Emulator 板


https://www.retrobat.org/download/ Fixes & improvements Guns: – Fix gun support in multiple emulators (PCSX2, RPCS3, Flycast, Duckstation, SuperModel) & libretro:cores – Added menu to manage gun options – Add detection of Gun4IR guns in RetroBat – Fix sinden lightgun border when width has decimals – Add crosshair option to pcsx_rearmed Fixes: – Fix Retroachievements error – Fix controller injection in supermodel and yuzu – Fix hotkeys injection for pcsx2, dolphin, duckstation and mesen – Fix camputers lynx autoboot command not working for libretro:mame (has been removed, command must be typed manually, refer to wiki) – Fix features not appearing for some MESS systems – Alignment of hotkeys for some emulators (refer to wiki) – Fix Gamecube controller mapping for wii games supporting GC controller – Fix using “Guide” button (PS on playstation controllers, Xbox button or Home on NINTENDO) as hotkey on rpcs3, pcsx2 and duckstation – Fix CEMU & Dolphin vsync feature – Citra & xemu : fix screenshotpath – Fix Handheld mode on yuzu – Fix some controller mapping on Dolphin – Fix px68k cpu speed feature – fix beetle_psx analog/digital switch messing with hotkey – Fix fbneo neogeo_mode value injection – Fix Retroarch hard sync option – Fix pcsx2 & duckstation when playing with more than 4 players with only xinput controllers – Fix libretro:mame autodetection of vertical games – Tentative to fix XInput controllers order – Aligned tos folder between libretro:hatari and hatari – Fix Teknoparrot regression with newer TP version (gameprofiles issue) – Fix crashes happening with incorrect bezel image – Fix emulator download issue when emulator folder does not exist Interface – Many fixes (memory leaks, crashes, performance issues) : overall the fluidity and performance of the interface should increase – Add new views in EmulationStation interface and ability to use post-processing shaders in themes (included already some effects in Carbon theme) – Add possibility to use video splashscreen in EmulationStation – Fix missing “hardware” tag for Switch console – Fix year tag for WiiU was 2010 instead of 2012) – Clean up bios check for numerous systems – Aligned names for some features Updates of emulators\cores New emulators / cores : – Add Ares & Bizhawk for multiple systems – Add Mupen64 (Rosalie’s) and Simple64 standalone emulators (n64 and n64dd) – Add Flycast (Dreamcast, naomi & Atomiswave) – Add melonDS standalone (NDS) – Add citra-canary (3DS) – Add Namco 2×6 with Play emulator (also added on PS2) – Add Zinc (Arcade) – Add SSF (Saturn) – Add Stella – Add ruffle (flash) – Add HBMame standalone (homebrew arcade) – Add ZEsarUX (ZX Spectrum) – Add arduous (arduboy) – Add uzem (uzebox) – Add libretro MelonDS DS – Add lowresNX – Add jynx (Camputers lynx) – Add hatari standalone (atariST) – Add Magic Engine (PCEngine & SuperGrafx) – Add pcsx2 libretro core support – Add libretro:hatarib core – Add PinballFX, Pinball M & PinballFX2 support (steam versions & standalone) – Add libretro:dinothawr – Add libretro:xRick (Rick Dangerous) – Add libretro:openlara (Tomb Raider port) – Add gong libretro port – Add fake08 (PICO8) – Add Super Bros War (libretro port of Super Mario War) – Add vitaquake2 – Add ecwolf (Wolfenstein 3D) – Add libretro:boom3 (Doom 3) – Add eduke32 – Add GZDoom – Add The Force Engine (Dark Forces) – Add SEGA S-TV with libretro:kronos – Remove 4DO core Core system scope increases: – MAME64 for AppleII & AppleIIGS system (additional BIOS required) – Add mgba for gb, gbc and sgbAdd libretro:sameboy core for gb and gbc, allowing multiplayer with different cartridges (e.g. pokemon) – Add mednafen for wswan, saturn, psx, lynx, gb, gba, sgb, ngp, ngpc, gamegear, pcfx and mastersystem – Add mesen to snes, gb, gbc and sgb – Add libretro:sameboy core for gb and gbc, allowing multiplayer with different cartridges (e.g. pokemon) Core/emulator updates: – Update RetroArch to 1.16 (including core updates) – Update most standalone emulators to newer versions (BigPEmu, Dolphin, Dolphin-Triforce, Cemu, Citra, CXBX, Xemu, Xenia, PCSX2, Duckstation, RPCS3, Vita3K, PPSSPP, mGBA, Mesen, Hypseus, Mame64, Future Pinball, VPinball, SNES9x, OpenMSX, ScummVM, …) Features – Add Mega-bezels : sonkun, cyberlab, Duimon updated & koko-aio – Add audio features to dolphin – Add Apple2 controller type for MAME – Add deekay palette to vice cores – Add multi-disc (2 discs) management to AppleIIGS and apple2 – Add features for snes9x – Add preemptive frames feature for supported cores – Add RPCS3 features (CPU Blit, trophies, guns) – Add features to PCSX2 : start in PS2 bios, choice of USB port for guncon – Move xenia and xenia-canary saves folder to retrobat\saves\xbox360 folder – Add .zip extension to psp (libretro) – Add .woz extension for apple2gs & apple2 – Add dolphin post-processing filter option – Add bezels and shader for solarus, redream, raine, mednafen – Add additional TATE mode to FBNEO and TATE mode to libretro:mame – Add features to PinballFX3 (nb of players, classic mode) – Yuzu: add ASTC recompression feature & controller applet deactivation & option to disable fully retrobat settings injection – Dolphin: add vertex rounding feature – libretro_mednafen_psx_hw : add overclock feature – Controller autoconfiguration for MAME, Mesen, Mednafen, Redream, Demul, Kega-Fusion, SNES9x, Hypseus, Phoenix – Add controller type choice to ryujinx (joycon, handheld, pro controller…) – Controller autoconfiguration for CXBX – Add reshade to duckstation – Add shader “sindenborder” for standalone controllers using reshade – Add controller button inversion features for dolphin (core & standalone) – Add features for m2emulator – libretro:mame – add padtokey buttons to access to mame menu and to service menu – Add automation of high scores for libretro:mame and mame64 – Add .prg extension for C64 – Add Xenia features for Forza Motorsport 4 – Add bezels to Xemu – Add Duimon MBZ shaders to Bigpemu – Add possibility to run dsi nand (.bin) files with MelonDS (multiple nand images can be managed) – Add retroarch video filters – Add retroachievements to PPSSPP standalone – Add motion to simulate Wii movements for controllers with motion (Dualshock / Switch Pro) – Add .ipf file support for AMIGA (you need to add the “capsimg.dll” file) – Added management of .url game shortcuts for EPIC Game Launcher and Amazon Launcher (meaning RetroBat will find out the executable name and wait for it to close) – PPSSPP standalone emulator controller autoconfiguration – Add savestates management in interface for some standalone emulators (dolphin, pcsx2, ppsspp, duckstation) – Add some libretro hatari & hatarib features – Add PGXP feature for compatible psx cores/emulators – Use MAME bezels for FBNEO when mame bezel-project is installed Dev stuff – Move RetroBat repositories to the project official github : https://github.com/RetroBat-Official ==> you can now create issues and we will follow and answer – Move to new Screenscraper api and increase scraping speed – Improve eboot.bin search in .ps3 folders – Move RPCS3 controller configuration to SDL instead of WinMM – Search amigaforever in Program Files directory if not found in retrobat\emulators folder – Simplification of running steam games, no need for batch files anymore – Add management of Microsoft gamepass games (needs a small trick to work) – New RetroBat installer – Prepare class for wheel detection (for future) – Remove usage of .cmd file for ZaccariaPinball and PinballFX3 – now fully managed via EmulatorLauncher – Prepare functionality to manage savestates for more standalone emulators (for future) – Update Reshade – code cleaning & refactoring – New logo --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Emulator/M.1707653145.A.84A.html
1F:推 if4: 谢谢分享 02/18 07:18

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