作者banbee100 (BB)
标题Re: [文法] tardar, quedar, faltar
时间Sun Nov 9 20:01:11 2008
得到一位native speaker的回答,供大家参考。
quedar y faltar have the same meaning, the number of hours left to get to
Tainan. Your sentences are correct for those two verbs.
However for the sentences with tardar you have to change de preposition:
Se tardan 2 horas en llegar a Tainan
Tardamos 2 horas en llegar a Tainan
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Leeweijen:推wordreference 11/10 22:30
2F:→ marumei:tardar =>花费的时间; faltar =>还差的时间 11/16 01:49