You can't have a Galactus because
you can't afford it. You've got to look at bang for buck and it forces you to
make some really tough decisions.
谈到留住当前 F1 顶尖人才的挑战,红牛车队老板克里斯蒂安·霍纳 (Christian
Horner) 表示:「你不能拥有吞星者,因为你买不起。你必须考虑性价比,
Horner says that he fully understands the motivations for senior staff
members wanting to move on – especially if circumstances allowed them to
take a position that was not available at Red Bull, plus a boost to their
Their departures are not all negative, though, because they allow others
within the current organisation to move up to more senior roles – giving
them career progression that stops them feeling trapped and feeling that they
need to look elsewhere.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/FORMULA1/M.1728646040.A.A0F.html
1F:推 justpopcorn: 总结一句话,哪家钱多去哪家 10/11 19:39
2F:推 TheoEpstein: 好文推 10/11 22:19
4F:→ DKnex: 我是看村长讲才知道法拉利3个地区薪水落差太大 10/11 22:21
5F:推 rivet: 我记得英国的F1工程师薪资也比英国其他公司来的少,主要为 10/11 22:53
6F:→ rivet: 了是兴趣跟经验特殊,而不是经济的考量。 10/11 22:53
7F:→ gully: 没错喔,F1的技师能力如果在外界是远高过业内薪水的 10/12 00:00
8F:→ shargo: 原来是四大会计师事务所阿... 10/12 01:55
9F:推 Vincent8026: 而且是要扛东西全球跑的 10/12 02:49
10F:→ Vincent8026: 上次在日本搭新干线碰到一个扛大包小包的马丁人员 10/12 02:49
11F:→ Vincent8026: 定点的要很有爱,现场的要更有爱 10/12 02:50
12F:推 stapia: 薪水不如外部是因为预算帽吗?还是说预算帽出现之前就已就 10/12 07:36
13F:→ stapia: 是这样了? 10/12 07:36
14F:推 Vincent8026: 我记得以前就是了 10/12 08:10
15F:推 alex0589: 意思是闱场内的搬运工在民生车业是可以横着走的 10/12 09:52
16F:→ VL1003: 除了兴趣,主要就镀金,你光是把 F1 工作过的经历放出来就 10/12 17:19
17F:→ VL1003: 非常稀有了,况且闱场的工作又很高压高强度。 10/12 17:19
18F:→ gully: 什麽搬运工,那些人搞不好都是硕士或者双学位的 10/12 18:05
19F:→ VL1003: 不如外部还蛮好理解的阿,F1 就是个烧钱几乎不赚钱的项目 10/12 18:10
20F:→ VL1003: ,这种前提下,不可能给整个 Pit Crew 高薪,外面给得起的 10/12 18:11
21F:→ VL1003: ,基本上就是因为能赚钱才敢给,F1 车队要弄到赚钱,难。 10/12 18:11
22F:推 Duke200: 那些换胎组 基本上都身兼多职 而且学历也不会太低 10/12 19:13
23F:推 jesuskobe: 很赚钱的企业才能给员工高薪,F1刚好是烧钱赔本投资的 10/12 21:09
24F:→ jesuskobe: 这种状况下员工薪水低也蛮合理的 10/12 21:09
25F:推 hcwang1126: 台湾一些知名外商 薪水不怎样 I 开头的 但是很多人抢 10/12 22:53
26F:→ hcwang1126: 实习生的位置 因为申请学校好用 10/12 22:53
27F:推 Richun: F1的广告效益大,但投入成本太高,实际上大多车队都会赔。 10/13 21:14
28F:→ Richun: 在没预算帽的时期几乎每家都赔,招员工的薪水则是看应徵者 10/13 21:15
29F:→ Richun: 愿意接受的薪资,在曝光度相对高的情况下,这些员工薪水会 10/13 21:16
30F:→ Richun: 因为应徵的竞争热门,而且不太赚钱所以薪资拉不起来。 10/13 21:17
31F:推 penny31029: 就是薪资M型化,有价值的很高薪,其他一般人就作功德 10/13 22:48
32F:推 Duke200: 另一方面是兴趣啦 其实F1闱场工作很高压 休息时间也不多 10/14 01:55