Drum 板


http://www.facebook.com/pages/MOJO-DRUM-GROOVING-GALLERY/183526625031223 Some Tips Toward More Effective Practice 有效练习的撇步 By Mike Myers MODERN DRUMMER, JULY 1988 At one time or another, we've all heard that ageless expression: "Practice makes perfect." But does it really? If so, why do some drummers practice almost endlessly, only to achieve limited results, while others practice a minimum amount of time and advance rapidly? 我们大概都曾听过这样亘古不变的说法:「练习造就完美」。但,果真如此吗?如果是这 样,为什麽有些鼓手几乎是无穷无尽地练习,只得到很有限的成果,而有些人花最少的时 间,却进步神速? Setting aside natural-born musical abilities, the answer lies in individual practice methods. There are almost as many different practice methods as there are drummers. Some practice routines are conducive to improvement, while others actually restrict it. Practicing just for the sake of practicing cannot ensure progress, and neither can poorly organized, occasional practice. 撇开音乐天份不谈的话,这个问题关键就在於个人练习的方法。这世界上有多少鼓手,大 概就有多少不同的练习方式。有些练习模式会导引进步,但有些事实上是限制了进步。光 是为了练习而练习,或者是杂乱无章、偶尔为之的练习方式,都无法确保进步。 Since practice methods vary significantly from person to person, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prescribe a "correct" way to practice. However, there are some successful practice methods that I have observed and also recommended as a teacher, which bear offering in an attempt to make your practice time more beneficial. 既然练习方式因人而异,那麽要描述一个「正确」的练习方式,如果不是不可能,也至少 是很困难的事情。不过,有一些成功的练习方法,是我观察到、且会以老师的身分推荐的 ,它们能够让你的练习时间更加有益处。 1. Locate a practice space. The first procedure should be the location of a suitable practice facility. Where it is located is not really important. (I have practiced in bedrooms, bandhalls, practice rooms, and even a storage closet in an unused corner or a church.) The important thing is to make sure that the area has adequate lighting and ventilation, and can be securely locked. Places where equipment can be left for extended periods of time usually work best. 1. 固定一个练习的空间。第一步是把适当的练习器材就定位。地点在哪里并不太重要(我 在卧室、大礼堂、练团室、甚至是在教堂闲置空间一角的储藏柜里都练习过)。重点是要 确认该场所有充足的照明和通风,而且可以牢牢锁上。能够让器材留在原地、方便长期练 习的地点,通常最有利。 Next, check with everyone within earshot of your practice area. Make sure it is okay with them if you practice, and agree on what hours of the day it will be tolerated. A method I always use is to approach neighbors, friends, etc., explain that I am going to be practicing drums nearby, and promise not to practice past 10:00 P.M. I also ask them to call if the practicing ever becomes too loud. (So far, no one ever has.) 接下来,向你练习时声音所及范围里的每个人确认他们能够接受你的练习,以及所能够容 忍的每日练习时数。我总是用这个方法:跑去找邻居朋友(或之类的人),向他们解释我打 算在附近练习,并承诺过了晚上十点就不会练习。我也请他们在练习音量太大的时候来电 提醒。(目前为止,没人拨过电话。) 2. Plan practice sessions in advance. Planning is one of the most crucial elements of effective practice. An enormous amount of practice time is often wasted due to poor planning and organization. A person who boasts of practicing an hour a day may in fact be wasting as much as 30 minutes sorting through materials and deciding what to work on, or playing over material that is already mastered. Know what you want to accomplish before each practice session. Simply going in to the drums thinking that you will become better just because you are practicing anything won't do. 2. 事先计画好练习的时程。计画,是有效练习的要素之一。有一大堆时间常常是被乏善 可陈的计画和组织给浪费掉的。一个号称每天都练一小时的人,可能浪费了30分钟在挑选 要练的材料,或是演奏他已经精通了的东西。在每段练习前就要先知道你要完成什麽目标 。如果仅仅是坐到鼓前面,然後想着你有练习就会有进步,是没有用的。 3. Long-range/short-range goals. Plan long-range as well as short-range goals. Long-range goals are self-set goals for six months or a year from now, such as "I want to be able to play a good samba groove" Short-range goals are for today, like "I am going to learn samba exercises 1 to 10 on page 30." Map out beforehand realistic/obtainable long-range and short-range practice goals, and set out to achieve them. 3. 设定长程和短程目标。长程目标是半年或一年左右的自设目标,例如「我想要能够把 森巴律动演奏好」。短程目标是为今日而设,例如「我要把第30页的森巴练习1到10学起 来」。事先规划好实际的/可达的长程和短程练习目标,然後努力达成。 4. Set up a specific practice order. If a specific practice order is followed from day to day, practice time will become more beneficial. The key is to make the best use of available time in order to produce the maximum results. Having a specific practice order that is regularly followed gives an organizational structure to practice and leaves less to chance. This is not to say that you may not want to vary your order from time to time, in order to give extra attention to a certain area. But planning a regular daily practice routine will be a step in the direction of more effective practice. Here are my suggestions, along with a possible time allotment for each. 4. 建立特定的练习顺序。如果每天遵循一个特定的练习顺序,练习时间将会越来越有效 。关键在於,好好运用可用的时间去产生最大效果。遵循一个特定练习顺序能够赋予练习 一个组织架构,而减少碰运气的成份。这并不是在说你不能改变这个秩序,好去关注一些 特定的领域;但是,做一个日常练习流程的计画,会是迈向更有效练习的第一步。以下是 我的建议顺序,还有每部份可能的时间分配: A. Warm up (five to 30 minutes). Warm hands up by practicing rolls, technical exercises, scales, rudiments, etc. This prepares the hands as well as the mind for challenging material ahead. Be cautious, though, not to practice technique exercises blindly with no thought processes involved. Careful thought and evaluation should be given to technique each day, in order for improvement to take place. A. 暖身(5-30分钟)。用轮鼓、技巧练习、音阶、基本练习之类的东西来暖手。这是在让 身心都准备好接受後续练习材料的挑战。但,要小心,不要盲目地做技巧练习而没有思考 的过程。为了产生进步,应该要对每天的技巧部分加以谨慎的思考和评估。 B. Learn new music/correct problem spots (30 minutes to one hour). At this time, the mind and hands are the most alert. Use this time to learn new music and correct problem spots in old music. You can use this time for working out that fill-in during the bridge of the song that you folded on at the job last night, cleaning up the two seven-stroke rolls that are always sloppy, learning the notes of the run on the third page of the mallet solo, getting the tuning changes worked out that take place between movements of the timpani solo, etc. Have specific goals in mind that are determined before beginning to practice. B. 学习新的音乐,或是修正有问题的地方(30-60分钟)。在这段时间,手和脑最为警醒。 利用这段时间去弄清楚你昨晚搞砸的桥接过门、厘清那两个总是不对劲的7-stroke rolls 、把第三页的独奏的槌法学起来、把定音鼓solo动机之间的转调搞定,诸如此类。在开始 练习前,就要在脑中决定好清楚的特定目标。 Many times, this is the most frustrating segment of practicing. It is often difficult to work on new or challenging music. But remember, Rome wasn"t built in a day, and neither was Gadd. Miracles can"t happen overnight, so be realistic. Don't attempt too much in one practice. Take big problems and break them down into a bunch of small problems. then convert them into your short-range goals, and attack them one at a time. It is much better to take a difficult measure and practice it again and again, until played perfectly, than to stop every time that measure is encountered and say, "I always have trouble with this part." 很多时候,这是练习当中最令人挫折的片段。练习新的或是有挑战性的音乐,通常是很困 难的。但是记住,罗马不是一天造成的,Gadd(Steve Gadd)也不是;奇蹟不会一夜发生, 所以实际一点吧。不要企图在一次练习里处理太多东西。把大问题分解成几堆小问题。不 断反覆练习困难的小节,直到能够完美演奏;这比起每次遇到同个小节就停下来说「我在 这部分总是有问题」,要来得好太多了。 C. Take a break (five minutes). During practice sessions longer than an hour, take a short break. After an intense practice, you will need one! Let the mind relax a bit and refresh for what is ahead. After a break, the mind is clearer and can function more efficiently. Long practice sessions go more smoothly if interspersed with regular short breaks. C. 休息(5分钟)。在超过1小时的练习时段中,稍事休息。在密集的练习後,你会需要的 !让大脑放松一下,恢复精神,才好继续後面的练习。休息过後,脑子会更清楚,而且运 作得更有效率。有间歇的规律休息,长时间练习会进行得更顺利。 D. Review learned material (ten minutes to one hour). Go back and play the piece that you have been correcting all the way through. Then, if desired, play other material that brings you personal pleasure. This can be music you learned last week or last month. The whole purpose of this practice segment is to reinforce concepts you've already learned. D. 复习已经学过的材料(10-60分钟)。回头去演奏那些你已经彻底修正过的片段。如果你 想要的话,接着演奏其他会让你感到开心的音乐,可以是你上周或上个月所学过的东西。 这个练习段落的目的,是为了强化你已经学过的观念。 E. Sight-read (ten to 30 minutes). Somewhere in the latter part of the practice session, it is a good idea to sharpen an important musical ability-the art of sightreading. The sight-reading potential is often the most underdeveloped musical ability we posses. It needs constant practice and refinement. Daily sight-reading practice will be very beneficial. E. 视谱(10-30分钟)。在练习的後段,加强视谱这个重要的音乐能力是个不错的点子。视 谱的潜能通常是我们所拥有的音乐能力当中,最少被开发的;它需要持续的练习和改善。 每天做视谱练习将会很有益。 Make sure to locate good literature to practice sight-reading. Don't choose material that is too difficult; it become discouraging and also will not carry over to actual situations. On the other hand, don't read music that is too easy, or the skill will not carry over to situations where actual sightreading is required. 要确保选择好的材料来练习视谱。不要选太难的,它会很让人泄气,而且也没办法实际持 续下去。另一方面,也不要用太简单的谱,否则你的技术会没办法满足实务上的视谱需求 。 5. Conclusion of practice. When concluding practice sessions, some people like to do physical exercises-as well as other playing exercises-which they call "warming down." Other people to immediately to the television. I like to reflect back over the session, and think about what I accomplished and where I still have to go. I will think about such things as: "The four problem measures at letter A are going much better today; I'm finally playing the correct rhythm in the last two measures; I'm understanding the song form much better now." 5. 练习的总结。要替整个练习做结尾时,有些人喜欢做些运动,或是演奏练习曲,他们 称之为「收操」。另外有些人立刻跑去看电视。我喜欢回想整个练习,然後思考我达成了 什麽、还要往哪里继续努力。我会想这类的事情:「A段那四个有问题的小节今天好多了 。我终於在最後两个小节打出正确的节奏;我现在对这首歌了解多了。」 While everything is still fresh, plan sort-range goals for tomorrow, such as, "I'm playing better fills on the rock chart, but tomorrow I will improve my time and polish the fills a bit more," or "Tomorrow I'm going to work out the second phrase at letter C that I didn't get today," etc. It's better to work out your goals when you have a chance to realistically monitor your progress. 当一切都还记忆犹新,计画一下明天的短程目标,例如「rock chart 上的过门我现在打 得比较好了,但明天我要改善我的拍子,然後要让过门再更好一点」,或是「明天我要把 今天没弄通的C段第二段给弄清楚」,之类的。在有机会还能很实际地监控你自己的进展 时,就来把你的目标想清楚,这样是比较好的。 6. Daily schedule. Every teacher recommends a different practice schedule. Some require seven days a week, while others may only require two or three. I personally recommend practicing a minimum of five days a week. You will find that the greatest progress will occur when you plan an individual practice schedule and stick with it, week after week. It will become a routine-part of your life! 6. 日课表。每个老师会推荐不同的练习课表。有的要求一周7天,有的只需要2或3天。我 个人推荐每周至少5天。你会发现最大的进步会发生在你规划好个人的练习课表并且每周 都严格遵守它。这会成为你生命的一部分日常惯例! Again, I must state that there are many good practice methods. I have only presented one approach, which has proven successful for myself and my students. Take some time, and concentrate on which method will work best for you. Then, plan out a personal practice schedule to produce the maximum results. 我要再说一次,有很多好的练习方法存在。我只呈现了一种对我和我的学生来说证实是成 功的方法。花一些时间,专注在对你最有效的方法上。然後,规划一份个人练习课表,去 产生最大的练习效果。 =========================================================================================================== 以上翻译 from 语言小天才兼歌唱小天后~~李南瓜 德筠 超级感谢 在杂志上看到的文章,po上来希望大家可以讨论交流 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 satofey:推一下! 06/18 13:56
2F:推 jacky2086:推 06/18 14:33
3F:推 scorpionju:谢谢阿明老师分享!! 赞啊~ 06/18 15:32
4F:推 frank729:阿明老师谢谢!!超实用! 06/18 16:06
5F:推 Mapex:这篇应该可以让大家用来练完每天鼓的进度後签到用 XDDDD 06/18 16:18
6F:推 jwj78116:对我来说第一点很难...因为要上鼓练都要跑好远... 06/18 16:21
7F:→ jwj78116:好想在家就可以练鼓啊!!!!!!!!!! 06/18 16:21
8F:推 free50280:好文推! 06/18 16:43
9F:推 ffej:这篇太棒了!!!!!!!! 06/18 17:03
10F:推 ZOTA15:推推推! 06/18 19:12
11F:推 airwaves06:好文阿! 06/18 21:56
12F:推 maasaa:推~~! 06/19 00:15
13F:推 STMIRROR:大推 06/19 09:36
14F:推 g0083gggg:大推 06/20 09:57
15F:推 pqpq3:赞啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 06/21 00:04
16F:推 vvv76225:推 06/25 23:54
17F:推 Steve28:相当棒的文章,感谢阿明老师翻译并分享,造福人群啊! 06/28 14:36
18F:推 master11360:大推!! 07/11 01:12

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