Dragons 板


我记得有贴过这位坎怪头的资料 发信人: [email protected] (Roswell), 信区: dragons 标 题: 是... 他吗? 发信站: 交大机械 BBS 站 (Sat Mar 16 15:16:04 2002) 转信站: cis_nctu!news.cis.nctu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!nctumenews!nctumebbs 这一期Baseball America杂志:我们自1990年开始,每年替美国职棒排年度百大新秀, 如果时光倒流,让我们从1950年开始排,每一年美国职棒的十大最佳新秀又会是谁呢? ... 西元1986年,年度十大新秀: 1. Jose Canseco, of, Athletics (21) 2. Sil Campusano, of, Blue Jays (19) <-----是... 他吗? 3. Juan Nieves, lhp, Brewers (21) 4. B.J. Surhoff, c, Brewers (21) 5. Cory Snyder, 3b, Indians (23) 6. Andres Galarraga, 1b, Expos (24) 7. Benito Santiago, c, Padres (21) 8. Will Clark, 1b, Giants (22) 9. Mark McGwire, 3b, Athletics (22) 10. Danny Tartabull, 2b, Mariners (23) ~~~~~~~~~~ Baseball America杂志,自1983年以来,即开始替美国职棒大联盟各球队排球队的年 度十大新秀,以下: 多伦多蓝鸟队1986年十大新秀: 1.Sil Campusano, of <-----是... 他吗? 2.Santiago Garcia, 2b 3.Steve Davis, lhp 4.Kelly Gruber, 3b 5.Mike Sharperson, 2b 6.Otis Green, of 7.Fred McGriff, 1b 8.Glenallen Hill, of 9.Norm Tonucci, 3b 10.Matt Stark, c 多伦多蓝鸟队1987年十大新秀: 1.Sil Campusano, of <-----是... 他吗? 2.Todd Stottlemyre, rhp 3.Santiago Garcia, 2b 4.Matt Stark, c 5.Jeff Musselman, lhp 6.Rob Ducey, of 7.Glenallen Hill, of 8.Nelson Liriano, 2b 9.Mike Sharperson, 2b 10.Earl Sanders, rhp 多伦多蓝鸟队1988年十大新秀: 1.Sil Campusano, of <-----是... 他吗? 2.Junior Felix, of 3.David Wells, lhp 4.Frank Cabrera, c 5.Alex Sanchez, rhp 6.Todd Stottlemyre , rhp 7.Steve Cummings, rhp 8.Kevin Batiste, of 9.Greg Myers, c 10.Mark Whiten, of ~~~~~~~~~~ Baseball Prospectus Transaction Analysis Aug.22-30, 2001 Toronto Blue Jays: Recalled CF-R Vernon Wells from Syracuse; optioned RHP Matt DeWitt to Syracuse. [8/26] The timing for this move is strange. While Vernon Wells is expected to be a big part of the Blue Jays' future, he did not hit that well at Syracuse this year, only .281/.333/.453 while getting caught stealing 11 times in 26 attempts, and that all translates to an Equivalent Average in the .220s, unacceptably low for a regular outfielder and dangerously down in Sil Campusano/Jose Herrera territory in the Jays' infamous outfield prospect Hall of Shame. Curse Raul Mondesi's big contract all you want, but that isn't good enough to force the lightest-hitting of the Jays outfielders (or DH Brad Fullmer) out of the lineup. Without first making a trade to clear a slot in the lineup, Wells needs to do better if he's going to earn a job. A deal with the Twins would have been handy, especially if it had brought in something the Jays don't have, say a third baseman like Michael Cuddyer. At least Buck Martinez seems to have accepted what seems like a bold bit of roster construction for him, in stepping back to 11 pitchers. ~~~~~~~~~~ 这些都是他吗? 好像长久尘封的回忆,突然被掀开... 他... 现在好吗? --
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