Emulator 板


NEW UPDATE VERSION DOWNLOAD - Street Fighter 89 The Final Fight v3.5 https://youtu.be/2ZTCiBnpf70
重大更新可玩版 Cody 和 Guy都差不多了,市长和其他人一些招式细节开发再等等 作者自己的示范 有跑步 翻滚 各连招 跳踢 抓人耗血(影片8:15处) 等 底下的留言讨论 我发现 前、前、上 有新飞踢 作者:还有超级招式(Cody&Guy)抓住敌人 下、上+特殊攻击键 (游戏招式说明画面还没完成 Guy希望做成忍者风格) 下载 除官方论坛,还有人帮忙放免费空间 https://www.speedallonlinegamessiteshere.com/final-fight-new21/sf89ff 1. Tera box空间 或是 3. 点入 等待绿色(作者希望帮忙订阅 要执行这步骤 绿色)下载连结就解锁 About the new version =================== This is a big update, apart from making many improvements and bug fixes, this time I'm also focused on new animation for Cody and Guy. This update bring new mechanics to the game, adding a bit of a modern twist. What's new in v3.5: ============== 1. Fixed obstacle animation 2. New Industrial Fire trap 3. Fixed drumcans fall animation 4. Added Subway Backalley lighting background 5. Added West Area Crowds animation 6. Update Slum basement and Subway Stadium lighting 7. Added Ninja House stage [Unfinished] by @don vecta 8. New Select Players [added color palette option] Thanks to Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition 9. Fixed Timer Bug in Time Attack Stage Credits to @Kratus 10.Update Timer in all arcade stages Credits to @Bloodbane 11.Fixed Haggar air grab [Pending for next release] 12.Maki Genryusai running animation by @NED [Pending for next release] 13.Update Bonus Stages [now player can perform new animation and run] 14.Update background at Bridge Stages 15.Added 1up items 16.Fixed player 2 lives count Thanks to @maxman 17.Added Charge Attack animation Credits to @Kratus 18.Added Air grab animation Credits to @Kratus 19.Added Andore Escape grab button [Test] 20.Added juggling attack mechanics (air combos, new grabs, freespecial command and cancels) 21.Update Cody and Guy voices [Test] 22.Update new Fall,Pain and Bounce to all enemies and Bosses 23.Added barrel trick [subway train stage] Credits to @Bloodbane 24.Update first stage background by @don vecta 25.Coney Island new stage by @don vecta [Pending for next release] 26.Lots of bugfix and improvements (update Guy walk, damnd wall fixed, fixing andore target grab, update enemy walks etc) 27.Added Cody and Guy Super Moves [cost health] 28.Added bouncing weapons foods and points when spawn Credits to @apescott 29.Update End Credits, loading, hiscore, logo and introduction video, sunset BG by @don vecta 30.Added new Dodge Animation Thanks to @DCurrent 31.Tons of new animation for Cody and Guy [Run anim Credits to @NED and @dixin2888 ] Credits: @Bloodbane , @Kratus , @danno , @don vecta , @NED , @ELECTRO , @dixin2888 Thanks: @O Ilusionista , @apescott, @maxman , @White Dragon, @msmalik681 , @Don Drago, @jiam I am always grateful for the support of all my friends here always keeps me motivated. I can't mention you all but some will appear in the end credits -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Emulator/M.1702998449.A.799.html
1F:→ BadGame: 这版本 Android 上也可以使用 12/19 23:13
2F:→ BadGame: 另外更厉害的作者 Mr.Q 的版本 Fight Forever 开发中.. 12/19 23:16
3F:→ BadGame: https://tinyurl.com/yj8snhka 推特示范 12/19 23:21

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