EzHotKey 板


之前在WOW和D3使用视窗模式时觉得画面太暗 所以写了个AHK来做画面亮度的调整 功能: 切换到指定视窗时自动改变萤幕亮度 操作: 在要调整的视窗内按下Scroll Lock键以指定该视窗 之後切换到该视窗时便会自动改变亮度,离开该视窗时还原亮度 右下icon里的options可设定亮度值 执行档: http://goo.gl/zmiZLm 调整亮度的写法参考了下列网址: brightness.ahk http://goo.gl/EgTi1s C#: How to change the color/gamma and brightness http://goo.gl/7M6xX2 原始码: #SingleInstance,force OnExit, Exit1 SetFormat, FloatFast, 2.2 ;建立右下图示选单 menu,tray, icon, %A_ScriptFullPath%, 1 menu,tray, nostandard menu,tray, add, Enable, ToggleFunction menu,tray, add menu,tray, add, Options, ShowPanel menu,tray, add, Quit, exit1 menu,tray, default, Enable menu,tray, check , Enable ;载入设定值 IniRead, myWindow, SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , TargetWindow,%A_Space% IniRead, defGamma, SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , DefaultGamma, 1.0 IniRead, setGamma, SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , SetGamma, 1.2 IniRead, minGamma, SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , MinGamma, 0.5 IniRead, maxGamma, SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , MaxGamma, 2.2 ;检查及初始化设定值 tmp1:=defGamma+setGamma+minGamma+maxGamma if tmp1 is not number { defGamma:=1.0 setGamma:=1.2 minGamma:=0.5 maxGamma:=2.2 gosub SaveSetting } else { if(maxGamma < minGamma) { tmp1:=maxGamma maxGamma:=minGamma minGamma:=tmp1 } if(minGamma<0) minGamma:=0 if(maxGamma<0) maxGamma:=3 if(setGamma < minGamma) setGamma:=minGamma if(setGamma > maxGamma) setGamma:=maxGamma } barMin:=minGamma*100 barMax:=maxGamma*100 barSet:=setGamma*100 ;绘制设定介面 Gui Hidden:New Gui Hidden:Cancel Gui MyPanel:New Gui MyPanel: +OwnerHidden Gui MyPanel: -Caption +Border +AlwaysOnTop Gui MyPanel: Add,Text,x11 y26 w49 h23,Program: Gui MyPanel: Add,Edit,ReadOnly x60 y24 w130 h19,%myWindow% Gui MyPanel: Add,Text,-wrap x17 y48 w180 h28,(use ScrollLock to select a program) Gui MyPanel: Add,Groupbox,x15 y86 w172 h104,Gamma: Gui MyPanel: Add,Text,x58 y113 w36 h18,Set to: Gui MyPanel: Add,Edit,ReadOnly vMyGamma x91 y111 w35 h21,%setGamma% Gui MyPanel: Add,Text,x160 y170 w25 h17,%maxGamma% Gui MyPanel: Add,Text,x24 y169 w25 h17,%minGamma% Gui MyPanel: Add,Slider,x20 y134 w163 h33 range%barMin%-%barMax% vSlideNum AltSubmit gSlide1,%barSet% Gui MyPanel: Show,Hide xCenter yCenter w200 h198,SetWindowGammaGUI Global switch1=1 ;切换亮度 Loop { WinGet,theProcess,processname,A WinWaitNotActive, ahk_exe theProcess, ,60 if(switch1==0) continue if(ErrorLevel==0) { IfWinActive, ahk_exe %myWindow% SetScreenBrightness(setGamma) else SetScreenBrightness(defGamma) } } ShowPanel: IfWinExist, SetWindowGammaGUI Gui MyPanel: Cancel else { GuiControl, MyPanel: ,Edit1, %myWindow% Gui MyPanel: show } WinWaitNotActive, SetWindowGammaGUI SetScreenBrightness(defGamma) Gui MyPanel: Cancel return Slide1: setGamma:=SlideNum/100 Guicontrol, MyPanel: ,Edit2, %setGamma% SetScreenBrightness(setGamma) return ScrollLock:: if(switch1==0) { SendInput {ScrollLock} return } WinGet,theProcess,processname,A if( myWindow != theProcess ) { myWindow = %theProcess% SetScreenBrightness(setGamma) } else SendInput {ScrollLock} return ToggleFunction: Gui MyPanel: Cancel if(switch1) { SetScreenBrightness(defGamma) menu,tray, Uncheck, Enable switch1:=0 menu,tray, icon, %A_ScriptFullPath%, 3 } else { menu,tray, Check, Enable switch1:=1 menu,tray, icon, %A_ScriptFullPath%, 1 } return SaveSetting: IniWrite, %myWindow% , SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , TargetWindow IniWrite, %defGamma% , SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , DefaultGamma IniWrite, %setGamma% , SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , SetGamma IniWrite, %minGamma% , SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , MinGamma IniWrite, %maxGamma% , SetWindowGamma.ini ,SetWindowGamma , MaxGamma return Exit1: SetScreenBrightness(defGamma) gosub SaveSetting ExitApp SetScreenBrightness(brightness) { if( (hDesktopDC := DllCall("GetDC", uint, 0, uint)) = 0 ) return False arraysize := 256*2 VarSetCapacity(ramp, 3*arraysize, 0) Loop, 256 { ;--- set brightness --- ;arrayvalue := (A_Index-1)*(brightness+128) ;--- set gamma --- arrayvalue := ( ( A_index / 256 )**( 1 / brightness ) * 65535) + 0.5 if(arrayvalue>65535) arrayvalue := 65535 NumPut(arrayvalue, ramp, (A_Index-1)*2, "UShort") ;r NumPut(arrayvalue, ramp, arraysize+(A_Index-1)*2, "UShort") ;g NumPut(arrayvalue, ramp, arraysize*2+(A_Index-1)*2, "UShort") ;b } retvalue := DllCall("SetDeviceGammaRamp", uint, hDesktopDC, uint, &ramp) DllCall("ReleaseDC", uint, 0, uint, hDesktopDC) return retvalue } --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/EzHotKey/M.1399712867.A.829.html
1F:推 SilentWorld:感谢提供! 05/12 21:21
※ 编辑: onelife (, 04/28/2015 21:45:29

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