FJU-Stat97A 板


Bring it on =let something happen =放马过来!! On the top of the world =very happy =can't be better That's the spirit =that's a good attitude Brush up on =review Hold your horses =slow down I hear you =I know what you mean =point taken Can't hold a candle to something =isn't as good as something Cost a fortune =cost a lot of money =costs an arm and a leg In one's blood =very important to someone Take a breather =take a rest Put something out of one's mind =stop thinking about something Cheer up =be happy Get something =understand something Look on the bright side =look at things positively Get to someone =affect/bother someone On the way =in the process of going somewhere Under the weather =sick Now and then =occasionally Feel up for something =feel like doing/having something Take a peek =briefly look Get a move on =hurry up Wind down =slow down/calm down The other way around =the opposite Point taken =I understand Ready to roll =ready to start/go What a load off =that's a big relief Know something backwards and forwards =know something very well Paint the town red =go out and have a lot of fun Float someone's boat =attract someone's interest It's on me =I'll pay Go nuts =become crazy Stress out =feel extremely nervous/pressured Easier said than done =something is easy to say but hard to do Fool around =waste time by having fun Burn the midnight oil =stay up late doing something Could have fooled me =I don't agree;I don't think so Think twice =think carefully Rag on someone =bother/make fun of someone =play joke on someone Have a beef with someone =have a conflict/problem with someone Take it easy =calm down Put something on someone =blame someone for something Drop it =stop talking about something No harm, no foul =nothing bad happened, so everything is OK Short on time =not having much time Give someone a piece of one's mind =tell someone one's true =be level with sb. Crank up =turn up No can do =I can't/won't do that Fit someone to a T =fit very well Beggars can't be choosers =accept the choice you have One of these days =eventually =sooner and later Call it a day =finish the day's work/activity Ring someone =telephone someone Don't hold your breath =it may take a long time As slow as molasses =very slow Keep someone company =stay with someone Rain cats and dogs =rain heavily Slip one's mind =one forgets something Wait something out =wait for something to finish Tapped out =out of money Spring for something =pay for something A little birdie told me =someone told me You don't say =wow;that's interesting Slave away =work very hard Keep an eye on someone =watch someone closely Take a cake =be extraordinary or extreme Get out of =leave a place Hit the hay =go to sleep On the dot =exactly at that time Works for me =I can accept that lead the way =go first;show the way Put someone on =fool someone =pulling someone's leg The luck of the Irish =very good luck Take something step by step =do things in order Live high on the hog =have a very comfortable lifestyle =have a luxurious lifestyle Count on it =rely on or believe something =read my lips 结束了 共75个片语 这篇应该有值1000P吧 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 killies:妈的 你竟然在念英文.... 01/14 02:15
2F:推 killies:939 P币 发币发币.... 01/14 02:17
3F:→ a999999976:这个太扯了啦!!骗p骗很大唷!!po给谁看呀= = 01/14 17:06
4F:嘘 seth0921:偷念书,没品欸!!! 01/14 19:56

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